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Generic functional policy engine for functional simulation of security policies.


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Generic functional policy engine for functional simulation of security policies on platforms such as Renode.

This project provides a framework for integrating policy code generated by the Dover policy tool with functional simulators that are capable of simulating complete or partial SOC environments.

The framework here was constructed primarily to allow integration with Renode, but other bindings should be relatively easy to accomplish.

The framework currently builds on linux. For installation instructions, skip the the Getting Started section below.


Renode is an SOC simulator project by AntMicro. The simulator is written primarily in C#, but uses a number of external C/C++ libraries for some of its core. In particular, the underlying CPU emulations are implemented using libqemu. Renode runs on multiple platfoms, and supports debugging emulated code with GDB.

From an implementation standpoint, it is important to note that QEMU operates by re-compiling target architecture binary instructions into functionally equivalent blocks that are run as native code on the host. QEMU is built for speed, and prefers to transpile entire basic blocks of code to achieve best performance. This is worked around for debugging, or in our case for validation, by restricting QEMU to a basic block size of 1 instruction. This gives up substantial performance, but it is still possible to get relatively good simulation speed for functional testing purposes. For those of you familiar with an environment like Spike (RISCV), the implementation using QEMU means that it is more difficult to reach into the simulated core, to do creative fiddling with it.

Basic Validation API

In this framework, there is a very basic API coupling to the simulator. At each instruction, the simulator calls a validate method before executing the instruction, and a commit method after executing the instruction.

At the top most level, an implementation of a validator under this framework doesn't know anything at all about tags, and could do something completely arbitrary to effect its validation.

The validate method currently returns a simple true or false, indicating whether or not to let the instruction execution proceed. The validate method is passed the address of the instruction being executed, and the instruction bits. This choice of information is purely for efficiency of the simulation.

The commit method is called to notify the validator that the instruction actually retired, to allow the validator to do bookkeeping as needed.

Integration of Policy Code

The framework is intended to facilitate integration of policy execution code generated by the policy tool [ref policy tool project].

When the policy tool compiles a policy, it generates several artifacts:

  • C code implementing the core policy evaluation function
  • YAML files describing metadata required by the evalation function:
    • Metadata specific to particular groups of instructions
    • Concrete values for atomic metadata elements or symbols
    • Initialization requirements for various SOC elements, including registers, memory regions and named elements such as memorym mapped peripherals.

The policy evalation function is generated such that it should be able to run unmodified (at the source level) on the actual host platform. It has dependencies that have to be met by the platform on which it runs. Its API is intended to be platform agnostic, but some of the input data to the function is necessarily architecture dependent.

For a given architecture, the policy code establishes a stable set of input and output structures. A generic set of APIs and an invocation sequence is specified allowing an implementor of a validator to follow a specification for integrating generated policy code.

There are three main architecture specific structures that the policy code relies on. These structures will have internals that a validator implementation must be familiar with:

  • context_t - context information for a single validation
  • operands_t - architecture specific input metadata operands for an instruction
  • results_t - architecture specific output metadata operands for an evaluation

So for example, on RISCV, the context contains the PC address, a memory address for the instruction, if there is one. The operands contain up to 3 register input metadata, one memory metadata, plus the PC metada, and the instruction metadata. The results struction contains an output register metadata, one csr output metadata, and one memory metadata.

The validator implementation is required to setup the input structures for a given evaluation call, then call the policy code, then deal with the outputs of the policy evaluation. This allows for efficient decoupling of the policy code from a direct hardware integration to a functional simulator.

Tags vs Metadata

There is a subtle distinction between tags and metadata records. Tags here are the architecture specific values associated with registers and memory locations. Metadata records (meta_set_t type in policy code) are referred to by tags. How that reference is accomplished is intended to be flexible. In the implementation here, they are simple pointers, but a distinction is maintained at the API level to leave it flexible.

Metadata Management

The policy code operates on metadata records whose structure will change from one generated policy to the next. The policy code defines some stable APIs for initializing those structures, using the data provided by the YAML output. The validator must implement the code that handles memory management for the dynamic run of the system for all metadata. It must also set up the initial state of that metadata, based on the YAML data and whatever external tagging instructions are provided it.

When the policy evaluation function executes, it returns some metadata structures as output. Then validator has to be able to hash these in order to maintain any efficiency of operation. Provided in this framework is a generic metadata structure hashing utility that an architecture specific implementation may call when receiving results from the policy code.

Tag Interfaces

During normal operation, a tag based validator has to look up tags for registers and memory operands to instructions. The framework provides utility code for storing register files of tags, as well as providing tags for system memory and peripherals (memory mapped registers). In some cases, we want to provide a single tag for a region of memory, in some cases we want to provide heterogeneous tags.

Initial Tagging

When the system starts up, it is necessary to establish an initial tag state for the SOC for the validator to operate from. Provided in the framework is an API for parsing the YAML files that are generated by the policy tool. The API allows for high level methods for creating the metadata records that the generated policy code will consume. That API is stable across different policies and architectures. It allows for identification of SOC elements by name (e.g. "dover.SOC.IO.UART0"), permitting the validation framework to do initialization using human readable data that can remain stable across policy builds.

Support code is provided around these utility classes in architecture specific implementations of validators to set up the initial system state.

RISCV Tag Based Validator

There is a RISCV specific implementation of a validator provided. The implementation includes all the code necessary to set up the initial SOC state, and maintain metadata across a run.

The validator uses a RISCV instruction decoder to decode incoming instructions to determine which input tags (based on the registers used by the instruction) are used, and what memory tag should be used (dependent on register state of the CPU).

Tools For Tags

See README in tagging_tools directory.

Getting Started

Build a FreeRTOS project

Pull the FreeRTOS repos:

Go to the Demo/RISCV_MIV_GCC/hello_world directory, and follow the instructions in the file for building the hello world sample.

Generate Tags

The next stem is to run the policy-engine/tagging_tools/gen_tag_info script on your hello world binary. This tool depends on some python packages, so install those first:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install pyelftools

Then invoke the tagging tool, the following is run from the root directory, adjusting the paths appropriately if running from somewhere else:

policy-engine/tagging_tools/gen_tag_info policy-engine/policy/ \
    policy-engine/application_tags.taginfo \

You can ignore the warnings about missing tags for floating point instructions.

The location of the application_tags.taginfo file has some hardcoding requirements on it currently. The Renode validator shared library will load policy YAML files in order to set up register state. It will look to the environment variable mentioned in the Run Under Renode section for those. It will also load the file application_tags.taginfo from the directory one above the policy directory. This will be changed in the future to be configurable.

Run Under Renode

In your policy-engine/scripts directory, there is a run_riscv script. You will have to change paths in there to point at your renode build, and at your policy-engine build.

You have to export a variable to point to policy stuff:

Then you can use the run_riscv script to run your app under renode:

policy-engine/scripts/run_riscv FreeRTOS/Demo/RISCV_MIV_GCC/hello_world/build/hello_world


Generic functional policy engine for functional simulation of security policies.







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