LUA to C++ Binding Library "lua_tinker" expand for c++14 and lua 5.3
0xE=14, ^_^
E=Expand,we add a lot of feature to luatinker
we use Variadic Template and index_sequence, SFINAE enable_if and type_traits, tuple, function, forward_ref, decltype(auto), and more in c++11/14
add support when use c++11
complied with vc2015,g++4.8,g++5.0,clang3.6
- 导入lua的函数,现在支持任意多的参数
- 支持的read/push的元素类型增加std::string,std::function,lua_function_ref,stl容器,std::shared_ptr对象
- 支持最多16个参数的非精确匹配的函数重载(c++类型downcast到lua类型后生成签名), 支持普通函数、类成员函数、构造函数
- 支持函数默认参数及带默认参数的重载函数的匹配
- 移除int64相关函数,使用lua5.3的luaInterager来替代
- 支持调用lua函数时返回多个返回值用tuple包裹
- 支持通过宏定义打开类型一致性检查和常量类成员函数检查
- 支持通过宏定义允许已注册的shared_ptr对象调用类成员函数
- 支持类静态函数注册
- 支持类静态变量注册
- 支持property注册
- 支持继承多个父类,查找时根据顺序依次查找,深度优先
- 支持注册namespace及内的函数/变量/枚举/类
- 支持注册嵌套的类
- 支持在lua中扩展已经注册的类
- 支持在lua中注册一个新类继承已经注册的类
- 将内部实现移动到detail名字空间
- 使用变参模板重写 functor/memberfunctor/constructor/call 函数来支持多参数
- 使用enable_if机制实现 函数条件重载
- 通过stack_help类实现read/push函数
- 移除int64相关函数,使用lua5.3的luaInterager来替代
- 加入stl容器类向lua导入/导出一个table的功能
- 可以从lua中返回多个返回值用tuple包裹
- 使用weak_ptr来存储导出到lua的shared_ptr对象来避免lua控制c++对象生命周期
- 当push到lua的shared_ptr只有1个引用时(一个右值引用),使用lua来储存shared_ptr对象,由lua控制该对象生命周期
- 不允许shared_ptr对象到raw_ptr的自动转换,已注册shared_ptr可以通过默认注册的成员函数_get_raw_ptr()来获取一个raw_ptr
- class_add函数增加参数bInitShared来注册导出类对应的shared_ptr对象
- 未注册shared_ptr对象统一使用默认metatable来GC
- 可以向lua注册一个std::function对象(通过functor/memberfunctor warp类)
- 可以read/push一个lua_function_ref来对应lua内部的function(使用LUA_REGISTRYINDEX), lua_function_ref是一个引用计数对象, 全部释放后将会从lua中unref,如果lua关闭后再调用该对象将产生一个std::runtime_error
- 可以read/push一个std::function对象来包裹 lua_function_ref
- 通过定义宏 _ALLOW_SHAREDPTR_INVOKE 可以允许已注册的shared_ptr对象调用类成员函数
- 通过调用register_lua_close_callback注册回调函数,当lua关闭时回调
- 允许向lua导出常量对象,但是会丢失常量限定符,请注意
- 定义宏 LUATINKER_USERDATA_CHECK_CONST 将会储存const信息(bool)到userdata中,当调用成员函数时会检查是否允许调用,同时read是会检查是否发生丢失常量限定符的问题
- 定义宏 LUATINKER_USERDATA_CHECK_TYPEINFO 将会储存typeidx信息(size_t)到userdata中,当read时将进行类型一致性检查
- args_type_overload_functor/member_functor/constructor是简单的将c++参数列表转换为luatype后存储到int64作为函数签名,运行时进行非精确匹配
- 新增class_def_static函数可以注册类静态函数,使用来调用,不要使用class:foo()
- 新增class_property函数可以为一个名字注册一对get/set函数
- 新增class_mem_static函数可以注册类静态变量
- 新增class_mem_readonly注册只读变量(const变量)
- 新增class_mem_static_readonly注册只读静态变量(const变量)
- 允许调用def/class_def/class_def_static/class_con时同时加入参数默认值,当lua中invoke时,如果参数不足,会使用参数默认值
- overload相关函数允许加入参数默认值,但不推荐人工生成,请使用自动化生成工具export2lua
- 定义宏LUATINKER_MULTI_INHERITANCE,将会允许继承多个父类,查找时根据顺序依次查找,深度优先,比单次继承是多了一个继承表遍历的过程
- 通过namespace_add注册一个namespace
- 通过namespace_def注册一个namespace中的函数
- 通过namespace_set/get 注册一个namespace中的变量或枚举
- 通过scope_inner关联meta表,getmetatable(scope_global_name)[name] = getmetatable(global_name),来实现namespace, inner class的关联
- 通过在lua中调用lua_create_class(class_name,base_name)来注册一个新的类继承base
- move code implementation to namespace detail
- use Variadic Template to modify old func "functor/memberfunctor/constructor/call "
- use enable_if to hides a function overload
- use stack_help class to handle read/push function
- remove int64 like function just use luaInteger in lua5.3
- stl container can push a table to lua/ read a table from lua
