Releases: dmwm/T0
Releases · dmwm/T0
- Adding unit test for "Tier0Config" (#4899)
- Adding HIZeroBias datasets (#4900)
- Add processing version parameter to reco_config and express_config ta… (#4895)
- Production configuration change to CMSSW_13_2_6 (#4898)
- Replay configuration file for CMSSW_13_2_5_patch3 (#4891)
- Cmssw 13 2 5 patch3 deployment (#4894)
- Deploy CMSSW_13_2_5_patch3 (#4893)
- Cut AlCa producers from Forward, MinimumBias and RawPrime PDs (#4892)
- Processing version change due to HIForward scenario (#4890)
- Change of HI Production to CMSSW_13_2_5_patch2 (#4889)
- Fix aod_to_disk parameter in
- Production configuration change to CMSSW_13_2_5_patch1 (#4887)
- Additional splitting of HIMinimumBias (#4886)
- CMSSW_13_2_5_patch1 replay file (#4883)
- HIForward PDs split (#4885)
- New HIMinimumBias datasets (#4879)
- Add T1 sites to siteWhitelist (#4876)
- Sync HIReplay configuration with HI Production (#4881)
- Update event scenarios (#4880)
- Add logic to handle override catalog (#4862)
- Configuration for beginning of HI Run 2023 (#4875)
- Adds setInjectLimit() patch
- Remove NanoAOD from RAW' dataset (#4872)
- Add PDs for pp-Ref menu (#4870)
- Production configuration for CMSSW_13_2_3 (#4871)
- Replay limitation on lumisections (#4850)
- Processing version changed back to 1
- Production configuration for era Run2023E, CMSSW_13_2_2 (#4867)
- Add MuonShower to Production config (#4866)
- Adding issue template (#4864)
- Add SpecialZeroBias dataset to reco config in configuration files (#4855)
- 3.1.0 - - Merge pull request #4824 from LinaresToine/master - Merge branch 'dmwm:master' into master - Adding ParkingHH, ParkingLLP, and ParkingVBF* datasets (#4823) - Change to processing version 2 - Change to CMSSW_13_0_6 in - Merge branch 'dmwm:master' into master - Change to CMSSW_13_6 in - Update to prevent deployments on production nodes (#4819) - Fixed hostnames of replay nodes - Minor improvement on updated file - Update production Prompt GT to 130X_dataRun3_Prompt_v3 (#4820) - Update - Update - Update - Complete deploy_replay script - Fixed name error in command hostname - Modify to prevent wrong deployments on production machines - Production era change to Run2023C and release CMSSW_13_0_5_patch2 (#4815) - Update - Roll back era change after delays in delivery of 1200b beams - Production configuration change to CMSSW_13_0_5_patch1 (#4813) - Update acquisition Era to Era2023C (#4811) - add AlCaLumiPixelsCountsGated to the datasets (#4808) - include WMCore 11502 - Update of configuration for Era 2023B (#4807) - Add SpecialRandom PDs prod (#4805) - Removing unused datasets (#4799) - Production configuration change to CMSSW_13_0_3 (#4804) - Tier0 Configuration for stable beams at injection energy (#4802) - remove alcap0GlobalTag - Production configuration for CRAFT and new processing version (#4798) - Add disk subscription to MiniDAQ (#4797) - Update - Update - Fix Pylint sintax errors (#4796) - Update requirements.txt - Update - Production update to CMSSW_12_6_4. Adding FPIX LA PCL workflow (#4794) - Add overrides to storage.json CMSSW version - Replay testing CMSSW_12_6_3 for MWGR1 2023 (#4788) - Change T2_CH_CERN_HLT to T2_CH_CERN_P5 (#4790) - Set T2_CH_CERN_HLT in whitelist by default (#4787) - Setting Deep flag for production RucioInjector - Change production to CMSSW_12_4_11_patch1 (#4784)
- 3.0.8 - Add overrides to storage.json CMSSW version - Replay testing CMSSW_12_6_3 for MWGR1 2023 (#4788) - Change T2_CH_CERN_HLT to T2_CH_CERN_P5 (#4790) - Set T2_CH_CERN_HLT in whitelist by default (#4787) - Setting Deep flag for production RucioInjector - Change production to CMSSW_12_4_11_patch1 (#4784)
What's Changed
- Update patches file T0 3.0.6 by @jhonatanamado in #4763
- Keep ECAL and Lumi RAW on DISK by @tvami in #4764
- Extend express ALCARECOs lifetime on disk to 1 year by @francescobrivio in #4766
- Replay to test CMSSW_12_4_10 by @sarafiorendi in #4768
- Update production node to use CMSSW_12_4_10 by @jhonatanamado in #4769
- Change era to Run2022F by @germanfgv in #4767
- Add specifyStreams function by @gkfthddk in #4765
