To try trick'
, then
cabal repl dpella-isensitivity
and once in the Haskell's prompt:
*DSL.Deep> :module TypeLift.Trick
Prelude TypeLift.Trick> :t foo
foo :: Num p => PatternsOf T '[(), o2, o3] -> p
Prelude TypeLift.Trick> :t trick
:: Data.SOP.Constraint.All HasBeenMatched ts =>
(PatternsOf t ts -> r) -> [r]
Prelude TypeLift.Trick> trick foo
cabal repl dpella-benchmark
and then, from the Haskell's prompt:
*Main> main
producing (1.0e-2,10) ..
producing (0.1,10) ..
producing (1.0,10) ..
The specification of the workload using the improved version of the trick
in the file ./dpella-benchmark/app/Workload.hs
. The generated synthetic
datasets are in the results
This code is for demonstration purposes. It is not intended to be used in production.