Template and script for Zabbix for monitoring NetApp volumes via SSH.
Import template Tamplate App NetApp NFS Volumes.xml into Zabbix
Copy script to /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts
Import dashboard NetApp NFS Share-1600183489463.json into Grafana
Create NetApp host with ONTAP IP
Attach a template to the NetApp host
Set the username and password in the template on the main element of the SSH-agent
In script
Zabbix template for monitoring NetApp volumes via HTTP.
Import template Template App NetApp ONTAP by HTTP-agent.xml into Zabbix
Import dashboard NetApp NFS Share by HTTP-1613464984449.json into Grafana
Create NetApp host with ONTAP IP
Attach a template to NetApp host
Set the username and password on the ONTAP host on the macros menu
On host
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