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Daniel Moll edited this page Jan 24, 2017 · 11 revisions

Add a dashboard

To add a dashboard for a product, click "ADD DASHBOARD" in the dashboard settings menu. You can define separate dashboards for your different types of performance tests to keep the results well organised.

The following information can be set:

  • Name: Short name
  • Description: Description of the test
  • Goal: Goal of the test, is set this will be displayed in the test run summary.
  • Enable/disable benchmarking: Enable if it makes sense to automagically benchmark test results for this dashboard, for instance for your nightly build test runs.
  • Include ramp up period in benchmarks: if enabled, the ramp up period of the test will be included when evaluating metrics during benchmarking.
  • Steady state reached after n (seconds): is used to set the starting point of determining the gradient (metric type = 'Gradient') of a regression line of a metric. (For instance to determine if JVM heap is growing during endurance test)
  • Trigger test runs from Jenkins: Enable to link the dashboard to a Jenkins job, so this job can be started/stopped via the Jenkins rest API. Use the "search" icon to select a job from the configured Jenkins host.

Dashboard menu

In the dashboard menu, found in the header before the selected dashboard name, the following items are available:

  • Edit dashboard: edit name, description and benchmark option.
  • Clone dashboard: clone dashboard as new dashboard for this product.
  • Manage tags: manage the tags used in the dashboard.
  • Delete dashboard
  • Create template from dashboard. See more in the Templates section
  • Add test run: can be used to add a test run manually. Seem more in the Test runs section

Dashboard overview

When a dashboard has been selected the dashboard overview is displayed. The three tabs in the lower part of the overview are described in detail in separate pages

Test runs

Metrics configuration


Dashboard header shortcuts

When a dashboard has been selected the following shortcuts are available in the application header:

Back to dashboard home

Go to live graphs for the dashboard

Go to dashboard trends