a 'visual' instrument and realtime video sampler
Veejay is a visual instrument and real-time video sampler. It allows you to "play" the video like you would play a piano. While playing, you can record the resulting video directly to disk (video sampling).
Veejay is divided into multiple packages:
For each package, run the confgure and make:
make && make install
Before running veejay, be sure to add/link some TrueType fonts in
Running veejay is a much too large topic to cover in this readme. Various pointers have been bundled with the sources in veejay/veejay-current/veejay-server/doc
Articles covering various aspects of "how to veejay" can be found on veejayhq.net
But the quick answer would be:
veejay my-movie-A.avi
veejay -p 4490 my-movie-B.avi
Plugins enable additional video effects from various external sources. to build plugins.
GMIC plugins:
cd plugin-packs/lvdgmic
./configure && make
Veejay looks in a few common locations to find plugins. You can list more locations in $HOME/.veejay/plugins.cfg
You can change the default parameter values by editing the files in $HOME/.veejay/frei0r/ and $HOME/.veejay/livido/
Veejay has been optimized for various architectures.
to build for a specific target:
./configure --with-arch-target=generic|core2|k6|native|i686
if you want to debug veejay-server (or if you want to submit a meaningful backtrace), build with:
./configure --enable-debug
- Free Software (GNU GPL) (1)
- Servent architecture (2)
- Soft realtime (3)
- Frame accurate (4)
- Loop based editing (5)
- Native YUV processing
- Crash recovery
- Codecs: MJPEG,MPNG, DV, YUV (raw)
- Containers: AVI , Quicktime, rawDV
- Devices: USB webcams, DV1394, TV capture cards, etc.
- Support for unlimited capture devices
- Support for Image files (PNG ,JPEG,TIFF,etc)
- 132 built-in FX , many unique and original FX filters
- 41 Livido filters
- FX chain (20 slots)
- All FX parameters can be animated.
- Mix up to two layers per FX slot
- Non destructive edit decision lists (cut/copy/paste/crop video)
- Simple text editor
- Sample editor
- Sequence editor
- Live disk recorder (sampling)
- Full deck save/restore
- Live clip loading
- Live sample sequencing
- VIMS event recording/playback (6)
- Various looping modes including bounce looping
- Playback speed and direction
- Video scratching
- Change in-and out points of a sample (marker)
- Slow motion audio / video (7)
- Fast motion audio / video
- Dynamic framerate
- Random frame play
- Random sample play
- Access up to 4096 video samples instantly
- Audio trough Jack (low latency audio server) (8)
- SDL and OpenGL video
- Headless
- YUV4MPEG streaming
- Network streaming (unicast and multicast)
- Preview rendering
- Programmable keyboard interface
- VIMS (tcp/ip)
- OSC (udp)
- PureData trough sendVIMS external
- Full screen or windowed mode
- Perspective and foward projection (9)
- Support for FreeFrame plugins (only for 32 bit systems!)
- Support for Frei0r plugins
- Support for LiVIDO plugins
Please join our mailing list on http://groups.google.com/group/veejay-discussion
Please use the ticket system on http://veejay.dyne.org
ENJOY! And let us know about your performances/installations with veejay!