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A Task Manager Command Line Tool

This is a basic project for beginners to practice the rust concepts learned after reading, the Book.

Note: This project expects you to have basic knowledge of rust. It will not go into the details of language features but will guide you through the process of building.

Let's build!

How to get started

Firstly, clone this repository so you can locally access a copy of this markdown file.

git clone ""

Next, let's talk about what we're building.

What we're building

Task manager is a basic rust project that allows you to:

Create tasks that would be saved in a file - using the command below

add \\<title>\\<description>\\<due_date>

View tasks that have been created - using the command,

view <nameoffile>

Delete tasks from directory - using the command,

delete <nameoffile>

Filter tasks that are due, complete, upcoming or incomplete.

filter <due || incomplete>

Important things to note

A brief explanation on these keywords used for these projects;

pub, use, std, chrono, mod, loop, match

You can find out more about them in the rust documentation

let's talk about each of the modules before we talk about our (root crate)

Crates Used

  • std::fs::File: Provides functionality for creating and managing files.
  • std::io: Offers input/output operations.
  • chrono::prelude::*: Provides date and time handling functionalities. We had to add it as a dependency to our project's Cargo.toml

Adding chrono as a dependency

Chrono will be the only dependency we will have to add to our Cargo.toml file. Other crates are provided by the standard library.

chrono = "0.4"

Parsing and checking our input

  1. Parsing Input: Split the input string into parts: title, description, and due date.
  2. Input Validation: Check if the input format is correct.
  3. Date Parsing: Convert the due date string into the NaiveDate object.

Creating a file for a new task

  1. File Creation: Prompt the user for a filename, create a file with the provided name, and handle errors.
  2. Write Task Details: Write task details (title, description, and due date) into the file.

Printing a success message or throwing an error

  1. Success Message: Inform the user about the successful addition of the task.

Parsing Input

The input string is split using the escape sequence \\\\ to extract the title, description, and due date parts.

    let parts: Vec<&str> = input.split("\\\\").collect();

Input Validation

The length of the parts vector is checked to ensure that all required fields are present. If not, an error message is returned from the Result.

if parts.len() != 4 {
    return Err("Invalid input format. Use: add \\\\<title>\\\\<description>\\\\<due_date>".to_string());

Date Parsing

The due date string is parsed into a NaiveDate object using the specified date format %Y-%m-%d. If parsing fails, an error message is returned. The NaiveDate is from our chrono crate which we added to our crate as a dependency and in our file using the use keyword.

use chrono::prelude::*;

You can find out more information about chrono and other objects in the documentation.

let due_date = NaiveDate::parse_from_str(parts[3].trim(), "%Y-%m-%d");

File Creation

The user is prompted to input a filename. Then, a file with the provided name is created. Error handling is performed using the match expression.

let mut filename = String::new();
io::stdin().read_line(&mut filename).expect("Failed to read line");
let filename = filename.trim();

let mut file = match File::create(filename) {
    Ok(file) => file,
    Err(_) => return Err("Failed to create task file.".to_string()),

Write Task Details

The task details (title, description, and due date) are written to the file using the writeln! macro. If an error occurs during writing, an error message is returned.

if let Err(_) = writeln!(file, "Title: {}\nDescription: {}\nDue Date: {}", title, description, parts[3]) {
    return Err("Failed to write task details to file.".to_string());

Note: We used the .to_string() method to convert our &str to a String type because our Result enum returns an error of type String

Add success

After creating a successful task, the message would print, Task task_name added successfully.

println!("Task '{}' added successfully.", title);

We can test by creating a task named 'work task'.

Adding a new task

add \\work task\\Just research and smart contract development\\2024-07-17

Giving our task file a name

Give your file a name and extension you will easily remember:
Task 'work task' added successfully.

Alternative methods of error handling

The code uses simple error handling with Result. Another method is to use panic! or other custom error types or even crates such as thiserror or anyhow could be used. However, for our program, we'll be sticking to the Result enum for error handling.

if let statement

Because of the excessive use of the if let statement in our program, let's examine it briefly.

The if let statement is a concise way to handle pattern matching when you're only interested in one specific pattern and want to ignore all others.

Using code samples:

if let Ok(_due_date) = due_date

This line below checks if the due_date variable contains a successful parsing result (Ok). If so, it extracts the value from the Ok variant into the _due_date variable (the underscore indicates that we're not using the value in this case). If the due_date contains an Err from our Result, the if let block is skipped, and the program proceeds to the else block.

