Vegg-In-Place is an entertainment discovery website that generates a movie, video game or podcast—based on a variety customizable presets. Just looking for a quick laugh? Jokes can be generated at will from the navbar.
When I am bored at home, I want a quick way to find new media to relax to.
So that when I input my preferences a random podcast, movie, game or joke is returned each time.
- Figma
- Trello
- Bulma
- Javascript
- JQuery
- Listen Notes API
- Official Joke API
Clicking on the Joke button in the navbar opens a modal that features a randomly generated joke. Jokes are supplied by David Katz's Official Joke API. Each time the modal is opened a joke category, setup and punchline is generated with JavaScript and posted on the HTML page dynamically.
When the user clicks the movie card they are presented with 4 genres to choose from. The API used for this movie generator is The Movie DB API The user will select a genre, click generate and a dynamically created page presenting 3 movie options within that genre will be displayed with the title, an overview, and a poster image.
Clicking on the 'Podcast' card brings the user to a page where selections are made. The user will enter a topic to be searched, select a genre, episode length, and whether to include explicit content or not. These search parameters are then requested from the Listen Notes API.
Upon the user clicking the generate button, a dynamically created page will display three podcast results ordered by date. The results will display a title, a description cut to 400 words with ellipses at the end. The length of the audio in minutes is displayed, a thumbnail image of the podcast series, and a clickable button that will bring the user to the listennotes page to listen to the generated podcast.
The example below shows a user selecting the podcast card, entering a search topic and then selecting a genre, audio length, and explicit choice- the demo shows that the user may click multiple buttons, but the last highlighted is what will be requested from the API.
When the 'Games' card is clicked, an HTML page is dynamically displayed with options between choosing a platform or a genre. The game database API used is RAWG game API. When the selection is made, a dynamically generated results page appears with the top 6 games.