What's Changed
- Changing era to Run2022B by @jhonatanamado in #4706
- Add PPS ALCARECOs and PCL wf-s by @tvami in #4708
- Change CMSSW to CMSSW_12_3_7 by @jhonatanamado in #4711
- Increase HLTPhysics datasets in T0 config by @germanfgv in #4712
- Increase TaskArchiver delay to 24 hours (replays) by @jeyserma in #4715
- Replay with CMSSW_12_3_7_patch1 (now with correct run number) by @gpetruc in #4714
- Update to CMSSW_12_4_3 and New Era by @jhonatanamado in #4717
- Update configurations for CMSSW_12_4_3 by @francescobrivio in #4716
- Add AlCaPPS_Run3 scenario to T0 DB by @tvami in #4718
- Revert the use of AlCaLumiPixels_Run3 by @tvami in #4719
- Remove PPS SAMPIC PCL producer by @tvami in #4720
- Changed the event content for AlcaPPS from FEVT to ALCARECO by @jeyserma in #4721
- Update PDs and skims for Run-3 by @tvami in #4722
- Update Rucio metadata for T0 prod by @germanfgv in #4723
- Update repack job core splitting by @jeyserma in #4724
- Remove AlcaPPS Express by @jeyserma in #4725
- Use deployment ID as processing version by @germanfgv in #4705
- Change Production config to CMSSW_12_4_4 by @germanfgv in #4728
- Enable prompt for ParkingDoubleElectronLowMass* and Update ReplayConfig by @jhonatanamado in #4727
- Update configurations for new HLT menu v1.3 by @francescobrivio in #4730
- Fix configuration for ParkingSingleMuon* by @germanfgv in #4731
- Change CMSSW version to 12_4_5 by @germanfgv in #4734
- Whitelist T2_CH_CERN_HLT for more Parking* PDs by @germanfgv in #4736
- Add raise conditions when run/stream can't be configured by @jeyserma in #4729
- Change CMSSW version to 12_4_6 by @germanfgv in #4740
- Add AlCaPPS_Run3 to the patches file by @jhonatanamado in #4743
- Run2022D and data rebalancing by @jhonatanamado in #4741
- Change CMSSW version to 12_4_7 by @germanfgv in #4746
- Add SpecialHLTPhysics* datasets by @germanfgv in #4747
- Dropping phedex args by @jhonatanamado in #4679
- Change CMSSW version to 12_4_8 by @germanfgv in #4750
- Add the proper minRun by @jhonatanamado in #4751
- Change era to Run2022E and release to CMSSW_12_4_9 by @germanfgv in #4755
- Add missing physics skims to some PDs by @germanfgv in #4756
- Add missing skims to prod configuration by @germanfgv in #4758
- Update production node to use CMSSW_12_4_9_patch1 by @jhonatanamado in #4759
- Replay to test CMSSW_12_4_9_patch1 by @francescobrivio in #4757
- Add AlCaLumiPixelsCountsUngated dataset for VdM scans by @francescobrivio in #4760
- Enable Prompt for Ephemeral datasets by @germanfgv in #4761
- Change to new T0 release and update deployment tag by @jhonatanamado in #4762
New Contributors
- @gpetruc made their first contribution in #4714
- @francescobrivio made their first contribution in #4716
Full Changelog: 3.0.5...3.0.6