Issues or PRs tracking breaking changes.
Content related to caching.
Spam, trolling, or anything that violates our code of conduct [org][type][category]
Issues or PRs tracking .NET Aspire Community Toolkit.
CSS: customer support issues
Content related to database.
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Content related to deployment.
Help prevent PR from mistakenly being merged.
Problem with the content; needs to be fixed [org][type][category]
Improve the current content [org][type][category]
Indicates issues that are suggestions for new topics [org][type][category]
Indicates issues where an article was provided to the user [org][resolution]
Indicates issues that are about the experience or design [org][type][category]
Improvements or additions to documentation
Issues and PRs automatically generated from the .NET version sweeper.
Indicates issues or PRs that are duplicate of existing ones [org][type][category]
Content related to fundamentals.
Issues related to .NET Aspire going "GA".
Content related to getting started.
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
Good for community contributors to help [up-for-grabs]