This Scala.JS library provides a rudimentary framework for exporting scala.js classes and companion objects to native JavaScript programming environments in ways that feel canonical from JavaScript contexts.
For example, using the @JSExport
family of annotation macros, scala companion object factories take different forms depending on whether accessed from Scala.js or JavaScript contexts.
Consider a simple case class:
@JSExportTopLevel("Foo") @JSExportALL
case class Foo(x:Int)
From Scala and Scala.js programming contexts, we can access Foo's factory method without explicitly referring to Foo.apply(1).
val foo = Foo(1)
However, from the JavaScript perspective, we can only access the Factory with an explicit call to apply:
var foo = Foo.apply(1);
The nativize library allows us to export custom function objects to the global scope in order to retain factory patterns for simple classes. For example:
* Main Package Scope.
val scope:js.Dynamic = factoryJS(
Foo.apply _
By creating this facade, JavaScript code can directly access the Foo.apply factory method in a way that feels more native to JavaScript developers.
var foo = Foo(1);
More Examples:
object Vec3 {
def add(v0:Vec3, v1:Vec3):Vec3 = Vec3( v0.x + v1.x, v0.y + v1.y, v0.z + v1.z )
def normalize(v:Vec3):Vec3 = { val m = v.magnitude; Vec3( v.x / m, v.y / m, v.z / m ) }
case class Vec3(x:Double, y:Double, z:Double) {
def magnitude:Double = Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y +z*z)
object NativeFacadeJS {
val scope:js.Dynamic = factoryJS(
Vec3.apply _,
"add" -> Vec3.add _,
"normalize" -> Vec3.normalize _
This allows access to companion object methods and fields from plain JavaScript:
var v0 = Vec3(1, 2, 3)
var v1 = Vec3(4, 5, 6)
var sum = Vec3.add(v0, v1)
var normalizedSum = Vec3.normalize(sum)