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An Elite Dangerous Plugin for ViLA.

The ViLA-Elite-Plugin reads the Status.json of Elite Dangerous, process the data and sends various status information to ViLA. With the help of the sample config it can be easily tweaked to map the available Elite status information to any LED of an Virpil device. See the ViLA Plugin readme for more information.


You need to setup ViLA and run the game at least once before you can use this plugin. Elite will then automatically generate the folder structure and a Status.json file.


To install the plugin download the latest release and unzip it to the Plugins folder of ViLA.

If you have any problems setting up the plugin or want to know more visit the ViLA Wiki.

Example Config

To get started with an example configuration, you can copy the EliteSettings.json, located in the ViLAEliteConfiguration folder, into the ViLA Configuration folder.

The example currently assumes the following button setup for the LEDs to light up the correct buttons for the Virpil Control Panel 2:

Button Function
B1 Toggle HUD Mode
B2 Toggle Cargo Scoop
B3 Toggle Hardpoints
B4 Toggle Landing Gear
B5 Deploy Heatsink
B6 Toggle Silent Running
B7 Toggle Lights
B8 Toggle Night Vision Mode
B9 Open System Map
B10 Open Galaxy Map

And the following for the Virpil Control Panel 1:

Button Function
B1 Toggle HUD Mode
B2 Toggle Cargo Scoop
B3 Toggle Landing Gear
B4 Toggle Hardpoints
B5 Open System Map
B6 Open Galaxy Map
B7 Toggle DSS
B8 Toggle Lights
B9 Deploy Heatsink
B10 Exit FSS
B11 Toggle Night Vision Mode
B12 Toggle Silent Running

You can modify the file according to your needs and wishes. See the Configuration section below for more information.


After running ViLA with this plugin active once it will create a config.json inside of the plugin folder. Currently it's only possible to change the location of the Elite config folder with the StatusLocation value. By default it is set to the standard Elite folder and probably does not need to be changed.


The following tables shows all available variables that can be used in the configuration file.

Variable Description Type
GameStarted The game has started (flags in the Status.json are not 0) boolean
Docked Docked on a landing pad boolean
Landed Landed on a planet boolean
LandingGearDown Landing gear down boolean
ShieldsUp Shields up boolean
Supercruise In Supercruise boolean
FlightAssistOff FlightAssist off boolean
HardpointsDeployed Hardpoints deployed boolean
InWing In wing boolean
LightsOn Lights on boolean
CargoScoopDeployed Cargo scoop deployed boolean
SilentRunning Silent running boolean
ScoopingFuel Scooping fuel boolean
SRVHandbrake Handbrake on (SRV) boolean
SRVTurret Using Turrent view (SRV) boolean
SRVTurretRetracted Turret retracted (SRV, when close to ship) boolean
SRVDriveAssist Drive Assist (SRV) boolean
FSDMassLocked Mass Locked (FSD) boolean
FSDCharging FSD Charging boolean
FSDCooldown FSD in cooldown boolean
LowFuel Low on fuel (< 25%) boolean
OverHeating Over Heating (> 100%) boolean
HasLatLong ? boolean
IsInDanger ? boolean
BeingInterdicted Being interdicted boolean
InMainShip In main ship boolean
InFighter In fighter boolean
InSRV In SRV boolean
HudInAnalysisMode In Analysis Mode (HUD) boolean
NightVision Night Vision on boolean
AltitudeFromAverageRadius Altitude above planet from average radius (used when farther away) boolean
FSDJump FSD Jump (jumping to another system) boolean
SRVHighBeam ? boolean
SysPips Sys Pips 0-8 (in half steps) int
EngPips Eng Pips 0-8 (in half steps) int
WepPips Wep Pips 0-8 (in half steps) int
FireGroup Currently selected firegroup number int
GuiFocus Shows the selected GUI screen, see list below for details int
FuelMain Fuel in main tank - mass in tons float
FuelReservoir Fuel in reservoir tank - mass in tons float
Cargo Cargo mass in tonns int
LegalState Current legal state, see list below for details int
Balance Current credits balance int
DestinationSystem Destination: System string
DestinationBody Destination: Body string
DestinationName Destination: Name string

GUI focus details

Value Description
0 No GUI screen focused
1 Internals Panel (right side)
2 Externals Panel (left side)
3 Comms Panel (top)
4 Roles Panel (bottom)
5 Station services
6 Galaxy Map
7 System Map
8 Orrery
9 Full Specturm System Scanner (FSS)
10 Detailed Surface Scanner (SAA / DSS)
11 Codex

Legal states

Value Description
Clean Clean, everything is fine for now
IllegalCargo Carrying illegal cargo
Speeding Speeding (when approaching a station / landing pad)
Wanted Wanted in the current system
Hostile Hostile, in enemy Powerplay system
PassengerWanted Passerger is wanted
Warrant Warrant, scanned by AWS with outstanding bounties

More information on most variables can be found on the Elite Journal Status.json overview and Elite Journal Documentation PDF Manual.


Currently planned

Initial Release

  • Fix high power draw of FileWatcher
  • Update readme with all available config values and how to install
  • Use of non-flag values in Status.json such as firegroups, mass, heat, pips, etc
  • Main / Dev branch with automated releases
  • Add Example Configuration for Virpil Control Panel #2
  • Add Example Configuration for Virpil Control Panel #1

Long Term

  • Add various options for example "Heat warnings" (light all LEDs red), etc
  • Add all other missing values from Status.json (heading, altitude, etc) - do we actually need them?
  • Add on foot values


An Elite Plugin for ViLA







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