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A Simple, Fast, and Dynamic Blockchain Service Deployment Solution with a website-featured platform designed to simulate carbon flow through transactions between users on blockchain.


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BISCE: A Simple, Fast, and Dynamic Blockchain Service Deployment Solution



Warning: Do not use this project in production purposes.

This repository contains the source code of a web-based platform called "Blockchain-based Inventory of Scope-3 Carbon Emissions". The platform is designed to simulate carbon transactions between users on the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. It has a React frontend and a Django backend and allows users to interact with an ERC-20 smart contract deployed on chain.

This project is still under development, and we welcome any suggestions for improvement. Your feedback is valuable, and we appreciate your contribution to the project's development.

If you want to understand more detail and also happen to be able to read in traditional Chinese, you can check out the powerpoint here. Nevertheless, you can get most of the information about how to set up this project in the following description.

Video list about BISCE


The only environment used in experiments is Ubuntu 20.04. Any problem caused by trying to set this up in different environments is unknown.


  • git

  • curl

  • Docker

  • Docker-compose

  • python3.9

  • python3.9 venv

  • jq

    You can install all of these by the following comments on Ubuntu:

    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install git curl docker-compose python3.9 python3.9-venv jq -y
    $ sudo systemctl start docker
    $ sudo usermod -a -G docker <username>
    $ sudo systemctl enable docker

    Otherwise, you should check their docs to make sure how to install them in your system properly.

  • npm

    The npm version should not be too old, or it may cause bugs. (Specific version is unknown.)

  • tar

  • go


  1. Go to the directory you want to install this.

  2. Clone this repository:

    $ git clone

Now you're ready to set this up.

Get Started

As you might notice, the directory structure can be splitted into three main parts:

  1. blockchain
  2. backend
  3. frontend

This is the exact order you should follow to build up the project. Consequences of any other order are unknown.

Before we get into it, you should consider that you want to be a channel joiner or creater. That is, the following steps will be different from your identity. Because currently the multi-channel network is not supported yet, your organization cannot be a channel joiner and creater at the same time.

If you're a channel creater, I assume that you should be the network creater at the same time. That means you should bring up an overlay network with Docker Swarm. You should get your network ip first and run

$ sudo docker swarm init --advertise-addr <your ip address>
$ sudo docker network create --attachable --driver overlay bisce-network

You shouldn't change the network name from "bisce-network".

If you want to let others join the network, please run

$ sudo docker swarm join-token manager

and give the output instructions to them.

If you're a joiner, follow the output from the above command run by the creater, with your own ip.

$ <output from join-token manager> --advertise-addr <your ip>


Go to the directory.

$ cd BISCE/blockchain

Run the initialization.

$ ./

It will ask your organization's name and hostname. Please remember them because we will use them later. Neither of them should be as same as others'.

The script should generate the config files that will be used later according to your input.

Set up the organization CA and containers.

$ ./

You may want to check what this has done by

$ sudo docker ps

If nothing wrong, you should have four containers running as your peer, orderer, couchdb (ledger), and ca.

If you're a creater, run

$ ./

After that, you may see a tarball called deliver.tar.gz, that will be the file you need to give to a joiner.

Please note that this tarball can only be used once. If you give it to two joiners, the later one will fail to join the channel.

The preferred way to invite third organization into the channel is use the second member's deliver directory as a tarball after it joined the channel.

The preferred way to invite forth organization into the channel is use the third member's deliver directory as a tarball after it joined the channel...and so on.

As a joiner, once you get deliver.tar.gz, you should place it under your BISCE/blockchain directory.

Then run

$ tar -zxvf deliver.tar.gz

You may notice that a directory named deliver has been created under the BISCE/blockchain directory. Run

$ cd deliver
$ chmod +x
$ ./

to create the channel config that includes your organzations.

After that, you may notice that there is a file named update_in_envelope.pb has been created, and you should give it to a organization that is already in the channel.

