This plugin for the Jovo Framework allows you to easily add cross-platform time zone support including an overall default time zone if there is not a country-code-specific default.
The following platforms are supported:
- Amazon Alexa
- Google Assistant
- Samsung Bixby
In the case of Amazon Alexa, after the first API call, the time zone is cached in Session Data at:
Don't access or change this value, instead use the method on the plugin:
const tz = await this.$timeZone.getTimeZone();
NOTE: Support for Google Assistant is through default time zone only as the current User Experience (UX) of prompting for location and calling APIs to convert geo-location into a time zone needs improvement.
Install the plugin into your Jovo project:
npm install jovo-community-plugin-timezone --save
Register the plugin in:
const { TimeZonePlugin } = require('jovo-community-plugin-timezone');
// ... base imports
new TimeZonePlugin()
import { TimeZonePlugin } from 'jovo-community-plugin-timezone';
// ... base imports
new TimeZonePlugin()
Get the time zone in your handler:
myHandler.js or myHandler.ts:
const tz = await this.$timeZone.getTimeZone();
You can set an overall default time zone fallback or defaults based on the country code portion of the locale that is sent with every request.
config.js or config.ts:
plugin: {
TimeZonePlugin: {
defaultTimeZone: 'America/New_York',
defaultByLocaleCountryCode: {
US: 'America/New_York',
GB: 'Europe/London',
CA: 'America/Toronto',
AU: 'Australia/Sydney',
IN: 'Asia/Kolkata',