- Move HcalCalIsolatedBunchSelector from Commissioning to ZB PDs by @tvami in #4777
- Fix ErrorHandler's Max Fail time by @germanfgv in #4771
- Production configuration for Heavy Ion 2022 by @germanfgv in #4780
- Fix scenario and missing alca producers by @germanfgv in #4782
- Add AODtoDisk parameter to dataset config by @germanfgv in #4779
- Change acquisition era to Run2022G by @germanfgv in #4783
- Add SpecialHLTPhysics* [20-31] by @jhonatanamado in #4785
- Update deployment scripts and patches T0 3.0.7 by @jhonatanamado in #4786
New Contributors
- @sarafiorendi made their first contribution in #4768
- @gkfthddk made their first contribution in #4765
Full Changelog: 3.0.6...3.0.7
What's Changed
- Changing era to Run2022B by @jhonatanamado in #4706
- Add PPS ALCARECOs and PCL wf-s by @tvami in #4708
- Change CMSSW to CMSSW_12_3_7 by @jhonatanamado in #4711
- Increase HLTPhysics datasets in T0 config by @germanfgv in #4712
- Increase TaskArchiver delay to 24 hours (replays) by @jeyserma in #4715
- Replay with CMSSW_12_3_7_patch1 (now with correct run number) by @gpetruc in #4714
- Update to CMSSW_12_4_3 and New Era by @jhonatanamado in #4717
- Update configurations for CMSSW_12_4_3 by @francescobrivio in #4716
- Add AlCaPPS_Run3 scenario to T0 DB by @tvami in #4718
- Revert the use of AlCaLumiPixels_Run3 by @tvami in #4719
- Remove PPS SAMPIC PCL producer by @tvami in #4720
- Changed the event content for AlcaPPS from FEVT to ALCARECO by @jeyserma in #4721
- Update PDs and skims for Run-3 by @tvami in #4722
- Update Rucio metadata for T0 prod by @germanfgv in #4723
- Update repack job core splitting by @jeyserma in #4724
- Remove AlcaPPS Express by @jeyserma in #4725
- Use deployment ID as processing version by @germanfgv in #4705
- Change Production config to CMSSW_12_4_4 by @germanfgv in #4728
- Enable prompt for ParkingDoubleElectronLowMass* and Update ReplayConfig by @jhonatanamado in #4727
- Update configurations for new HLT menu v1.3 by @francescobrivio in #4730
- Fix configuration for ParkingSingleMuon* by @germanfgv in #4731
- Change CMSSW version to 12_4_5 by @germanfgv in #4734
- Whitelist T2_CH_CERN_HLT for more Parking* PDs by @germanfgv in #4736
- Add raise conditions when run/stream can't be configured by @jeyserma in #4729
- Change CMSSW version to 12_4_6 by @germanfgv in #4740
- Add AlCaPPS_Run3 to the patches file by @jhonatanamado in #4743
- Run2022D and data rebalancing by @jhonatanamado in #4741
- Change CMSSW version to 12_4_7 by @germanfgv in #4746
- Add SpecialHLTPhysics* datasets by @germanfgv in #4747
- Dropping phedex args by @jhonatanamado in #4679
- Change CMSSW version to 12_4_8 by @germanfgv in #4750
- Add the proper minRun by @jhonatanamado in #4751
- Change era to Run2022E and release to CMSSW_12_4_9 by @germanfgv in #4755
- Add missing physics skims to some PDs by @germanfgv in #4756
- Add missing skims to prod configuration by @germanfgv in #4758
- Update production node to use CMSSW_12_4_9_patch1 by @jhonatanamado in #4759
- Replay to test CMSSW_12_4_9_patch1 by @francescobrivio in #4757
- Add AlCaLumiPixelsCountsUngated dataset for VdM scans by @francescobrivio in #4760
- Enable Prompt for Ephemeral datasets by @germanfgv in #4761
- Change to new T0 release and update deployment tag by @jhonatanamado in #4762
New Contributors
- @gpetruc made their first contribution in #4714
- @francescobrivio made their first contribution in #4716
Full Changelog: 3.0.5...3.0.6
What's Changed
- Production configuration update to CMSSW_12_3_2 by @germanfgv in #4669
- Update deployment scripts by @jhonatanamado in #4670
- Update Initial subscriptions by @jhonatanamado in #4672
- Decrease priority for Replays by @jhonatanamado in #4671
- Update to CMSSW_12_3_2_patch1 by @jeyserma in #4675
- Replay configuration for CMSSW_12_3_2_patch1 by @germanfgv in #4676
- Production configuration for Run3 May collisions by @germanfgv in #4678
- Replay to test DoubleMuonLowMass PD by @malbouis in #4680
- Production configuration update to CMSSW_12_3_4_patch3 by @germanfgv in #4682
