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update classic feature generation
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dsethz committed Nov 7, 2024
1 parent cd91de3 commit 52582ec
Showing 1 changed file with 109 additions and 168 deletions.
277 changes: 109 additions & 168 deletions src/nuclai/preprocessing/
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Expand Up @@ -3,30 +3,26 @@
# Author: Lukas Radtke, Daniel Schirmacher #
# Cell Systems Dynamics Group, D-BSSE, ETH Zurich #
# Python Version: 3.10.13 #
# Date: 07.03.2024 # #
# Date: 07.03.2024 #
import numpy as np
import argparse
import glob
import os
import imageio.v2 as imageio
from skimage import measure
import pickle
import difflib
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from import tqdm
from histomicstk.features import compute_nuclei_features

import pandas as pd
import ipdb

# import imageio.v2 as imageio
import tifffile
from skimage import measure

def args_parse():
Catches user input from the CLI.
Expand All @@ -35,180 +31,125 @@ def args_parse():
Returns a namespace from `argparse.parse_args()`.
desc = 'Program to generate feature matrices for segmented nuclei.'
desc = "Program to generate feature matrices for segmented nuclei."
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc)

'Path to the directory that contains all nuclear images. '
'Expects shape ZYX.'
help=("Path to nucleus image."),

'Path to the directory that contains the corresponding '
'nuclear masks to the images. Image and mask filename pairs should '
'share the same beginning. Expects shape ZYX.'
help=("Path to segmentation mask"),

'Specify which filetype the image files and mask files have. '
'E.g. \'.tif\', which are the preferred filetype'
default=(1.0, 0.24, 0.24),
help=("Voxel spacing for the images."),

help='Filepath where to save the output .csv file under.'
help="Path to output directory.",

return parser.parse_args()

def generate_features(img: np.ndarray, mask: dict) -> np.ndarray:
Wrapper that calls the individual feature generating functions and
concatenates their output to a single feature vector for each individual
segmentation mask.
img: np.ndarray
Image of shape ZYX. Expected to match shape of mask.
mask: np.ndarray
Mask array of shape ZYX. Expected to match shape of img.
Feature matrix of shape (instances, features). Feature names is a list of
length number of features. It holds the names of all generated features.
highest_idx = max(np.unique(mask))
feature_matrix = np.full((highest_idx, 104), np.nan)

# Generates the HistomicsTK features for all masks in 3D
histomics_3d = np.full((highest_idx, 88, img.shape[0]), np.nan)
histomics_names = compute_nuclei_features(mask[1, :, :], img[1, :, :]).columns
histomics_names = histomics_names.tolist()
for z in tqdm(range(0, img.shape[0]), ncols=100, desc='\n### Computing HistomicsTK features'):
if len(np.unique(mask[z, :, :])) > 1:
histomics_z = compute_nuclei_features(mask[z, :, :], img[z, :, :]).values
for row in range(0, histomics_z.shape[0]):
histomics_3d[int(histomics_z[row, 0] - 1), :, z] = histomics_z[row, :]
print(f'\n### No masks found in z-layer #{z}.')
histomics_avg = np.nanmean(histomics_3d, axis=2)

# Alternative Regionprops feature in 3D
regionprops_3d = np.full((highest_idx, 16, img.shape[0]), np.nan)
for z in tqdm(range(0, img.shape[0]), ncols=100, desc='\n### Computing sklearn regionprops features'):
if len(np.unique(mask[z, :, :])) > 1:
regionprops_z = measure.regionprops(mask, img, cache=True)
for i in range(0, len(regionprops_z)):
label = regionprops_z[i].label
regionprops_3d[(label-1), 0, z] = regionprops_z[i].axis_major_length
regionprops_3d[(label-1), 1, z] = regionprops_z[i].euler_number
inertia_tensor = regionprops_z[i].inertia_tensor.ravel()
regionprops_3d[(label-1), 2:11, z] = inertia_tensor
inertia_tensor_eigvals = regionprops_z[i].inertia_tensor_eigvals[:]
regionprops_3d[(label-1), 11:14, z] = inertia_tensor_eigvals
print(f'\n### No masks found in z-layer index {z}.')
regionprops_avg = np.nanmean(regionprops_3d, axis=2)
feature_matrix[:, 0:88] = histomics_avg
feature_matrix[:, 88:] = regionprops_avg
feature_matrix = feature_matrix[:, :-2] #drop the last two columns, as they somehow always turn out NaN
not_all_nan_rows = ~np.all(np.isnan(feature_matrix), axis=1)
feature_matrix = feature_matrix[not_all_nan_rows]

return feature_matrix, histomics_names

def main():
args = args_parse()
image_directory = args.image_dir
mask_directory = args.mask_dir
filetype = args.filetype
out_dir = args.out_dir

os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)

# Detects all filenames in the user-specified input directories
img_filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(image_directory, f'*{filetype}'))
mask_filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(mask_directory, f'*{filetype}'))

print(f'\n### Detected {len(img_filenames)} images, {len(mask_filenames)} mask-files.')

assert len(img_filenames) == len(mask_filenames), f'Error: Detected {len(img_filenames)} images and {len(mask_filenames)}.'

# Loads the pairs of img-file and corresponding mask-file
for img_name, mask_name in zip(img_filenames, mask_filenames):

# Loads img to nparray
img_path = os.path.join(image_directory, img_name)
img = imageio.imread(img_path)
img = np.array(img)
print(f'\n### Image of shape {img.shape} loaded.')

