Welcome to 'League', my Codecademy ASP.NET Core capstone project! This project serves as a dynamic web application designed to showcase sports league data, including teams, players, and advanced sorting and filtering features.
League is a multi-page web application built using ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework, and LINQ. The app presents a comprehensive sports league display, complete with teams and players. Users can explore team details, and player information, and utilize advanced sorting and filtering options.
This project was developed as part of a capstone project for Codecademy's ASP.NET skill path, demonstrating proficiency in web development, database management, and creating interactive user experiences.
- Display sports league data including teams and players.
- Utilize Entity Framework for efficient data retrieval.
- Implement advanced sorting, filtering, and navigation features.
- Leverage ASP.NET Core's MVC pattern for building interactive web pages.
- Use session cookies for storing user preferences.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/dnmyers/League.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd league
- Install required packages:
dotnet restore
- Build and run the project:
dotnet run
- Access the app in your browser at http://localhost:5000.
The project follows the ASP.NET Core MVC pattern and is organized as follows:
- Pages/Teams: Contains Razor pages for displaying teams and team details.
- Pages/Players: Contains Razor pages for displaying players and player details.
- Data: Contains Entity Framework context and data models.
- wwwroot: Contains static assets such as images and CSS.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues and pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.