- Clean up deploy scripts and remove 0-retries error codes by @germanfgv in #4685
- Production upgrade to CMSSW_12_3_5 by @germanfgv in #4688
- Replay configuration for CMSSW_12_3_5_patch1 by @tvami in #4689
- Shorten unique wf name used on replays by @jhonatanamado in #4690
- Update production node to CMSSW_12_3_5_patch1 by @germanfgv in #4691
- Update GTs with PPS tag fix by @germanfgv in #4694
- Add retries to error code 99109 by @germanfgv in #4696
- Move ZeroBias0 PD PromptReco to HLT by @jeyserma in #4695
- Switch of AOD and RECO for AlCaLumiPixelsCountsPrompt by @tvami in #4699
- Dont write RECO for DoubleMuon PD by @tvami in #4700
- Change CMSSW to CMSSW_12_3_6 by @tvami in #4701
- Update HLT resources in deployment scripts by @jeyserma in #4697
- Update deployment scripts T0 3.0.5 by @jhonatanamado in #4703
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 3.0.4...3.0.5
What's Changed
- T0 Configuration for MWGR1 of 2022. by @germanfgv in #4645
- Add parameters to block-level rules by @jhonatanamado in #4643
- Configuration for CRAFT 2022 by @germanfgv in #4649
- Add cmsTalk instead of HN in the PR request template by @tvami in #4651
- Add
dqm sequence on ZeroBias dataset by @jhonatanamado in #4655 - Update T0 configuration to use CMSSW_12_2_3 by @jhonatanamado in #4658
- Upgrade T0 to CMSSW_12_2_3_patch1 by @jhonatanamado in #4660
- additional fix for condition upload by @jhonatanamado in #4611
- Add siteLocalConfig to LogCollect overrides by @germanfgv in #4636
- Production configuration for splashes April 2022 (CMSSW_12_3_0) by @germanfgv in #4663
- Add lifetime to dataset from ConfigFile by @jhonatanamado in #4642
- Add new scenarios for AlCa by @jhonatanamado in #4665
- Fix typo ALCALumiPixelsCountsPrompt by @jhonatanamado in #4666
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 3.0.3...3.0.4
- 3.0.0
- Merge pull request #4603 from jhonatanamado/py3v2 - Migrating T0 code from PY2 to PY3 - Merge pull request #4596 from germanfgv/sites - Merge pull request #4599 from dmwm/CRUZET_11_3_4 - Update production CMSSW release - Add sites configuration to easily switch storage sites - Merge pull request #4597 from jhonatanamado/Config_Streamv4 - ConfigurableStreamMemory - Merge pull request #4592 from dmwm/newAlCaProd - Updating Prod config with new Cosmics AlCa producers - Updating Replay config with new Cosmics AlCa producers - Merge pull request #4590 from jhonatanamado/Tunning-Jobs - Merge pull request #4582 from dmwm/condUpload - Merge pull request #4589 from dmwm/FixSiteOverride - Tunning LogCollect and CleanUp Jobs - Create a list of sites intead of modifying the dataset config - Merge pull request #4587 from dmwm/CRUZET_Prod - Update Offline config files for Cruzet 2021 - Raise expetion when unable to upload conditions to Dropbox - Merge pull request #4579 from dmwm/2021MWGR4_Replay - Replay configuration used in preparation for MWGR4 of 2021 - Merge pull request #4578 from dmwm/2021MWGR4_PROD - Production configuration for MWGR#4 of 2021 - Merge pull request #4566 from germanfgv/OverrideSiteConfig - Using WMWorkload.setStepEnvironmentVariables to override site config
- 2.2.1
- Merge pull request #4549 from mapellidario/master
- [build] Add requirements.txt
- Merge pull request #4546 from dmwm/fix-RunConfig-unittest
- Merge pull request #4544 from jhonatanamado/MWGR4_ProdConfig
- Change the configuration node for MWGR#4
- Clear DB after unit tests and new processing version for replays
- Fix Repack tests usage of MaxLatency
- Merge pull request #4536 from dmwm/2020MWGR3_Replay_335508_336349_336436
- Merge pull request #4535 from dmwm/ConfigMWGR3
- Update GTs to production version. Update
- Production configuration for MWGR3
- Add skip-file directive for
- now allows to specify replay type
- Update Tier0 version of deploy scripts
- Initial replay configuration for MWGR3 2020
- Remove bad pylint code
- Merge pull request #4531 from dmwm/container_config
- Base container configuration
- Add to configure PRs to test
- Replay configuration for run 334393 (MWGR0 2020)
- Replay configuration for run 32689 (collisionsHI2018)