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Quick Reference
Table of content
- Inserting an entity
- Inserting an entity as JSON
- Updating all non-null fields for an entity
- Updating a property for an entity using JSON
- Deleting an entity
- Deleting a property for an entity
- Finding entities with clustering columns
- Indexed queries
- Raw queries
- Iterating through a large set of entities
- Deleting entities with clustering columns
- Mapping UDT
- Accessing Meta Classes for Encoding/Decoding functions
- Asynchronous execution
- Getting the ExecutionInfo back
- Working with consistency level
- Working with TTL
- Working with Timestamp
- Working with Lightweight Transaction
- Using counter type
- Using materialized views
- Mapping functions
- Achilles as a simple object mapper
- Injecting schema name at runtime
- Showing DDL logs
- Showing DML statements
- Using the SchemaGenerator
Let's consider the following entity for all the below examples:
public class User
private Long userId;
private String firstname;
private String lastname;
public User(){}
public User(Long userId, String firstname, String lastname){...}
//Getters & Setters
.insert(new User(10L,"John","DOE"))
feature available only from Cassandra 2.2.x and after
.insertJSON("{\"userid\": 10, \"firstname\": \"John\", \"lastname\": \"DOE\"}")
## Updating a property for an entity
feature available only from Cassandra 2.2.x and after
User user = new User(10L, null, null);
feature available only from Cassandra 2.2.x and after
Do not forget that in CQL semantics setting a column to null means deleting it
For all examples in this section, let's consider the following clustered entity representing a tweet line
@Table(table = "lines")
public class TweetLine
private Long userId;
private LineType type;
@ClusteringColumn(value = 2, asc = false) // Sort by descending order
@TimeUUID //Time uuid type in Cassandra
private UUID tweetId;
private String content;
//Getters & Setters
public static enum LineType
Get the last 10 tweets from timeline, starting from tweet with lastUUID
// Generate SELECT * FROM lines WHERE user_id = ? AND (type, tweet_id) < (?,?) AND type >= ?
List<TweetLine> tweets = manager
.type_And_tweetId().type_And_tweetId_Lt_And_type_Gte(LineType.TIMELINE, lastUUID, LineType.TIMELINE)
public class User {
private UUID user_id;
private int age;
public class User {
private UUID user_id;
@SASI(indexMode = IndexMode.CONTAINS, analyzed = true, analyzerClass = Analyzer.NON_TOKENIZING_ANALYZER, normalization = Normalization.LOWERCASE)
private String name;
@SASI(indexMode = IndexMode.PREFIX, analyzed = false)
private String country:
private int age;
.indexed_age().Gte_And_Lte(25, 35)
public class User {
private UUID user_id;
@DSE_Search(fullTextSearchEnabled = true)
private String name;
private String country:
private int age;
//Standard usage
.search_on_age().Gte_And_Lte(25, 35)
//Raw Predicate
//Raw Solr query with OR predicate
.rawSolrQuery("(name:*John* OR login:jdoe*) AND age:[25 TO 35]")
Native query using the RAW API
final Statement statement = session.newSimpleStatement("SELECT firstname,lastname FROM user LIMIT :lim");
List<TypedMap> rows = userManager
.nativeQuery(statement, 100)
for(TypedMap row : rows)
String firstname = row.getTyped("firstname");
String lastname = row.getTyped("lastname");
Typed query using the RAW API
final Statement statement = session.newSimpleStatement("SELECT firstname,lastname FROM user LIMIT :lim");
List<User> users = userManager
.typedQueryForSelect(statement, 100)
for(User user : user)
Fetch all timeline tweets by batch of 100 tweets
Iterator<TweetLine> iterator = manager
.type_And_tweetId().type_And_tweetId_Lt_And_type_Gte(LineType.TIMELINE, lastUUID, LineType.TIMELINE)
.withFetchSize(100) // Fetch Size = 100 for each page
TweetLine timelineTweet = iterator.next();
// Generate DELETE * FROM lines WHERE user_id = ? AND tpe = ?
Deleting the whole partition using the CRUD API
// Generate DELETE * FROM lines WHERE user_id = ?
To declare a JavaBean as UDT
@UDT(keyspace = "...", name = "user_udt")
public class UserUDT
private Long userId;
private String firstname;
private String lastname;
//Getters & Setters
Then you can re-use the UDT in another entity
public class Tweet
private UUID id
private String content;
private UserUDT author;
//Getters & Setters
Please notice that the
annotation is mandatory for UDT. Unfrozen UDT is only available for Cassandra 3.6 and after
Achilles annotation processor will generate, for each entity:
- An
class - An
The EntityClassName_AchillesMeta
class provides the following methods for encoding/decoding:
public T createEntityFrom(Row row)
: self-explanatory -
public ConsistencyLevel readConsistency(Optional<ConsistencyLevel> runtimeConsistency)
: retrieve read consistency from runtime value, static configuration and default consistency configuration in Achilles -
public ConsistencyLevel writeConsistency(Optional<ConsistencyLevel> runtimeConsistency)
: retrieve write consistency from runtime value, static configuration and default consistency configuration in Achilles -
public ConsistencyLevel serialConsistency(Optional<ConsistencyLevel> runtimeConsistency)
: retrieve serial consistency from runtime value, static configuration and default consistency configuration in Achilles -
public InsertStrategy insertStrategy()
: determine insert strategy using static annotation and Achilles global configuration -
public void triggerInterceptorsForEvent(Event event, T instance)
: trigger all registered interceptors for this entity type on the provided instance, given the event type
Each meta class contains a public static
field for each property. For example, given the following entity:
public static User {
private Long userId;
private String firstname;
private String lastname;
private Set<String> favoriteTags;
The User_AchillesMeta
class will expose the following static property metas:
Each property meta class will expose:
public VALUETO encodeFromJava(VALUEFROM javaValue)
: encode the given Java value into CQL-compatible value using the Codec System -
public VALUEFROM decodeFromGettable(GettableData gettableData)
: decode the value of the current property from theGettableData
object. TheGettableData
is the common interface forcom.datastax.driver.core.Row
Asynchronous for the CRUD API
final CompletableFuture<Empty> futureInsert = userManager
.insert(new User(...))
final CompletableFuture<User> futureUser = userManager
final CompletableFuture<Empty> futureDelete = userManager
Note: Empty is a singleton enum to avoid returning a CompletableFuture of null
Asynchronous for the DSL API
final CompletableFuture<List<TweetLine>> futureTweets = tweetManager
final CompletableFuture<Empty> futureUpdate = userManager
.lastname_Set("new lastname")
final CompletableFuture<Empty> futureDelete = tweetManager
Asynchronous for the RAW API
final Statement statement = session.newSimpleStatement("SELECT firstname,lastname FROM user LIMIT :lim");
CompletableFuture<List<TypedMap>> futureTypedMaps = userManager
.nativeQuery(statement, 100)
CompletableFuture<List<User>> futureUsers = userManager
.typedQueryForSelect(statement, 100)
For the CRUD API
final ExecutionInfo executionInfo = userManager
.insert(new User(...))
final ExecutionInfo executionInfo = userManager
final Tuple2<User, ExecutionInfo> resultWithExecInfo = userManager
For the DSL API
final Tuple2<List<TweetLine>, ExecutionInfo> tweetsWithStats = tweetManager
final ExecutionInfo executionInfo = userManager
.lastname_Set("new lastname")
final ExecutionInfo executionInfo = tweetManager
For the RAW API
final Statement statement = session.newSimpleStatement("SELECT firstname,lastname FROM user LIMIT :lim");
Tuple2<List<TypedMap>, ExecutionInfo> typedMapsWithStats = userManager
.nativeQuery(statement, 100)
Tuple2<List<User>, ExecutionInfo> usersWithStats = userManager
.typedQueryForSelect(statement, 100)
@Consistency(read=ConsistencyLevel.ONE, write=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, serial = ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL)
public class User
.withDefaultWriteConsistencyMap(ImmutableMap.of("simple", ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE,"entity_static_annotations", ConsistencyLevel.TWO))
For more details, see [Consistency settings priority] (https://github.com/doanduyhai/Achilles/wiki/Consistency-Level#settings-priority)
public class User
.usingTimestamp(new Date().getTime())
.usingTimestamp(new Date().getTime())
.usingTimestamp(new Date().getTime())
.usingTimestamp(new Date().getTime())
.firstName().Set("new firstname")
To have tighter control on LWT updates, inserts or deletes, Achilles lets you inject a listener for LWT operations result.
LWTResultListener lwtListener = new LWTResultListener() {
public void onSuccess() {
// Do something on success
// Default method does NOTHING
public void onError(LWTResult lwtResult) {
//Get type of LWT operation that fails
LWTResult.Operation operation = lwtResult.operation();
// Print out current values
TypedMap currentValues = lwtResult.currentValues();
for(Entry<String,Object> entry: currentValues.entrySet()) {
System.out.println(String.format("%s = %s",entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
.insert(new User(...))
.insert(new User(...))
.withLWTResultListener(lwtResult -> logger.error("Error : " + lwtResult))
@Table(table = "retweet_count")
public class Retweets {
private Long userId;
private LineType type;
@ClusteringColumn(value = 2, asc = false)
private UUID tweetId;
private Long directRetweets;
private Long totlRetweets;
//Getters & Setters
Once the entity mapping is defined the CRUD API for counter tables
is restricted to deleteById()
and deleteByPartitionKeys()
methods (no insert()
feature only available from Cassandra 3.0.X and after
To declare a materialized view, use the @MaterializedView annotation:
@MaterializedView(baseEntity = EntitySensor.class, view = "sensor_by_type")
public class ViewSensorByType {
private SensorType type;
private Long sensorId;
private Long date;
private Double value;
//Getters & setters
@Table(table = "sensor")
public class EntitySensor {
private Long sensorId;
private Long date;
private SensorType type;
private Double value;
//Getters & setters
The view should reference a base table using the attribute baseEntity
. It should also re-use the same
columns that belong to the base table primary key, possibly in a different order.
Achilles will generate only SELECT APIs for those views, UPDATE and DELETE operations are not possible.
See Materialized View Mapping for more details
feature only available from Cassandra 2.2.X and after
You can declare the signature of your functions in a class/interface so that Achilles can generate type-safe API for you to be able to invoke them in the Select DSL API.
For this, use the @FunctionRegistry
For more details, see Functions Mapping
public interface MyFunctionRegistry {
Long convertToLong(String longValue);
Please note that you'll need to declare your user-defined function by yourself with Cassandra, Achilles only takes care of the function signature for the code generation, not the function declaration.
You can use the Manager object for simple object mapping
// Execution of custom query
Row row = session.execute(...).one();
User user = userManager.mapFromRow(row);
You can retrieve the native Session and Cluster object from the Manager
Session session = userManager.getNativeSession();
Cluster cluster = userManager.getNativeCluster();
Generating com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement
BoundStatement bs = userManager
BoundStatement bs = userManager
Generating query string
String statement = userManager
String statement = userManager
Extract raw bound values
List<Object> boundValues = userManager
List<Object> boundValues = userManager
Extract encoded bound values. The encoding relies on Achilles Codec System
List<Object> encodedBoundValues = userManager
List<Object> encodedBoundValues = userManager
Normally you define the keyspace/table name statically using the @Table
However, in a multi-tenant environment, the keyspace/table name is not known ahead of time but only
during runtime. For this, Achilles defines an interface SchemaNameProvider
public interface SchemaNameProvider {
* Provide keyspace name for entity class
<T> String keyspaceFor(Class<T> entityClass);
* Provide table name for entity class
<T> String tableNameFor(Class<T> entityClass);
You can implement this interface and inject the schema name provider at runtime. Both CRUD API and DSL API accept dynamic binding of schema name:
final SchemaNameProvider dynamicProvider = ...;
Sometime it is nice to let Achilles generate for you the CREATE TABLE
script. To do that:
- Set up unit test using Achilles JUnit test resource
- Activate the DDL logging by setting DEBUG level on the logger
<logger name="ACHILLES_DDL_SCRIPT">
<level value="DEBUG" />
It is possible to display DML statements at runtime. You can:
- either set the logger
level to DEBUG. It will display DML statements for all managed entities .Example:<logger name="ACHILLES_DML_STATEMENT"> <level value="DEBUG" /> </logger>
- or set your own entity logger level to DEBUG. In this case only DML queries executed against your entity will be displayde
<logger name="com.project.test.MyEntity"> <level value="DEBUG" /> </logger>
By default Achilles will display the first 10 returned rows in the log if ACHILLES_DML_STATEMENT
logger or your entity logger is debug-enabled.
To configure the max returned rows, you can either:
- use
when configuring Achilles - use
at runtime - use
at runtime - use
at runtime
Please note that there is a hard-coded limit of 100 rows so if you provide a greater value it will be capped to 100 and floor to 0 (e.g. disable returned results display)
Achilles provides a module achilles-schema-generator
to help you generate
CQL schema scripts for your entities. More details here
Bootstraping Achilles at runtime
- Runtime Configuration Parameters
Consistency Level
Cassandra Options at runtime
Lightweight Transaction (LWT)
JSON Serialization
Bean Validation (JSR-303)