Get instant weather updates using the Weather App.
Free open source weather app which shows you the current weather details and forecast for up to seven days.
- Hourly Weather Forecast
- 7 days Weather Forecast
- Time of Sunrise and Sunset
- Humidity and Wind Predictions
- Celsius to Farenheit conversion
- Access user location or provide custom location
Usage and screenshots
View temps in both Fahrehheit and Celsius:

Weather forecast for the next seven days:

Specify custom location or access current location:

Instructions to run
- Android Studio v4.0
- A working Android physical device or emulator with USB debugging enabled
Directions to setup/install
- Clone this repository to your local storage using Git bash:
- Open this project from Android Studio
- Connect to an Android physical device or emulator
- To install the app into your device, run the following using command line tools
gradlew installDebug
Directions to execute
- To launch hands free, run the following using command line tools
adb shell monkey -p com.example.weatherapp -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1
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