Here you can see some of my network, based on ffhq one. Use them as you please. Links are in the json file.
In order to make a dataset, I downloaded the whole instagram of Ilia Kuvshinov with instaloader and, using some automation pull out all the faces.
For some project, I needed an average Japanese idol likeness, so I fetched some sites with said people, aligned and cropped the faces (basically everywhere you see a face, I used this step unless explicitly stated I'm not, so I will omit to mention it)
Honestly, I just wanted to see if it can be done, but this and two following networks can be used for lowering an unrepresentative bias in human face datasets. Basically, I used FairFace to filter what I wanted.
The same as previous
The same as previous
Like the asian heritage one this can be used to lower age bias in dataset.
The same as previous
Just corgi, as simple as that.
Cats faces, sometimes distorted, but it's on dataset (wich's made by me too)
This is the first attempt to make a network to generate Ilia Kuvshinov's art. In this particular instance, I manually filter what I think is suitable for this network to learn on.
Some fun little project about a particular webcomic.
Wanting something surrealistic I used the Archillect instagram as a source for the dataset. I downloaded it whole and padded all images to a square.
A subset of the archillect network. I trained the previous network on a dump of the /r/LiminalSpace subreddit.
Nightmarish failed experiment, for some reason, I tried to use a raw dataset of random frames from k-pop videos. Don't ask why.