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@mlin mlin released this 24 Jan 07:29

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  • glnexus_cli performance improvements:
    • First pass over the gVCF data, to discover candidate alleles, begins while RocksDB is still reorganizing (compacting) its on-disk storage, improving system utilization and reducing peak memory usage (due to smaller caches used while compactions are running) (#199)
    • Parallelize the allele unifier algorithm (by contig) (#148)
  • glnexus_cli --dir /SOME/PATH overrides default $(pwd)/GLnexus.DB/ scratch directory (#142)
  • Define AC & AN INFO fields in output pVCF header; GLnexus itself doesn't generate these fields, but they may be added by bcftools post-processing steps in which case it's proper to have them defined in the header (and not harmful otherwise)
  • Fix a minor case of non-deterministic output (#176)
  • Bump dependency revisions

glnexus_cli docker image: