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@dmulyalin dmulyalin released this 04 Dec 08:15
· 66 commits to master since this release


  1. nr.test now renders tests suites using SaltStack as opposed to using Jinja2 directly within TestsProcessor, that allows to have access to all SaltStack execution modules functions and have access to wider set of inventory data while generating tests suites
  2. Because of change 1 nr.test no longer supports wait_timeout features
  3. Because of change 1 test cli argument now only support Fx filters attributes everything else is ignored, Fx filters used in conjunction with subset argument to limit the set of tests to run on certain hosts. Instead, additional arguments provided on nr.test call are shared across all nr.cli calls for the tests:
salt nrp1 nr.test suite="salt://tests/suite1.txt" enable=True

enable=True shared across all suite tests.

  1. Removed support for netbox_tasks, as respective functionality removed from Nornir-Salt as well, the reason is - this could be replaced by nr.netbox execution module and netbox pillar module


  1. Execution module nr.test now has dry_run argument to return per-host rendered test suites content without running tests
  2. Execution module nr.test test suites rendered using SaltStack renreing system producing per-host test suites to run
  3. nr.netbox - added new function query to run any arbitrary graphql query to Netbox, that would allow to use any Netbox data in Jinja2 templates for renring of configuration or test suites
  4. Nornir-Salt TestsProcessor updated to do tests filtering and now supports subset argument
  5. Nornir-Salt TestsProcessor extended to support dictionary test suites keyed by host names
  6. Execution module nr.netbox and netbox pillar modules updated to use same query function from netbox_utils for interfaces and connection retrieval
  7. Execution module nr.netbox added get_interfaces query
  8. Execution module nr.netbox added get_connections query
  9. Salt-Nornir Netbox pillar added host_add_interfaces_inventory_items argument to retireve interface inventory items
  10. Salt-Nonir Netbox pillar added secret_name_map parameter to provide capability to record secret names in Nornir inventory.
  11. Salt-Nonir Netbox pillar netbox_secretsore added url_override parameter to customize secrets plugin url
  12. Execution module nr.netbox added update_config_context function to parse devices config and add it to configration context
  13. Execution module nr.netbox added update_vrf function to parse devices config and create/update VRF and RT in Netbox


  1. Fixed nr.workflow state handling of steps that did not match any hosts to make sure we not running that step but going to next one instead.