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Scripts used by the NGO Zero Waste Paris to automate new memberships.

You probably don't want to use this code as-is because it is specific to our workflow, but you might be able to re-use part of it.

What this code does

We have a registration form on HelloAsso on which new members can register. When those scripts run they:

  • Look for new registrations on HelloAsso
  • Insert them in
    • a MailChimp mailing list (which is used in particular to send automatic tutorial emails to newcomers)
    • a Google Group (which we use for bidirectional communications)
    • a mysql database (so we don't rely only on 3rd party for data about our members)
  • Once a year it deletes outdated memberships

An image is worth a thousand words, here is what is done:

                                  | cron |
                                     | perform an HTTP query to launch the scripts
+----------+   Get new data   +---------------+
| HelloAsso| <--------------- | Those scripts |
+----------+                  +---------------+
                                      | Insert data here
                                      |       +-----------+
                                      +------>| mailchimp |
                                      |       +-----------+
                                      |       +-----------+
                                      +------>|  G-Group  |
                                      |       +-----------+
                                      |       +-----------+
                                      +------>| Mysql db  |

Those scripts are written in PHP in order to be used from our web hosting.

How to use this repo if you are from Zero Waste Paris


Those steps must be done by everyone who wants to be able to release those scripts. It is tedious and error-prone, but since not a lot of people at Zero Waste Paris is using it and since it has to be done only once, we're living with it for now.

  1. Clone this repo: git clone
  2. Copy the template config file and edit them to put the correct config value
    1. cp scripts/ scripts/
    2. vim scripts/
    3. cp files/config.template.php files/config.php
    4. vim files/config.php
  3. Install the phar archive: cd files/google && ./composer.phar install
  4. Setup the credentials for Google. See files/google/ for more information
  5. Retrieve the .htaccess file (put it in the files directory). Its main purpose is to add http authentication to prevent that anyone could use those scripts

Setup of the database

If we ever want to recreate the database, here is the schema:

-- The table in which the script stores technical information
CREATE TABLE `script_options` (
  `key` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `value` varchar(255) NOT NULL

  -- insert some data the scripts will need for bootstrapping
INSERT INTO `script_options` (`key`, `value`) VALUES
('last_successful_run_date', 'O:8:\"DateTime\":3:{s:4:\"date\";s:26:\"2019-11-19 12:00:00.000000\";s:13:\"timezone_type\";i:3;s:8:\"timezone\";s:13:\"Europe/Zurich\";}');

-- The table in which we user data about memberships   
CREATE TABLE `registration_events` (
  `id_HelloAsso` varchar(12) NOT NULL,
  `date` datetime NOT NULL,
  `amount` decimal(7,2) NOT NULL,
  `first_name` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  `last_name` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `phone` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
  `birth_date` date DEFAULT NULL,
  `address` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `postal_code` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  `city` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
  `want_to_be_volunteer` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
  `is_zwf_adherent` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  `is_zw_professional` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
  `is_mzd_volunteer` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
  `is_already_member_since` smallint DEFAULT NULL,
  `want_to_do` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL,
  `how_did_you_know_zwp` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL,
  `notification_sent_to_admins` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
ADD UNIQUE KEY `helloasso_index` (`id_HelloAsso`);

What the repo looks like

  • The files directory contains the files which will end up on the server
  • The tests directory contains the non regression tests.
  • The scripts directory contains the scripts to perform a release

How to adapt this code if you are from another NGO

We've configured the registration form to get the data we need from new members. Since you won't have the same you'll have to change:

  • the class RegistrationEvent (defined in files/util.php) which described the data we retrieve
  • the method in files/helloasso.php which parses the response from helloasso and builds a RegistrationEvent
  • the mysql schema in files/mysql.php
  • the maichimp schema from files/mailchimp.php

You also probably want to adapt the workflow by editing the main entry point (which is files/helloAssoToMailchimp.php)


Scripts used to automate import of new memberships







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  • PHP 95.5%
  • Shell 4.5%