Use pylogix module to log PLC data to ASCII (text or CSV), or to spreadsheet (eXcel, or Google) orto MariaDB/MySQL database
% python \
--tag=TAG0[ --tag=TAG2[ ...]] \ Tag names to log (one required)
[--ip=] \ PLC connection information
[--micro8xx] \
[--interval=0.5] \ Logging inter-sample interval, s
[--flat-ascii=path.txt] \ Flat ASCII log
[--flat-csv=path.csv] \ CSV Flat ASCII log
[--excel=path.xlsx] \ eXcel log
[--excel-max-rows=0] \ *** N.B. 0 => no limit on rows
[--gapi-ssheet-id=...] \ Google Sheets API (gapi) log
[--gapi-sheet-name=PLCLOGPOC] \
[--gapi-creds=credentials.json] \ - Cf. [Google API] below
[--gapi-pickle=token.pickle] \ - Cf. [Google API] below
[--gapi-max-rows=20] \
[--mysql-db=test_drbitboy] \ MariaDB/MySQL log; DB name
[--mysql-host=...] \ - MySQLdb.connect() keyword args
[--mysql-user=...] \
[--mysql-password=''] \
[--mysql-read_default_group=''] \
Debugging: \
[--debug] \ Turn on debugging to STDOUT
PLC configuration:
--ip= \ IP address
--micro8... \ If PLC is Micro8xx
e.g. to log data from the CCW/Micro820 program in the image below,
% python \
> --tag=year --tag=month --tag=day --tag=hours --tag=minutes --tag=seconds \
> --ip= --micro8 --interval=37 \
> --gapi-ssheet-id=1zHFhjtSec0XDO1z-lIhtwBU8O7ZiE9MJIhiBUa-YkAA \
> --gapi-max-rows=25
> --flat-ascii=/dev/stdout \
See files under sub-directory pymariadb/.