Lets you make documentation for your REST API easier. New to DokuIn.js ? Take a look at the Tutorial and Guide
Make sure you have Node.js and NPM installed. Then you can install DokuIn.js in your machine globally with command
$ npm install -g dokuinjs
$ dokuin init
Project Name :
Project Description :
Project Base URL :
Author :
$ dokuin start
Please choose 1 command :
[x] Create new configuration
[ ] Create new endpoint list
[ ] Run endpoint list
[ ] Generate Markdown
[ ] Show endpoint list
[ ] Add new endpoint into endpoint list
[ ] Update an endpoint on the list
[ ] Delete endpoint in existing endpoint list
You can put your endpoints as many as you want.
[x] Create new endpoint list
[x] Show endpoint list
[x] Run endpoint list
[x] Generate Markdown
Voila your documentation is ready!
$ npm i -g dokuinjs
$ dokuin init
Project Name : netflux
Project Description : it is practice project restful api
Project Base URL : http://localhost:3000
Author : meggy
$ dokuin start
Please choose 1 command :
[ ] Create new configuration
[x] Create new endpoint list
[ ] Run endpoint list
[ ] Generate Markdown
[ ] Show endpoint list
[ ] Add new endpoint into endpoint list
[ ] Update an endpoint on the list
[ ] Delete endpoint in existing endpoint list
HTTP Method : get
Path: /products
Endpoint description : get all products
Add Headers ? (yes / no) yes
Key: token
Value: dok23uin42js52ist52di32e78be67ste
Add more headers ? (yes / no) no
Add Query Params ? (yes / no) yes
Key: id
Value: w8974e89is0oo
Add more query params ? (yes / no) no
Add Request Body ? (yes / no) no
Add more endpoints ? (yes / no) no
$ dokuin start
Please choose 1 command :
[ ] Create new configuration
[x] Create new endpoint list
[ ] Run endpoint list
[ ] Generate Markdown
[ ] Show endpoint list
[ ] Add new endpoint into endpoint list
[ ] Update an endpoint on the list
[ ] Delete endpoint in existing endpoint list
HTTP method: put
Path: /movies
Endpoint description: update one movie
Add Headers ? (yes / no): yes
Key: token
Value: dok23uin42js52ist52di32e78be67ste
Add more headers ? (yes / no) no
Add Query Params ? (yes / no) yes
Key: movieId
Value: w8974e89is0oo
Add more query params ? (yes / no) no
Add Request Body ? (yes / no) yes
Key: title
Value: dark
Key: genre
Value: adventure
Add more request body ? (yes / no) yes
Key: popularity
Value: 34.912
Add more request body ? (yes / no) no
Add more endpoints ? (yes / no) : no
$ dokuin start
Please choose 1 command :
[ ] Create new configuration
[x] Show endpoint list
|(index)| id | Method | Path | Description |
| 1 | 1 | GET | http://localhost:3000 | Get all movies |
| 2 | 2 | POST | http://localhost:3000/login | login |
$ dokuin start
Please choose 1 command :
[ ] Create new configuration
[x] Delete endpoint in existing endpoint list
|(index)| id | Method | Path | Description |
| 1 | 1 | GET | http://localhost:3000 | Get all movies |
| 2 | 2 | POST | http://localhost:3000/login | login |
Endpoint ID : 1
$ dokuin start
Please choose 1 command :
[ ] Create new configuration
[x] Add new endpoints into endpoint list
HTTP Method : post
Path: movies/
Add Headers ? (yes / no) no
Add Query Params ? (yes / no) no
Add Request Body ? (yes / no) yes
Key: email
Value: [email protected]
Add more Request Body ? (yes / no) yes
Key: password
Value: 12opw9d9s
Add more request body ? (yes / no) no
Add more endpoints ? (yes / no) no
$ dokuin start
Please choose 1 command :
[ ] Create new configuration
[x] Update an endpoint on the list
Which endpoint
[x] GET, http://localhost:3000
[ ] POST, http://localhost:3000/login
[ ] method
[ ] description
[ ] path
[ ] query
[x] body
Current Value
key: username, value: caeasaradam
value: <updated value>
More update ? (yes / no) yes
[x] GET, http://localhost:3000
[ ] POST, http://localhost:3000/login
Which key
[x] method
[ ] description
[ ] path
[ ] query
[ ] body
Current Value: GET
HTTP Method: <updated method>
More Update ? (yes / no) no
$ dokuin start
Please choose 1 command :
[ ] Create new configuration
[x] Run endpoints
$ dokuin start
Please choose 1 command :
[ ] Create new configuration
[x] Generate Markdown