I'm experimenting with learning Unity. I spent a couple of hours struggling with this trying to get to a point where I could complete the tutorial here so I thought I would just wrap this up into a repo that will hopefully save someone else some time.
- https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/essentials/starter-assets-thirdperson-updates-in-new-charactercontroller-pa-196526
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P033bFcwYWU
- https://github.com/spoiledcat/git-for-unity
What did I do?
- Installed the Starter Asset pack above and allowed it to upgrade the packages
- Set the Input System on the player object in the project settings menu to "BOTH"
- Added "Git for Unity" package
- I think I updated the build pipeline to URP / Universal, but it might have done this automatically
- Imported the assets from Starter Assets - ThirdPerson
This is clearly not a finished project or even something you would want to base a project on, but I thought it would be good if it helps people more easily access the tutorial above.
Thanks, Drew