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2881099 edited this page Nov 1, 2021 · 37 revisions


class EnumTestMap {
    public Guid id { get; set; }

    [Column(MapType = typeof(string))]
    public ToStringMapEnum enum_to_string { get; set; }
    [Column(MapType = typeof(string))]
    public ToStringMapEnum? enumnullable_to_string { get; set; }

    [Column(MapType = typeof(int))]
    public ToStringMapEnum enum_to_int { get; set; }
    [Column(MapType = typeof(int?))]
    public ToStringMapEnum? enumnullable_to_int { get; set; }

    [Column(MapType = typeof(string))]
    public BigInteger biginteger_to_string { get; set; }
    [Column(MapType = typeof(string))]
    public BigInteger? bigintegernullable_to_string { get; set; }
public enum ToStringMapEnum { 中国人, abc, 香港 }


BigInteger 都可以映射使用了,但请注意:仅仅是 CURD 方便, Equals == 判断可以使用,无法实现 + - * / 等操作;

v0.9.15 版本还可以将值对象映射成 typeof(string),安装扩展包:

dotnet add package FreeSql.Extensions.JsonMap

fsql.UseJsonMap(); //开启功能

class TestConfig {
    public int clicks { get; set; }
    public string title { get; set; }
[Table(Name = "sysconfig")]
public class S_SysConfig {
    [Column(IsPrimary = true)]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public TestConfig Config { get; set; }


csharp MySql SqlServer PostgreSQL Oracle Sqlite 达梦
bool | bool? bit(1) bit bool number(1) boolean number(1)
sbyte | sbyte? tinyint(3) smallint int2 number(4) smallint number(4)
short | short? smallint(6) smallint int2 number(6) smallint number(6)
int | int? int(11) int int4 number(11) integer number(11)
long | long? bigint(20) bigint int8 number(21) integer number(21)
byte | byte? tinyint(3) unsigned tinyint int2 number(3) int2 number(3)
ushort | ushort? smallint(5) unsigned int int4 number(5) unsigned number(5)
uint | uint? int(10) unsigned bigint int8 number(10) decimal(10,0) number(10)
ulong | ulong? bigint(20) unsigned decimal(20,0) numeric(20,0) number(20) decimal(21,0) number(20)
double | double? double float float8 float(126) double double
float | float? float real float4 float(63) float real
decimal | decimal? decimal(10,2) decimal(10,2) numeric(10,2) number(10,2) decimal(10,2) number(10,2)
Guid | Guid? char(36) uniqueidentifier uuid char(36 CHAR) character(36) char(36)
TimeSpan | TimeSpan? time time time interval day(2) to second(6) bigint -
DateTime | DateTime? datetime datetime timestamp timestamp(6) datetime timestamp(6)
DateTimeOffset | DateTimeOffset? - datetimeoffset - timestamp(6) with local time zone - timestamp(6)
Enum | Enum? enum int int4 number(16) mediumint number(16)
FlagsEnum | FlagsEnum? set bigint int8 number(32) bigint number(32)
byte[] varbinary(255) varbinary(255) bytea blob blob blob
string varchar(255) nvarchar(255) varchar(255) nvarchar2(255) nvarchar(255) nvarchar2(255)

以上类型和长度是默认值,可手工设置 Column 特性 DbType 值

string 指定长度 [Column(DbType = "varchar(max)")] 或者 [MaxLength(-1)] 或者 [Column(StringLength = -1)],当长度 -1 时产生的映射如下:

| MySql | PostgreSQL | SqlServer | Oracle | Sqlite | Firebird | MsAccess | 达梦 | 金仓 | 神通 | 南大 | | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | | text | text | nvarchar(max) | nclob | text | blob sub_type 1 | longtext | text | text | text | text |

注意:Oracle nclob 需要 v1.3.2+ 版本才支持,否则将映射 nvarchar2(4000)

注意:MySql [MaxLength(-2)] 或者 [Column(StringLength = -2)] 映射类型 longtext,其他数据库的映射规则与 -1 相同

decimal 指定长度 [Column(Precision = 10, Scale = 2)]

MySql 特别类型映射

csharp MySql
MygisPoint point
MygisLineString linestring
MygisPolygon polygon
MygisMultiPoint multipoint
MygisMultiLineString multilinestring
MygisMultiPolygon multipolygon


如果int、byte类型,指定了 DbType="tinyint(1)",请注意,tinyint(1)在ado.net中默认将此值映射为bool类型,可在链接串中指定TreatTinyAsBoolean=false,使映射 tinyint(1) SByte 而非 bool

PostgreSQL 特别类型映射

csharp PostgreSQL
BitArray varbit(64)
NpgsqlPoint | NpgsqlPoint? point
NpgsqlLine | NpgsqlLine? line
NpgsqlLSeg | NpgsqlLSeg? lseg
NpgsqlBox | NpgsqlBox? box
NpgsqlPath | NpgsqlPath? path
NpgsqlPolygon | NpgsqlPolygon? polygon
NpgsqlCircle | NpgsqlCircle? circle
(IPAddress Address, int Subnet) | (IPAddress Address, int Subnet)? cidr
IPAddress inet
PhysicalAddress macaddr
NpgsqlRange<int> | NpgsqlRange<int>? int4range
NpgsqlRange<long> | NpgsqlRange<long>? int8range
NpgsqlRange<decimal> | NpgsqlRange<decimal>? numrange
NpgsqlRange<DateTime> | NpgsqlRange<DateTime>? tsrange
PostgisPoint geometry
PostgisLineString geometry
PostgisPolygon geometry
PostgisMultiPoint geometry
PostgisMultiLineString geometry
PostgisMultiPolygon geometry
PostgisGeometry geometry
PostgisGeometryCollection geometry
Dictionary<string, string> hstore
JToken jsonb
JObject jsonb
JArray jsonb
数组 以上所有类型都支持,包括默认类型


从数据库导入特性 > 实体特性 > FluentApi > Aop


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