Access the Twitter API from Clojure.
lein deps
lein jar
(require 'twitter
['oauth.client :as 'oauth])
;; Make a OAuth consumer
(def oauth-consumer (oauth/make-consumer <key>
(def oauth-access-token
;; Look up an access token you've stored away after the user
;; authorized a request token and you traded it in for an
;; access token. See clj-oauth ( for an example.)
(def oauth-access-token-secret
;; The secret included with the access token)
;; Post to twitter
(twitter/with-oauth oauth-consumer
(twitter/update-status "posting from #clojure with #oauth"))
;; Find out who follows dons
(twitter/followers-of-name "donsbot")
Development funded by LikeStream LLC (Don Jackson and Shirish Andhare), see
Designed and developed by Matt Revelle of Lightpost Software.