This project is an investigation how to use annif tool and bill_committees_us dataset.
To use, install the project’s virtual environment, dependencies and set environment variables.
The Jupyter notebook dataset-to-corpus.ipynb
loads the original data set directly from Hugging Face Hub using the datasets library and then converts it into corpus files in a format suitable for Annif. The original data set is also split into 90% train / 10% test subsets. The notebook will produce the following files:
committees.csv: the 38 committees as an Annif vocabulary in CSV format
committees-train.tsv.gz: train set for the policy area prediction task (92499 examples)
committees-test.tsv.gz: test set for the policy area prediction task (39643 examples)
(The train and test sets are not included in this repository because they take up around 670MB, which is too big for plain git without LFS.)
The Annif configuration file projects.cfg
defines tree projects, for prediction task:
cm-mllm-en: MLLM (lexical) prediction of legislative subjects
cm-parabel-en: Omikuji Parabel prediction of legislative subjects
cm-bonsai-en: Omikuji Bonsai prediction of legislative subjects (using ngram=2 and min_df=3 settings for improved accuracy)
cm-nn-ensemble-en: Ensemble of the parabel and bonsai models above.
Snowball stemming is used in all six projects. Minimum token size is 3 characters, which is the default for Annif.
To run interactive bash inside the annif container use following command:
docker run \
-v /your/absolute/path/to/this/repo/annif-bill-committees-us:/annif-projects \
-u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-it bash
For proper usage of the container the absolute path to this project repo must be provided! |
To learn how to install and use Annif, see the Annif GitHub repository and the Annif tutorial.
Here are the commands used to train the models:
# load the committees vocabulary
annif load-vocab cm committees.csv
# train the committees models
annif train cm-mllm-en committees-train.tsv.gz
annif train cm-parabel-en committees-train.tsv.gz
annif train cm-bonsai-en committees-train.tsv.gz
annif train cm-nn-ensemble-en committees-train.tsv.gz
Commands above can be run inside annif docker container if volume path properly set up. |
The projects were evaluated using the annif eval
command against the test
set records. The committeesprojects were additionally evaluated
using the annif optimize
command to find out the limit
and threshold
parameters that maximize the F1 score. The precision and recall have been
reported using the same values for limit
and threshold
. The size of the
model files on disk are also reported. The RAM requirements for running the
models are somewhat more than the file sizes, but they correlate.
annif eval cm-mllm-en committees-test.tsv.gz -l 15 -t 0.15
Precision (doc avg): 0.0847
Recall (doc avg): 0.1308
F1 score (doc avg): 0.0946
Precision (subj avg): 0.3709
Recall (subj avg): 0.1948
F1 score (subj avg): 0.2339
Precision (weighted subj avg): 0.4391
Recall (weighted subj avg): 0.1379
F1 score (weighted subj avg): 0.1929
Precision (microavg): 0.4144
Recall (microavg): 0.1379
F1 score (microavg): 0.2070
F1@5: 0.0949
NDCG: 0.1165
NDCG@5: 0.1164
NDCG@10: 0.1165
Precision@1: 0.1018
Precision@3: 0.0869
Precision@5: 0.0852
True positives: 6963
False positives: 9838
False negatives: 43512
Documents evaluated: 39643
annif eval cm-parabel-en committees-test.tsv.gz -l 15 -t 0.15
Precision (doc avg): 0.0847
Precision (doc avg): 0.6351
Recall (doc avg): 0.7844
F1 score (doc avg): 0.6733
Precision (subj avg): 0.5409
Recall (subj avg): 0.6316
F1 score (subj avg): 0.5799
Precision (weighted subj avg): 0.6163
Recall (weighted subj avg): 0.7517
F1 score (weighted subj avg): 0.6756
Precision (microavg): 0.6082
Recall (microavg): 0.7517
F1 score (microavg): 0.6724
F1@5: 0.6732
NDCG: 0.7376
NDCG@5: 0.7382
NDCG@10: 0.7377
Precision@1: 0.6756
Precision@3: 0.6356
Precision@5: 0.6351
True positives: 37941
False positives: 24439
False negatives: 12534
