If you already have nodejs & npm installed you can skip this section, but I wanted to include it here for thoroughness. Run the following commands to install nodejs and npm in order to run the pricefeed software:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_9.x | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Clone the project repo into the "pricefeed" directory and install using NPM:
$ git clone https://github.com/MattyIce/pricefeed.git pricefeed
$ cd pricefeed
$ npm install
Update the config.json file with your witness account name and private active key as described in the Configuration section below.
I suggest using the PM2 software to manage and run your nodejs programs in the background. Use the following commands to install PM2 and run the pricefeed program:
$ sudo npm install pm2 -g
$ pm2 start feed.js
$ pm2 logs feed
If everything worked you should not see any errors in the logs and a price feed transaction should have been published to your account.
If you prefer using Docker, use the following commands:
docker build -t pricefeed .
docker run -itd --rm --name pricefeed pricefeed
# Check the status with docker logs
docker logs pricefeed
"rpc_nodes": [ // List of RPC nodes to use
"account": "witness_account_name", // Name of your Steem witness account
"active_key": "witness_account_private_active_key", // Private active key of your Steem witness account
"exchanges": ["bittrex", "poloniex", "binance"], // List of exchanges to use. Will publish an average of all exchanges in the list. If no exchanges are specified it will fall back to coinmarketcap.com as the default.
"interval": 60, // Number of minutes between feed publishes
"peg_multi": 1 // Feed bias setting, quote will be set to 1 / peg_multi