File deletion and Error handling

The fs::remove_file function is used to attempt to delete the task file specified by the filename. The result of the file deletion operation is checked using if let Err(_) = fs::remove_file(filename). If an error occurs during file deletion, an error message is returned.

    if let Err(_) = fs::remove_file(filename) {
        return Err("Failed to delete task file.".to_string());

Deletion success

If the file deletion operation is successful, a success message is printed to inform the user.

println!("Task '{}' deleted successfully.", filename);

The unit type

In Rust, () is the unit type, and it represents absence of a meaningful value. It's similar to void in other languages like C or C++.

Returning Ok(()) from a function with a Result<(), T> type indicates that the function executed successfully and doesn't have any meaningful value to return. Essentially, it's a way to signal success without returning any data.


Ok signifies that the operation was successful while the unit type (a primitive type provided by rust) () indicates that there is no meaningful data associated with the success. It's used here because the function delete_task doesn't need to return any specific data upon success. It just needs to indicate whether the deletion was successful or not.

Read Task Directory

The fs::read_dir(".") function is used to read the current directory and obtain a directory iterator.

    // Read the current directory
    let dir = match fs::read_dir(".") {
        Ok(dir) => dir,
        Err(_) => return Err("Failed to read task directory.".to_string()),

Get Current Date

Local::now().naive_local() is used to get the current system date and time in the local timezone and we assign it to a variable current_date. The naive_local() method converts it into a NaiveDateTime which is suitable for comparison with due dates.

let current_date = Local::now().naive_local();

Iterate Over Files

The for loop iterates over each entry in the directory iterator, where each entry represents a file in the directory. The code uses a for loop instead of other iteration methods like map or filter for simplicity and readability. While other methods may offer more concise code, using a for loop in this case keeps the code straightforward and easier to understand, especially for those less familiar with Rust or functional programming concepts.

 for entry in dir {
    // --snip--

Filter Tasks

Depending on the specified filter_type, tasks are filtered either by their due date ("due") or upcoming tasks ("upcoming"). For each task file, its contents are checked to extract the due date. Based on the filter type, tasks are filtered and printed accordingly.

match filter_type {
    // --snip--

Display Filtered Tasks

Filtered tasks are printed with their title and path. We had also used the .into() method for our current_date variable so the types we're comparing would match

    // Check if the task is completed and due date is in the future
    if contents.contains("[Complete]") || due_date <= current_date.into() {
    found_tasks = true;
    println!("Title: {}", file_name);
    println!("Path: {}", path.display());

filter success

If no tasks are found based on the specified filter type, a message indicating the absence of tasks is printed.

    // Print a message if no tasks are found
    if !found_tasks {
        println!("No {} tasks found.", filter_type);

Opening Task File

The File::open function is used to open the specified task file. If successful, a File object representing the opened file is returned.

Reading Task Content

A BufReader is created to efficiently read the contents of the file. The lines method of BufReader returns an iterator over the lines of the file. BufReader is used to wrap a File or any other type that implements the Read trait. It provides buffered reading capabilities, which can improve I/O performance by reducing the number of system calls made to read data from the underlying source.

    let reader = BufReader::new(file);

Printing Task Content

Each line of the task content is printed to the console using a for loop.

    for line in reader.lines() {
        println!("{}", line.unwrap());

View success

If viewing the task content is successful, an Ok(()) is returned.

    Ok(()) - Main program

This is the control center for our program

Importing our modules

We split our program into different modules so it can be easily managed.

mod add;
mod view;
mod delete;
mod filter;

We also used the std::io crate.

use std::io

Welcome Message

The program starts by displaying a welcome message to the user, indicating the start of the Rusty Task Manager.

println!("Welcome to Rusty Task Manager!\n");

Command Loop

The program enters a loop where it continuously prompts the user for commands and waits for input.

loop {
    // --snip--

Command Parsing

User input is read from the standard input (stdin) and split into parts based on whitespace. The first part of the input represents the command, and subsequent parts represent the command arguments.

    let mut input = String::new();
    io::stdin().read_line(&mut input).expect("Failed to read line");
    let parts: Vec<&str> = input.trim().split_whitespace().collect();

Command Execution

Based on the parsed command, the program executes the corresponding function from the add, view, delete, or filter modules. Error handling is implemented for each command to handle potential errors that could occur.

    match parts[0] {
        "add" => {
            if let Err(err) = add::add_task(&input) {
                println!("{}", err);
        // --snip--

Running our program

Now that we're done understanding the program, let's run our program using the command:

cargo run

After compiling:

Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 3.00s
Running `target\debug\task_mngr.exe`
Welcome to Rusty Task Manager!

- add \\<title>\\<description>\\<due_date>
- view <filename>
- delete <filename>
- filter <due | upcoming>

The End

That's a wrap. Hat's off to you for following up till the end.


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