JRC Test script computes max average temperature over timesteps
Uses dataset
from the repository https://github.com/ec-jrc/lisflood-lisvap/tree/master/tests/data/input/glofas. -
Computes the maximum of the average temperature (ta) for each cell for the input period.
Writes the output as a map using https://unidata.github.io/python-training/workshop/Bonus/netcdf-writing/
Makes unit tests to verify the solution
JRCTest requires python package netCDF4
Data dir:
Dataset should be dowloaded into data
folder. In this repository you will already find ta.nc
file downloaded on April 15th 2021.
Output file will be stored in the same folder and named max_ta.nc
python JRCTest.py
Unit tests:
Unit test is already set up to run after the output generation. To run unit tests on already generated output use the command:
python -m unittest -v JRCTest.py
Unit test will check correctness of computation of the max values as well as latitude and longitude values of the output file. Other 3 slower tests are included to check every single value to be less or equal to the max value. To enable them just remove @unittest.skip(...)
from the script.