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A purescript FFI binding for OpenLayers v6.5. It is by no means near a complete binding but fulfills the need for the Swedish IoT Hub Prototype for Accessibility Case 3, see, for now. Please feel free to contribute to thie library!

Version 0.2 supports purescript 0.14.

OpenLayers uses a lot of object inheritance, optional record fields and fields having mutiple types when creating the objects. It has been solved in purescript by using type parameters, Union, and a pattern of constructuor records and unsafeCoerce. See below for more details.

Adding the library to your project

Add this to your package.dhall:

let additions = {
    openlayers =
    { dependencies =[ "console", "effect", "foreign", "functions", "maybe", "nullable", "psci-support"]
    , repo = ""
    , version = "v0.2.0"

Then install it with:

spago install openlayers


The majority of the documentation is already on the OpenLayers home page for javascript and in those cases where the FFI binding differs it is written in the purescript files as comments and can be generated from the repository with:

spago docs

Requirements to be able to build

You need to include Openlayers in the node environment to be able to run or pack the final output.

npm install ol

Patterns used by the FFI Mapping for OpenLayers

All javascript new functions in OpenLayers are mapped to a correspondign create function for each class. The case when the options parameter for the javascript new function can be omitted completely a create' function is added with no parameters.

These additional patterns have been used to map the OpenLayers library:


The following pattern is used to follow OpenLayers inheritance structure for the Openlayers FFI mapping:

foreign import data RawBaseLayer :: Type -> Type
foreign import data RawLayer :: Type

type BaseLayer a = RawBaseLayer a
type Layer = BaseLayer RawLayer

This is an example of a Layer that "inherits" BaseLayer and you can then use a Layer in every function that takes a BaseLayer a.

Optional record fields

The following pattern is used to support optional record fields within OpenLayers but still have a control of what fields are allowed within purescript:

type OptionalFields = (a::String, b::Boolean)

create :: forall l r . Union l r OptionalFields => Record l -> Effect Vector
create o = runFn1 createImpl (FFI.notNullOrUndefined o)
exports.createImpl = function (opt) {
    return function() {
        return new oll.Vector(opt);

This is an example of how a create function is mapped to the javascript new function that takes an options parameter with optional fields.

Record fields with multiple types

The following pattern is used to support record fields that can have multiple types within OpenLayers, this example has the field target as multiple types:

foreign import data Target :: Type

type OptionalFields = (element::Element, target::Target)

target::{asId::String->Target, asElement::Element->Target}
target = {asId:unsafeCoerce, asElement:unsafeCoerce}

create :: forall l r . Union l r OptionalFields => Record l -> Effect ...
create o = ...

and can then be used such as follows:

create { target: target.asId "<your elementid as a string>"}