# Loads masks to npndarray
mask_path = os.path.join(mask_directory, mask_name)
mask = imageio.imread(mask_path)
mask = np.array(mask, dtype=np.uint32)
print(f'\n### Mask array of shape {mask.shape} loaded.')

assert img.shape == mask.shape, f'Error image with name {img_name} and mask with name {mask_name} are of different shape:{img.shape} and {mask.shape}'

feature_matrix, histomics_names = generate_features(img, mask)

csv_name = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img_name))[0]) + '_feature_matrix.csv'
final_outdir = os.path.join(out_dir, csv_name)
np.savetxt(final_outdir, feature_matrix, delimiter=',')
print(f'\n### Created .csv-file for feature-matrix of image {img_name}.')

# save feature names
sklearn_feature_names = [
'inertia tensor_4',

feature_names = histomics_names + sklearn_feature_names
feature_names = np.array(feature_names)
np.savetxt(os.path.join(out_dir, 'feature_names.csv'), feature_names, fmt='%s', delimiter=',')
print(f'\n### Feature names vector saved to {out_dir}.')

if __name__ == '__main__':
path_i = args.image
path_m = args.mask
spacing = tuple(args.spacing)
path_out = args.out

os.makedirs(path_out, exist_ok=True)

# select properties
properties = [
"area", # Area of the region i.e. number of pixels of the region scaled by pixel-area.
"area_bbox", # Area of the bounding box i.e. number of pixels of the bounding box scaled by pixel-area.
"area_convex", # Area of the convex hull image, the smallest convex polygon enclosing the region.
"area_filled", # Area of the region with all holes filled in.
"axis_major_length", # Length of the major axis of the ellipse that matches the second central moments of the region.
"axis_minor_length", # Length of the minor axis of the ellipse that matches the second central moments of the region.
# "bbox", # Bounding box (min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col) of the region.
# "centroid", # Centroid coordinate tuple (row, col) of the region.
# "centroid_local", # Centroid coordinate tuple (row, col) relative to the region bounding box.
# "centroid_weighted", # Centroid weighted with intensity values, giving (row, col) coordinates.
# "centroid_weighted_local", # Intensity-weighted centroid relative to the region bounding box.
# "coords_scaled", # Coordinates of the region scaled by spacing, in (row, col) format.
# "coords", # Coordinates of the region in (row, col) format.
"eccentricity", # Eccentricity of the ellipse matching the second moments of the region (range [0, 1), with 0 being circular).
"equivalent_diameter_area", # Diameter of a circle with the same area as the region.
"euler_number", # Euler characteristic: number of connected components minus the number of holes in the region.
"extent", # Ratio of the region’s area to the area of the bounding box (area / (rows * cols)).
"feret_diameter_max", # Maximum Feret's diameter: longest distance between points on the convex hull of the region.
# "image", # Binary region image, same size as the bounding box.
# "image_convex", # Binary convex hull image, same size as the bounding box.
# "image_filled", # Binary region image with holes filled, same size as the bounding box.
# "image_intensity", # Intensity image inside the region's bounding box.
"inertia_tensor", # Inertia tensor for rotation around the region's center of mass.
"inertia_tensor_eigvals", # Eigenvalues of the inertia tensor, in decreasing order.
"intensity_max", # Maximum intensity value in the region.
"intensity_mean", # Mean intensity value in the region.
"intensity_min", # Minimum intensity value in the region.
# "intensity_std", # Standard deviation of the intensity values in the region. # Doesnt work.
"label", # Label of the region in the labeled input image.
"moments", # Spatial moments up to the 3rd order.
"moments_central", # Central moments (translation-invariant) up to the 3rd order.
"moments_hu", # Hu moments (translation, scale, and rotation-invariant).
"moments_normalized", # Normalized moments (translation and scale-invariant) up to the 3rd order.
"moments_weighted", # Intensity-weighted spatial moments up to the 3rd order.
"moments_weighted_central", # Intensity-weighted central moments (translation-invariant) up to the 3rd order.
"moments_weighted_hu", # Intensity-weighted Hu moments (translation, scale, and rotation-invariant).
"moments_weighted_normalized", # Intensity-weighted normalized moments up to the 3rd order.
"num_pixels", # Number of foreground pixels in the region.
"orientation", # Orientation of the major axis of the ellipse that matches the second moments of the region.
"perimeter", # Perimeter of the object, approximated using a 4-connectivity contour.
"perimeter_crofton", # Perimeter estimated by the Crofton formula, based on 4 directions.
# "slice", # Slice object to extract the region from the source image.
"solidity", # Solidity: ratio of region area to convex hull area.
] # The removed properties are not informative as they relate to absolute positions in the image

# load image/mask/coords
img_name = os.path.basename(path_i).split(".")[0]
image = tifffile.imread(path_i)
mask = tifffile.imread(path_m)

# get features
mask_3D_features = {}
for prop in properties:
mask_3D_prop = measure.regionprops_table(
for key, value in mask_3D_prop.items():
mask_3D_features[key] = value
except Exception as e: # noqa BLE001
print(f"Error calculating 3D property {prop}: {e}")

features_3D = pd.DataFrame(mask_3D_features)
features_3D.rename(columns={"label": "mask_id"}, inplace=True)
os.path.join(path_out, f"classic_features_3D_{img_name}.csv"),

if __name__ == "__main__":

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