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dscbot edited this page Aug 19, 2024 · 2 revisions



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
DnsServer Key String Specifies the DNS server to connect to, or use 'localhost' for the current node.
Answers Write Boolean Specifies whether to enable the logging of DNS responses.
EnableLogFileRollover Write Boolean Specifies whether to enable log file rollover.
EnableLoggingForLocalLookupEvent Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server logs local lookup events.
EnableLoggingForPluginDllEvent Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server logs dynamic link library (DLL) plug-in events.
EnableLoggingForRecursiveLookupEvent Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server logs recursive lookup events.
EnableLoggingForRemoteServerEvent Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server logs remote server events.
EnableLoggingForServerStartStopEvent Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server logs server start and stop events.
EnableLoggingForTombstoneEvent Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server logs tombstone events.
EnableLoggingForZoneDataWriteEvent Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server logs zone data write events.
EnableLoggingForZoneLoadingEvent Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server logs zone load events.
EnableLoggingToFile Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server logs logging-to-file.
EventLogLevel Write UInt32 Specifies an event log level. Valid values are Warning, Error, and None.
FilterIPAddressList Write StringArray[] Specifies an array of IP addresses to filter. When you enable logging, traffic to and from these IP addresses is logged. If you do not specify any IP addresses, traffic to and from all IP addresses is logged.
FullPackets Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server logs full packets.
LogFilePath Write String Specifies a log file path.
MaxMBFileSize Write UInt32 Specifies the maximum size of the log file. This parameter is relevant if you set EnableLogFileRollover and EnableLoggingToFile to $true.
Notifications Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server logs notifications.
Queries Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server allows query packet exchanges to pass through the content filter, such as the FilterIPAddressList parameter.
QuestionTransactions Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server logs queries.
ReceivePackets Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server logs receive packets.
SaveLogsToPersistentStorage Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server saves logs to persistent storage.
SendPackets Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server logs send packets.
TcpPackets Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server logs TCP packets.
UdpPackets Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server logs UDP packets.
UnmatchedResponse Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server logs unmatched responses.
Update Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server logs updates.
UseSystemEventLog Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server uses the system event log for logging.
WriteThrough Write Boolean Specifies whether the DNS server logs write-throughs.


The DnsServerDiagnostics DSC resource manages the debugging and logging parameters on a Domain Name System (DNS) server.

If the parameter DnsServer is set to 'localhost' then the resource can normally use the default credentials (SYSTEM) to configure the DNS server settings. If using any other value for the parameter DnsServer make sure that the credential the resource is run as have the correct permissions at the target node and the necessary network traffic is permitted. It is possible to run the resource with specific credentials using the built-in parameter PsDscRunAsCredential.


Example 1

This configuration will manage a DNS server's diagnostics settings

Configuration DnsServerDiagnostics_CurrentNode_Config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'DnsServerDsc'

    Node localhost
        DnsServerDiagnostics 'Diagnostics'
            DnsServer                            = 'localhost'
            Answers                              = $true
            EnableLogFileRollover                = $true
            EnableLoggingForLocalLookupEvent     = $true
            EnableLoggingForPluginDllEvent       = $true
            EnableLoggingForRecursiveLookupEvent = $true
            EnableLoggingForRemoteServerEvent    = $true
            EnableLoggingForServerStartStopEvent = $true
            EnableLoggingForTombstoneEvent       = $true
            EnableLoggingForZoneDataWriteEvent   = $true
            EnableLoggingForZoneLoadingEvent     = $true
            EnableLoggingToFile                  = $true
            EventLogLevel                        = 7
            FilterIPAddressList                  = @('', '')
            FullPackets                          = $false
            LogFilePath                          = 'd:\dnslogs\dns.log'
            MaxMBFileSize                        = 500000000
            Notifications                        = $true
            Queries                              = $true
            QuestionTransactions                 = $true
            ReceivePackets                       = $false
            SaveLogsToPersistentStorage          = $true
            SendPackets                          = $false
            TcpPackets                           = $false
            UdpPackets                           = $false
            UnmatchedResponse                    = $false
            Update                               = $true
            UseSystemEventLog                    = $true
            WriteThrough                         = $true

Example 2

This configuration will manage a DNS server's diagnostics settings

Configuration DnsServerDiagnostics_RemoteNode_Config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'DnsServerDsc'

    Node localhost
        DnsServerDiagnostics 'Diagnostics'
            DnsServer                            = ''
            Answers                              = $true
            EnableLogFileRollover                = $true
            EnableLoggingForLocalLookupEvent     = $true
            EnableLoggingForPluginDllEvent       = $true
            EnableLoggingForRecursiveLookupEvent = $true
            EnableLoggingForRemoteServerEvent    = $true
            EnableLoggingForServerStartStopEvent = $true
            EnableLoggingForTombstoneEvent       = $true
            EnableLoggingForZoneDataWriteEvent   = $true
            EnableLoggingForZoneLoadingEvent     = $true
            EnableLoggingToFile                  = $true
            EventLogLevel                        = 7
            FilterIPAddressList                  = @('', '')
            FullPackets                          = $false
            LogFilePath                          = 'd:\dnslogs\dns.log'
            MaxMBFileSize                        = 500000000
            Notifications                        = $true
            Queries                              = $true
            QuestionTransactions                 = $true
            ReceivePackets                       = $false
            SaveLogsToPersistentStorage          = $true
            SendPackets                          = $false
            TcpPackets                           = $false
            UdpPackets                           = $false
            UnmatchedResponse                    = $false
            Update                               = $true
            UseSystemEventLog                    = $true
            WriteThrough                         = $true
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