A simple, lightweight alternative to Graphite.
Trendlines is a tool for passively collecting and displaying time-based or sequential numeric data. Built on Flask, PeeWee, and Plotly, it provides a simple interface for adding and viewing your metrics.
Anything, really. Well, anything that (a) you can assign a number to and (b) might change over time.
Examples include:
- Test coverage per project
- Code quality metrics per commit
- House temperature
- Distance driven per trip
- Distance per fillup (or per charge for the eco-friendly folk)
- How many times the dog barks
- How often some clicks the Big Red Button on your webpage
It's been designed to handle infrequent, variable interval data. Sometimes real-world data just doesn't appear at nice, regular intervals.
Install and run in a development environment using Docker:
docker run -p 5000:80 -d dougthor42/trendlines:latest
Send in some data:
Note: there are simpler ways to do this. Please see the usage documentation for details.
curl -X POST --data '{"metric": "my.metric", "value": 12.234}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
And then open up a browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000
Full documentation is hosted by ReadTheDocs. It can be found here.