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Home Assistant Sensor Dashboard

A real-time dashboard that displays sensor data from your Home Assistant instance, focusing on temperature, humidity, and air quality metrics. The dashboard updates automatically through WebSocket connections and provides an easy-to-read interface for monitoring your home environment.

![Screenshot](public/Screenshot-2024-12-09-1-34-26 PM.png)


  • Real-time sensor data updates via WebSocket connection
  • Automatic data fetching every 15 minutes (configurable)
  • Clean, responsive dashboard interface
  • Color-coded tiles for quick status identification
  • Support for temperature, humidity, and air quality sensors
  • Configurable sensor filtering and display options
  • Docker support for easy deployment


Before you begin, ensure you have one of the following setups:

For Docker Installation

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • A running Home Assistant instance
  • A Home Assistant Long-Lived Access Token

For Local Installation

  • Node.js (version 14 or higher)
  • npm (usually comes with Node.js)
  • A running Home Assistant instance
  • A Home Assistant Long-Lived Access Token

Getting Your Home Assistant Access Token

  1. In your Home Assistant interface, click on your user profile (bottom left)
  2. Scroll to the bottom and click "Create Token"
  3. Give your token a name (e.g., "Sensor Dashboard")
  4. Copy the token immediately - you won't be able to see it again


Docker Installation (Recommended)

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd ha-sensor-dashboard
  2. Set up your environment:

    cp sample.env .env
  3. Edit .env with your specific configuration

  4. Start the application using Docker Compose:

    docker compose up -d

The dashboard will be available at http://localhost:3015

Local Installation

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd ha-sensor-dashboard
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Set up your environment:

    cp sample.env .env
  4. Edit .env with your specific configuration

  5. Start the server:

    npm start

Configuration Options

The .env file contains several configurable options:

Server Settings

  • PORT: The port your dashboard will run on (default: 3015)
  • HOST: Your Home Assistant host address
  • API_PORT: Home Assistant API port (default: 8123)
  • UPDATE_INTERVAL: How often to fetch new data (default: */15 * * * *)

Sensor Filtering

  • EXCLUDED_TEMPERATURE_KEYWORDS: Comma-separated list of keywords to exclude from temperature sensors
  • EXCLUDED_TEMPERATURE_ENTITIES: Specific entity IDs to exclude
  • TEMPERATURE_IDENTIFIERS: Keywords to identify temperature sensors
  • HUMIDITY_IDENTIFIERS: Keywords to identify humidity sensors
  • AIR_QUALITY_IDENTIFIERS: Keywords to identify air quality sensors

Dashboard Features

Temperature Sensors

  • Displays all temperature sensors not excluded by your configuration
  • Shows warning colors for temperatures below 30°C
  • Updates in real-time

Humidity Sensors

  • Shows all humidity sensors
  • Warning colors for humidity above 40%
  • Real-time updates

Air Quality Sensors

  • Displays AQI, VOC, and indoor air quality sensors
  • Warning colors for:
    • AQI above 60
    • Indoor air quality below 60
  • Real-time updates

Customizing the Dashboard

Modifying the Layout

Edit views/index.ejs to change the dashboard layout and structure.

Styling Changes

Modify public/styles.css to change colors, sizes, and other visual elements. The dashboard uses CSS variables for easy theming:

:root {
    --bg-color: #F5E6D3;     /* Background color */
    --primary-color: #2A9D8F; /* Main accent color */
    --text-color: #264653;    /* Primary text color */
    /* ... other variables ... */


Common Issues

  1. Docker-related Issues

    • Ensure Docker and Docker Compose are properly installed
    • Check container logs: docker compose logs app
    • Verify port 3015 is not in use by another application
    • Make sure your .env file is properly configured
  2. Cannot connect to Home Assistant

    • Verify your Home Assistant URL and port
    • Check if your token is valid
    • Ensure Home Assistant is accessible from your network
  3. Missing sensors

    • Check your entity IDs in Home Assistant
    • Verify your sensor identification keywords in .env
    • Look for typos in excluded entities
  4. WebSocket connection issues

    • Check your browser console for errors
    • Verify your network connection
    • Restart the container or Node.js server

Getting Help

If you encounter issues:

  1. Check the container logs or server console for error messages
  2. Look at your browser's developer tools console
  3. Review your .env configuration
  4. Create an issue in the GitHub repository with:
    • Your error messages
    • Your configuration (remove sensitive data)
    • Steps to reproduce the issue
    • Docker logs if applicable


Contributions are welcome! Please:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Make your changes
  4. Submit a pull request

Security Notes

  • Never commit your .env file
  • Keep your Home Assistant token secret
  • Regularly update your dependencies
  • Run npm audit periodically to check for vulnerabilities
  • Keep your Docker images updated


An alternative Home Assistant deashboard






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