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OData Batching

Chris Martinez edited this page Dec 30, 2022 · 4 revisions

OData batch operations are meant to execute the same way that other requests do; however, there may be some minor, but crucial differences required in the setup configuration depending on your target platform.

ASP.NET Core and OData

OData batch operations are facilitated by the OData batching middleware in ASP.NET Core. The built-in OData middleware only allows a single ODataBatchHandler and cannot be extended. In theory, there should only be a single ODataBatchHandler for the entire application, but there is no guarantee that is what a developer has done or wants. API Versioning, therefore, provides alternate OData batch middleware that allows a version-specific ODataBatchHandler if that is what you have configured. Additionally, API Versioning always registers a default ODataBatchHandler in AddRouteComponents so you don't have to, which is something OData does not do by default.

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder( args );

                .AddOData( options => options.AddRouteComponents( "api" ) );

var app = builder.Build();

app.UseEndpoints( endpoints => endpoints.MapControllers() );
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