As a organization that is already in the channel, place the update_in_envelope.pb given by the joiners under the BISCE/blockchain directory and use

$ sudo docker exec -e CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/users/admin/msp $(sudo docker ps --filter "name=^peer0.*" --format "{{.Names}}") peer channel signconfigtx -f /etc/hyperledger/update_in_envelope.pb

to sign for the config, and use

$ sudo docker exec -e CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/users/admin/msp $(sudo docker ps --filter "name=^peer0.*" --format "{{.Names}}") peer channel update -f /etc/hyperledger/update_in_envelope.pb -c biscechannel1 -o $(sudo docker ps --filter "name=^orderer0.*" --format "{{.Names}}"):7050 --tls --cafile /etc/hyperledger/peers/peer0/tls/ca.crt

to update the channel to include the joinners once you're sure that more than half of members in the channel has signed for it.

Note: the peer channel signconfigtx command signs the config in place, which means that a joiner can't just deliver the updated config to all member in the channel and ask them to sign it and update the channel. It must give the updated config to one single member in the channel first, ask it to sign it gently, and ask it to give the config it signed to the next member to sign, and so on. Every time a member has signed the config, the update_in_envelope.pb will be different from what it originally was as it carrys all the signatures inside itself. No one can update the channel until a member gets the config and is sure that it contains signatures of half of members.

Once the joiners are sure that they are in the channel, run

$ ./

under the deliver diretory to let themselves in.

After that, you can use

$ cd ..
$ tar -zcvf deliver.tar.gz deliver

to make a tarball under BISCE/blockchain that you can deliver to next member who wants to join the channel. The original deliver.tar.gz won't make it because the config block in it isn't latest anymore.

The chaincode

As you can see there's a directory named chaincode under the blockchain directory. The chaincode inside will be installed when or are executed for channel creaters and joiners respectively. Nevertheless, the content inside the chaincode does not matter to the set up process, so you can change it as you like if you want to. However, the website set up later is specifically designed for the original chaincode, so once you change the content you should not use the website here anymore. Also, please remember to change every chaincode content of all members that is/will be in the channel once you change one. If a member's chaincode content is different from others', some conflicts might happen.

The chaincode here was designed while consulting ERC-20, ERC-1155, and High-Throughput Network farbic-samples. It makes it nearly impossible to encounter a MVCC CONFLICTs while using it. Please consult all these samples first if you want to contribute the chaincode.

It basically manages 2 tokens, a standard ERC-20 token and a Soulbound one. While using use and useFrom, you turn your own ERC-20 token to the recipient's Soulbound one. The reason why it was designed like that is detailed in the powerpoint mentioned in Overview.


All scripts in the BISCE/directory directory we use here are independent for the other parts of the project. That means you can use this to build your own Hyperledger Fabric network on multi-host.


All logs can be seen by

$ ./

If you encounter a tls problem, you may want to consult this.


Once the blockchain has been set up, you may consider set up the backend next.

Go to the directory.

$ cd ../backend

Set up the virtual environment.

$ python3.9 -m venv env
$ . env/bin/activate

Install the requirements.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the server.

$ python3.9 migrate
$ python3.9 runserver

Keep the shell process alive to keep it on, or you might consider use screen to run it in the background.

You can open another shell to set up frontend next.


Go to the directory.

$ cd ../frontend

Install the requirements.

$ npm install --force

Run the webpage.

$ npm start

Keep the shell process alive to keep it on, or you might consider use screen to run it in the background.

Now, go to http://<your ip>:3000 to see the website. You can sign up users there and login in to do transactions.


The current project is kind of buggy and isn't designed while considering security.

Therefore, as mentioned before, please do not use this in production purposes. The only purpose to use this is experiments and development.


The following is the improvements you may consider to contribute.

Happy hacking!


A Simple, Fast, and Dynamic Blockchain Service Deployment Solution with a website-featured platform designed to simulate carbon flow through transactions between users on blockchain.








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