Documents evaluated: 39643
annif eval cm-bonsai-en committees-test.tsv.gz -l 15 -t 0.15
Precision (doc avg): 0.6756
Recall (doc avg): 0.8179
F1 score (doc avg): 0.7141
Precision (subj avg): 0.5893
Recall (subj avg): 0.6738
F1 score (subj avg): 0.6204
Precision (weighted subj avg): 0.6485
Recall (weighted subj avg): 0.7936
F1 score (weighted subj avg): 0.7120
Precision (microavg): 0.6395
Recall (microavg): 0.7936
F1 score (microavg): 0.7083
F1@5: 0.7138
NDCG: 0.7730
NDCG@5: 0.7734
NDCG@10: 0.7730
Precision@1: 0.7103
Precision@3: 0.6762
Precision@5: 0.6757
True positives: 40058
False positives: 22577
False negatives: 10417
Documents evaluated: 39643
annif eval cm-nn-ensemble-en committees-test.tsv.gz -l 15 -t 0.15
Precision (doc avg): 0.6255
Recall (doc avg): 0.8894
F1 score (doc avg): 0.7028
Precision (subj avg): 0.5146
Recall (subj avg): 0.7702
F1 score (subj avg): 0.6097
Precision (weighted subj avg): 0.5699
Recall (weighted subj avg): 0.8698
F1 score (weighted subj avg): 0.6853
Precision (microavg): 0.5558
Recall (microavg): 0.8698
F1 score (microavg): 0.6782
F1@5: 0.7028
NDCG: 0.8172
NDCG@5: 0.8171
NDCG@10: 0.8172
Precision@1: 0.7108
Precision@3: 0.6306
Precision@5: 0.6264
True positives: 43905
False positives: 35092
False negatives: 6570
Documents evaluated: 39643
You can avoid training models before running annif web server by using the pre-trained models provided in Google Drive. Download data
folder and put it in the root of this project this will be enough to run annif web server with current projects.cfg
To run annif docker container with exposed port 5555 use following command:
docker run \
-v /your/absolute/path/to/this/repo/annif-bill-committees-us:/annif-projects \
-u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-p 5555:5555
-it bash
To start annif web server use following command inside the interactive bash inside annif container:
uvicorn annif:create_app --host --port 5555
Visit http://localhost:5555/ in your browser to access annif web server.
We can use streamlit to create a web app to inference the annif models. This setup would allow us to deploy the app in streamlit cloud. Here is an example of the app deployed in streamlit cloud.
To run inference on annif models using streamlit app add the whole bill’s text in the text area and click on the Submit button. Wait for the app to process(usually takes under a minute) and the app will display the predicted committees, their scores and urls to the committees.
Currently the app predicts top 10 committees for the given bill text. The goal to have correct committees in top 5 predictions.
The app deployed in streamlit cloud has few limitations:
Cold start time may take up to 5 minutes. So if app is "Running" please be patient and wait for the app to load.
Due to the streamlit cloud’s limitations the app can relayibly process small-mid size bills(under 100 pdf pages). The processing of a large bill(~1000 pages) may cause the app to crash and reload.
The number of simultaneous bill’s text processing also a performance factor so it’s better to process one bill at a time.
To run the streamlit app locally a secrets.toml
file must be created in the .streamlit
folder in the root of the project. The secrets.toml
file should contain the following chapter for google cloud storage access:
type = "service_account"
project_id = "your-project-id"
private_key_id = "your-private-key-id"
private_key = "your-private-key"
client_email = "your-client-email"
client_id = "your-client-id"
auth_uri = "your-auth-uri"
token_uri = "your-token-uri"
auth_provider_x509_cert_url = "your-auth-provider-x509-cert-url"
client_x509_cert_url = "your-client-x509-cert-url"
The information required for the [connections.gcs]
section can be found in the google cloud storage service account key json file.
To deploy the streamlit app in streamlit cloud follow the instructions in the streamlit cloud documentation. The app will require the content of the secrets.toml
file to be added in the streamlit cloud’s secrets section.