Drone plugin to publish files and artifacts to Google Cloud Storage. For the usage information and a listing of the available options please take a look at the docs.
Run the following script to install git-leaks support to this repo.
chmod +x ./git-hooks/install.sh
Build the binary with the following command:
export GOOS=linux
export GOARCH=amd64
export CGO_ENABLED=0
export GO111MODULE=on
go build -v -a -tags netgo -o release/linux/amd64/drone-gcs
Build the Docker image with the following command:
docker build \
--label org.label-schema.build-date=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") \
--label org.label-schema.vcs-ref=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) \
--file docker/Dockerfile.linux.amd64 --tag plugins/gcs .
- For upload
docker run --rm \
-e PLUGIN_SOURCE="dist" \
-e PLUGIN_TARGET="bucket/dir/" \
-e PLUGIN_IGNORE="bin/*" \
-e PLUGIN_ACL="allUsers:READER,[email protected]:OWNER" \
-e PLUGIN_GZIP="js,css,html" \
-e PLUGIN_CACHE_CONTROL="public,max-age=3600" \
-e PLUGIN_METADATA='{"x-goog-meta-foo":"bar"}' \
-v $(pwd):$(pwd) \
-w $(pwd) \
- For download
docker run --rm \
-e PLUGIN_SOURCE="bucket/dir/" \
-v $(pwd):$(pwd) \
-w $(pwd) \