This package contains various functions and tools to fetch, preprocess, and standardise epidemiological data.
To use this package in your environment to modify epidemiological data - it's recommended you use poetry. You can install poetry using the steps listed in their official documentation. It's also recommended you use a conda environment as a wrapper, but you are free to use other virtual environments as per your preference. The instructions below assume usage of poetry
and conda
requires python>=3.9
You can install and use it so:
cd my-project
conda create -n my-project-dev python=3.9 -y
conda activate my-project-dev
poetry init # follow the steps suggested
# Install from git using https
poetry add git+
# OR install using SSH, which might require additional authentication if you have SSH keys set up.
poetry add git+ssh://[email protected]:dsih-artpark/epipipeline.git
poetry lock # lock epipipeline as a project dependency
It is not recommended that you use pip to install this package, but if you prefer to do that, use:
pip install git+
After this, you can use epipipeline
as a regular package in your environment.
from epipipeline.preprocess.dengue.karnataka import fetch_ka_linelist_v2, preprocess_ka_linelist_v2
from epipipeline.standardise.dengue.karnataka import standardise_ka_linelist_v3
from epipipeline.standardise import standardise_age, standardise_gender
To contribute, if you have access to create branches, you can clone and create a pull request with your changes. Else, you can do the same from a fork.
git clone
git checkout -b sk-gis-feat
# sk stands for your initials, e.g. mine stand for Sneha Kanmani.
# Be sure to mention what the feature or patch is about.
# Make your changes to the code and save them
# Add and commit your changes.
git add
git commit -m "feat: added functionality to take a shapefile and return lat-lon bounds"
git push -u origin sk-gis-feat
For commit messages, we recommend using the Angular Convention on Commits.
After that, create a pull request on or using the github cli
(official documentation here).