- can pop tuple from lua to warp multi-return value
- use weak_ptr to hold a shared_obj in lua, to avoid lua control c++ object's lifetime
- when push a shared_ptr who only has 1 refcount(a r-reference) ,will use lua to hold shared obj, let lua to control c++ object's lifetime
- do not allow shared_ptr auto convert to raw_ptr, registered shared_ptr can inovke default registered member func "_get_raw_ptr()" to get raw_ptr
- class_add function adds argument bInitShared to register a class objects's shared_ptr
- unregistered shared_ptr objects using the default same metatable to gc
- can register a std::function obj through function_warp
- can read/push a lua_function_ref with luafunction(use LUA_REGISTRYINDEX), lua_function_ref is a ref-count obj, when all lua_function_ref was released,lua_function will unref from lua regtable, if invoke function when lua was closed will throw a std::runtime_error
- can read/push a std::function obj warp for lua_function_ref
- can def _ALLOW_SHAREDPTR_INVOKE to allow shared_ptr to invoke member_func
- call register_lua_close_callback reg a callback func, when lua close it will be callback
- allow to push a const obj/ref/pointer, but it will lost const qualifier, plz used carefully
- define macro LUATINKER_USERDATA_HOLD_CONST will store const info(bool) in userdata,will check when call member function,will check lost const qualifier when read
- define macro LUATINKER_USERDATA_CHECK_TYPEINFO will stroe typeidx info(size_t) in userdata,will do type consistency check when read
- on debug mode will auto define LUATINKER_USERDATA_CHECK_CONST and LUATINKER_USERDATA_CHECK_TYPEINFO for extra check
- args_type_overload_functor/member_functor/constructor was simple convert c++ params list to luatype, then stored in int64 as a function signature, do non-exact matching when function name invoked
- add function class_def_static for register class static member function,use to invoke, plz don't use class:foo()
- add function class_property for register get/set function for a member_name
- add function class_static_mem for register class static ver
- add function class_mem_readonly for register class const ver
- add function class_mem_readonly for register class const static ver
- when call def/class_def/class_def_static/class_con function,can push params's default value. when invoke in lua, if params not enough, will use default values
- overload like function allow add default params, manual generation is not recommended, plz use autogen tools "export2lua"
- define macro LUATINKER_MULTI_INHERITANCE,will allow call class_inh multi-times. sequence searching when invoke,depth-first, spend more time than single inheritance
- add function namespace_add for register a namespace
- add function namespace_def for register a function in namespace
- add function namespace_set/get for register a ver or enum in namespace
- add function scope_inner relate between two metatable,getmetatable(scope_global_name)[name] = getmetatable(global_name), to implement namespace and inner class 's relationship
- can use lua_create_class(class_name,base_name) in lua to register a new class inhert base