https://css-tricks.com/learning-to-learn/ - learn how to learn:
- https://github.com/humanwhocodes/computer-science-in-javascript : Collection of classic computer science paradigms, algorithms, and approaches written in JavaScript
- https://github.com/prakhar1989/awesome-courses e.g. Algorithms
- https://www.amazon.com/CSS-Definitive-Guide-Visual-Presentation/dp/1449393195/
- https://github.com/micromata/awesome-javascript-learning
- https://medium.com/javascript-scene/master-the-javascript-interview-what-is-a-pure-function-d1c076bec976
https://wesbos.com/ - guy is doing paid/free courses e.g.
Prints names of files to the console so that you can see what's in the pipe
Bump any JSON file which supports semver versioning
Add angularjs dependency injection annotations with ng-annotate
Filter files in a vinyl stream.
Enables you to work on a subset of the original files by filtering them using globbing. When you're done and want all the original files back you just call the restore method.
Parse build blocks in HTML files to replace references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets.
Plugin for making help
gulp.task('help', require('gulp-task-listing'));
// or with gulp-load-plugins
var $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')({lazy: true})
gulp.task('help', $.taskListing)
Saves gulp plugins loading code:
var $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')({lazy: true}); $.util.log("This is how to access gulp-util plugin");
Plugins that speeds up development by reloading files in the browser:
function startBrowserSync() {
var browserSync = require('browser-sync');
if (browserSync.active) {
log('Starting browser-sync on port ' + port);
gulp.watch([config.less], ['styles'])
.on('change', function (event) {
var options = {
proxy: 'localhost:' + port,
port: 3000,
files: [
config.client + '**/*.*',
'!' + config.less,
config.temp + '**/*.css'
ghostMode: {
clicks: true,
location: false,
forms: true,
scroll: true
injectChanges: true,
logFileChanges: true,
logLevel: 'debug',
logPrefix: 'gulp-patterns',
notify: true,
reloadDelay: 0 //1000
Enables logging & coloring:
var gutil = require('gulp-util');
- http://www.yearofmoo.com
- http://toddmotto.com/ - AngularJS / JavaScript / Web
- https://medium.com/opinionated-angularjs
- http://andyshora.com/
- http://www.jvandemo.com/ - AngularJS mostly
- http://www.jvandemo.com/top-5-benefits-after-6-months-of-component-driven-angularjs-development/
- http://typecast.com/blog/a-more-modern-scale-for-web-typography - modern scale of font-sizes for different devices
- https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/using-font-face/ - Using font-face
- Font's performance:
- "FOUT": Fighting Flash Of Unstyled Text: http://www.paulirish.com/2009/fighting-the-font-face-fout/
- Loading libraries:
- rem units
- https://css-tricks.com/theres-more-to-the-css-rem-unit-than-font-sizing/ - Sample usage of rem's
- https://css-tricks.com/the-lengths-of-css/ - Summary of all length units
- vw & vh Units
- https://web-design-weekly.com/2014/11/18/viewport-units-vw-vh-vmin-vmax/
- http://snook.ca/archives/html_and_css/vm-vh-units
- CSS3 Transitions, Transforms, Animation, Filters and more!
- http://www.smashingmagazine.com/
- http://design-seeds.com
- https://color.adobe.com
- https://www.google.com/fonts
- https://typekit.com/fonts
- http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/
- https://icomoon.io
- http://fontello.com
- https://vimeo.com/68331768
- Frameworks:
- http://semantic-ui.com/ - still waiting for 1.0 release!
- http://foundation.zurb.com/
- http://purecss.io/
- http://getbootstrap.com/
- AngularJS & RequireJS
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yulGISBF8w - nice presentation
- https://github.com/ThomasBurleson/angularjs-Quizzler - fully fledged application
Key points from this presentation are:
- AngularJS injects Instances whereas RequireJs injects Classes (References)
- RequireJS manages: Load & Runtime Dependency
- AngularJS manages: Construction & Module Depenedency
- http://yearofmoo-articles.github.io/angularjs-testing-article/app/#!/videos - video collection
- Styleguides:
- http://toddmotto.com/opinionated-angular-js-styleguide-for-teams/ - Opinionated AngularJS styleguide for teams
- Articles:
- http://solutionoptimist.com/2013/10/07/enhance-angularjs-logging-using-decorators/ - Enhancing AngularJS Logging using Decorators
- http://blog.xebia.com/2014/08/08/extending-angularjs-services-with-the-decorate-method/ - decorators sample, decorating $q
- https://medium.com/opinionated-angularjs/techniques-for-authentication-in-angularjs-applications-7bbf0346acec - Techniques for authentication in AngularJS applications
- https://github.com/witoldsz/angular-http-auth - module for handling common auth stuff
- The Top 10 Mistakes AngularJS Developers Make
- https://medium.com/opinionated-angularjs/advanced-routing-and-resolves-a2fcbf874a1c
- http://www.jvandemo.com/how-to-resolve-application-wide-resources-centrally-in-angularjs-with-ui-router/ - How to resolve application-wide resources centrally in AngularJS with ui-router
- http://www.jvandemo.com/how-to-resolve-angularjs-resources-with-ui-router/ - How to force AngularJS resource resolution with ui-router
- Getting started with GhostDriver and PhantomJS
- Tips & Tricks
- http://sravi-kiran.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/TriggeringEventsInAngularJsDirectiveTests.html - trigger events in tests
- Karma
- http://karma-runner.github.io/0.12/dev/plugins.html - plugins
- Reporters
- karma-growl-reporter & karma-jasmine-html-reporter & karma-mocha-reporter (reporter with mocha style logging - to console - can be used with Jasmine framework)
- Unit Testing
- http://bardo.io/posts/testing-your-ui-router-configuration/ - testing states
- http://nikas.praninskas.com/angular/2014/09/27/unit-testing-ui-router-configuration/ - ui-router testing
- Sinon
- http://sinonjs.org/ - Standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript. No dependencies, works with any unit testing framework.
- Jasmine
- http://jasmine.github.io/
- https://www.npmjs.org/package/karma-jasmine - A Karma plugin - adapter for Jasmine testing framework
- Advanced Testing and Debugging in AngularJS
- AngularJS Testing with Karma and Jasmine
- [Full-Spectrum Testing with AngularJS and Karma] - obsolete stuff
- E2E Testing with AngularJS and Protractor
- https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/e2e-testing - Using with AngularJS
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvAeabvZ61o - Protractor E2E testing for AngularJS, starts at 30:30
- https://github.com/angular/protractor/blob/master/docs/tutorial.md - tutorial
- https://github.com/juliemr/protractor-demo - Demo project with tests for tutorial
- Test Coverage
- http://tntim96.github.io/JSCover/
- https://stackedit.io - Markdown Editor that uploads to Github
- http://gethead.info/ - essential guide to what can be found / put in
tag - http://realfavicongenerator.net/ - favicon / head / meta crossplatform generator. Generate it for all devices
- http://bootsnipp.com/ - snippets/components/widgets (design elements, playground and code snippets)
- http://www.bootply.com/ : The Bootstrap Playground
- http://bootswatchr.com/ - Theme roller with live preview
- http://pikock.github.io/bootstrap-magic/ - Yet another theme roller
- Themes
- http://bootswatch.com/ - Free themes for Bootstrap, some really interesting like Paper (http://bootswatch.com/paper/)
- http://startbootstrap.com/ - Another free themes (A collection of full, multi-page website themes and templates)
- http://themeforest.net/item/material-design-admin-template-landing/10713818 - awesome Bootstrap Theme that looks like Material Design + it features plenty of plugins
- setting up cmd with custom init script:
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k "C:\dev\nodevars.bat"
+ bat file:
@echo off
rem Ensure this Node.js and npm are first in the PATH
set PATH=%APPDATA%\npm;%~dp0;%PATH%;c:\ubs\dev\npm;C:\Program Files\nodejs
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd "%~dp0"
rem Figure out the node version.
set print_version=node.exe -p -e "process.versions.node + ' (' + process.arch + ')'"
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%v in (`%print_version%`) do set version=%%v
rem Print message.
if exist npm.cmd (
echo Your environment has been set up for using Node.js !version! and npm.
) else (
echo Your environment has been set up for using Node.js !version!.
rem If we're in the node.js directory, change to the user's home dir.
if "%CD%\"=="%~dp0" cd /d "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%"
- what is meta viewport and how to use it?
- http://blog.javierusobiaga.com/stop-using-the-viewport-tag-until-you-know-ho
- http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/quick-tip-dont-forget-the-viewport-meta-tag--webdesign-5972
- http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2012/02/common-mobile-web-design-mistakes/
- http://www.quirksmode.org/mobile/metaviewport/
- How to run subset of tests with protractor:
- use --specs argument in command line tool
- Where can I find web drivers & selenium standalone server
- http://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com/index.html
- http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html