This is a seed repo intended to bootstrap django + angular project development. It uses docker for dev environment and contains a small sample application.
Docker 1.6
Docker-compose 1.2
- Python 3.4.3
- PostgreSQL
- Django
- Jade template engine
- Stylus css preprocessor
- AngularJS frontend framework
- Bootstrap3 css framework
- Gulp based frontend build system
- Gunicorn app server
- Nginx web server
Docker dev environent requires latest docker, see
- Install boot2docker and Docker Compose
brew install boot2docker docker-compose
- Initialize and start up boot2docker
boot2docker init
boot2docker start
- Configure your Docker host to point to your boot2docker image.
$(boot2docker shellinit)
You’ll need to run this for every terminal session that invokes the docker or docker-compose command – better export this line into your .zshrc
or .bashrc
# build images
# init database
# start django dev server & frontend builder
App should be up on http://localhost:8000, running django development server. You're good to go!
# stop containers,
# create database backup
# build docker images,
# build frontend,
# collect django static files,
# run migrations,
# start development stack
#stop production server
#start production server
App should be up on http://localhost
add log rotation
- Add your SSL key and certificat to conf/ssl
- Rename ssl key/cert includes in conf/nginx_ssl.conf
- Uncomment lines as specified by comments in docker-compose-prod.yml, conf/, backend/conf/
- Uncomment lines as speicifed by comments in conf/, conf/nginx.conf, backend/conf/
# create migrations
./bin/ makemigrations sampleapp
#apply migrations
./bin/ migrate
#access django shell
./bin/ shell
#create new admin user
./bin/ createsuperuser
# etc
for production use /bin/
In case you want to build forntend separately, to host it on cdn or whatevs:
This will build frontend & collect static files to frontend/dist
# access postgress shell
# create a backup to backups/
# restore from backup
./bin/ [filename that exists in backups/]
#the important stuff:
bin/ # various scripts to deploy, run, manage app
frontend/src/app # angular application
frontend/src/stylesheets # stylus stylesheets
frontend/bower.json # frontend dependency bower config
backend/apps # custom backend django apps
backend/conf # django config files
requirements.txt # python dependencies
e2e-tests/specs # e2e tests
logs/ # nginx, gunicorn, app logs for production
conf/ # gunicorn config for production
conf/nginx.conf # nginx config for production
backups/ # database backups
Sample app includes sample tests at backend/apps/sampleapp/
# run django unit tests
Angular's default e2e test framework protractor is used in conjunction with django test server.
Test specs are located at e2e-tests/specs/
Django e2e test config at backend/conf/
Requires java, node > 10.0 and chrome browser
To setup & run e2e tests, run: