**Currently depolyed at https://forex.devhorizon.io/ **
Writes data to pkl's for each currency conversion then consolidates all pkl's into an excel sheet for advanced data analysis
run with .\setup.bat
run with .\setup.bat
@ developer.oanda.com
Oanda api:
account number
check the requirements.txt
generate the requirements.txt from installed packages: pip freeze > requirements.txt -install requirements.txt: pip install -r requirements.txt
We will need python for this application can use "python3 -V" to get version or "python3" to install python. 3.10 + required.
Setting up the python virtual environment:
- "python -m venv venv" <!--create it by typing in the terminal ->
- "venv/scripts/activate"
- "pip install pillow"
- "venv/scripts/deactivate"
in the project Code folder: 5. "pip install wheel" 6. "pip install pandas jupyter" 7. "pip install jupyterthemes" 8. "pip install requests" 9. "pip install plotly" 10."jt -t onedork -f roboto -cellw 95%"
11."jupyter notebook" <!--run the notebook server->
PS Pandas has changed the group by to include more than numerics, so we will use groupby(stuff...).sum(numeric_only=true)
generate the pkl's for each currency with:
api = OandaApi() instrumentCollection.LoadInstruments("./data") run_collection(instrumentCollection, api)
** Delete the ma res trades and ma res pkl before generating the spreadsheets with:
run_ma_sim() # Run the moving average simulation
(if not deleted the spreadsheets will be wack)