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Application sitemap and navigation manager module for Yii 2.0 Framework

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Yii2 Page Manager

Application sitemap and navigation manager module for Yii 2.0 Framework

⚠️ Breaking changes in 0.14.0 ⚠️

data structure and public properties are updated and query menu items from now on via domain_id


  • URL manager from codemix/yii2-localeurls configured in application
  • role based access control; auth_items for every module_controller_action


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require dmstr/yii2-pages-module "^0.14.0"

or add

"dmstr/yii2-pages-module": "^0.14.0"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Run migrations

./yii migrate \
    --disableLookup=1 \


Enable module in application configuration

'pages' => [
    'class' => 'dmstr\modules\pages\Module',
    'layout' => '@admin-views/layouts/main',
    'availableRoutes' => [
        '/site/index' => '/site/index',

Use settings module to configure additional controllers

  • Add one controller route per line to section pages, key availableRoutes


Navbar (eg. layouts/main)

find a root node / leave node

by domain_id i.e. root

$menuItems = \dmstr\modules\pages\models\Tree::getMenuItems('root');

use for example with bootstrap Navbar

    echo yii\bootstrap\Nav::widget(
            'options'         => ['class' => 'navbar-nav navbar-right'],
            'activateItems'   => false,
            'encodeLabels'    => false,
            'activateParents' => true,
            'items'           => Tree::getMenuItems('root'),


  • visit /pages to create a root-node for your current application language.
  • click the tree icon
  • enter name identifier (no spaces and special chars) as Domain ID and Menu name and save
  • create child node
  • assign name, title, language and route/view
  • save

Now you should be able to see the page in your Nav widget in the frontend of your application.


available since 0.12.0-beta1

👷 A workaround for creating anchor links is to define a route, like /en/mysite-2 in the settings module. On a node you can attach an anchor by using Advanced URL settings, with {'#':'myanchor'}.

It is recommended to create a new entry in Tree mode.



  • docker >=1.9.1
  • docker-compose >= 1.6.2

Codeception is run via "Potemkin"-Phundament.

cd tests

Start test stack

docker-compose up -d

Run a bash in the container

docker-compose run --rm phpfpm bash



Run the tests

$ YII_ENV=test codecept run unit,acceptance



Built by dmstr