Adds support for some basic markdown in Minecraft.
Rich chat is currently a server side mod.
Some supported markdown syntax:
- **bold**
- *italic*
- ***bold and italic***
- __underline__
- ~~strikethrough~~
- ??obfuscated??
- ||spoiler||
If you need a refresher, use the command /formatting to get formatting help
The mod supports links with titles [Link title](link URL)
, and also autolinks any plain link pasted in.
It also supports colours. If you're familiar with vanilla color codes, you can use those. The character used is &. You have to add a space though after the code. (e.g. &c this is red)
Color names also work. You can find these with /colors (some can be shortened)
You can mention players with an @ symbol.
Emoji codes! This mod supports emojis. You can see the emojis that are on the server by typing /emojis. Type them like you would on Discord like :smile: