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This repo contains code used for the DSA X-engine. The requirements are to:

  • capture SNAP F-engine packets on an ethernet interface, and place them in a psrdada buffer
  • run the xgpu kernel to correlate all inputs present
  • accumulate the visibilities to produce a data stream for calibration
  • beamform from the visibilities to produce search-data streams
  • corner turn the beams


This version contains all sorts of good stuff. Mainly, semi-tested routines to fulfill the following functionality for 64 dual-pol antennas:

  • produce visibilities with 0.134217728s integrations and 6144 channels of width 250/8192 MHz. Dual pol.
  • form 256 Stokes-I beams from the voltage streams with 1.048576ms integrations and 768 channels of width 250/1024 MHz
  • corner-turn the beams to deliver (to mbheimdall) concatenated blocks of size [64 beams, 4096 integrations, 1024 channels]

To compile, simply clone and run "make" in the src dir. Edit the makefile to sort out dependencies.

notes on architecture

All dada buffer names, and most defining constants, can be found in dsaX_def.h.

dsaX_capture captures udp packets from multiple SNAPs and places them in a single dada buffer (CAPTURE_BLOCK_KEY). Relies on important constants like NCHANG, NSNAPS, CHOFF. The UDP packets have format 64-bit header, then [3 antennas, 384 channels, 2 times, 2 pols, 4-bit complex].

dsaX_fake can be used in place of dsaX_capture, when primed with a junkdb driving the TEST_BLOCK_KEY buffer. Need to edit the out_key in the code to choose the output buffer.

dsaX_split comes next, reading from CAPTURE_BLOCK_KEY into CAPTURED_BLOCK_KEY and REORDER_BLOCK_KEY2. The latter is filled with permuted data to feed the beamformer. This also prints some useful stats on the input datastream to syslog, specifically the per-input rms values.

On the cross-correlation side, dsaX_reorder_raw reads from CAPTURED_BLOCK_KEY, fluffing the data to 8-bit complex and reordering for input to xgpu. many threads and avx-512 instructions are used for this. Writes to REORDER_BLOCK_KEY.

TEST_BLOCK_KEY, CAPTURE_BLOCK_KEY, CAPTURED_BLOCK_KEY should have sizes 2048 packets x NANT ants x 384 chans x 2 times x 2 pols = 198,180,864 bytes. REORDER_BLOCK_KEY, REORDER_BLOCK_KEY2 should have sizes 2048 packets x 64 ants x 384 chans x 2 times x 2 pols x R/I = 402,653,184 bytes.

The dsaX_xgpu code does the cross-correlation on data in REORDER_BLOCK_KEY, and pipes the data straight out to XGPU_BLOCK_KEY. The command xgpuinfo should result in the following output.

Number of polarizations: 2 Number of stations: 64 Number of baselines: 2080 Number of frequencies: 768 Number of time samples per GPU integration: 2048 Number of time samples per transfer to GPU: 128 Type of ComplexInput components: 8 bit integers Type of computation: FP32 multiply, FP32 accumulate Number of ComplexInput elements in GPU input vector: 201326592 Number of ComplexInput elements per transfer to GPU: 12582912 Number of Complex elements in GPU output vector: 6389760 Number of Complex elements in reordered output vector: 6389760 Output matrix order: triangular Shared atomic transfer size: 4 Complex block size: 1

This implies compilation as follows: make CUDA_ARCH=sm_75 NPOL=2 NSTATION=64 NFREQUENCY=768 NTIME_PIPE=128 NTIME=2048 Be sure to check the output matrix order

The cross-correlation side finishes with dsaX_writevis, which is test code to write visibilities to disk. XGPU_BLOCK_KEY should contain a single reordered output vector (6389760 complex FP32 elements), corresponding to 51,118,080 bytes.

On the beamformer side, the output of dsaX_split is piped into dsaX_beamformer. This is fantastic code that uses the tensor cores (and a few other tricks) in the Turing 104 GPUs to do the beamforming on data in REORDER_BLOCK_KEY2, piping the data into BF_BLOCK_KEY. The latter needs to have size 128 times x 256 beams x 48 chans = 1,572,864.

Finally, dsaX_dbnic and dsaX_nicdb implement the corner turn to feed mbheimdall. TCP connections are used to ensure no data loss, as the data rates are really low. dsaX_nicdb feeds the BEAMCAPTURE_BLOCK_KEY buffer of size 64 beams x 4096 integrations x 1024 channels = 268,435,456 bytes.

scripts and utils

The "scripts" dir contains some useful scripts to test various aspects of the system (corr, bf, cornerturn). The "utils" dir includes functionality to generate fake data and beamforming weights.


DSA110 X-engine code for BF servers (Issues at






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