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Add a user-model example (PyIndMach012)
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PMeira committed Jun 13, 2019
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383 changes: 383 additions & 0 deletions docs/examples/UserModels/PyIndMach012/
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A `dss_python` User-Model implementation of the IndMach012 Generator model from OpenDSS.
Based on the following files from the official OpenDSS source code:
- Source/PCElements/IndMach012.pas
- Source/IndMach012a/IndMach012Model.pas
This Python version was written by Paulo Meira.
Original code by EPRI, licensed under the 3-clause BSD. See OPENDSS_LICENSE.
This sample code doesn't interact with the main OpenDSS interface directly,
it only uses the user-model interface. Thus, it is compatible with the official OpenDSS
distribution as well as DSS Python. Note that OpenDSS version 7 has a bug on 64-bit
system and user-models most likely won't run via COM.
Recent version of OpenDSS 8 also present a bug when handling the edition of
user-model parameters after the creation of the generator. You can, of course,
edit the data in Python if you desire.
from dss.UserModels import GenUserModel
from dss.enums import SolveModes
import numpy as np

# This is the user-model we'll use as a base
Base = GenUserModel.Base

# Symmetrical component transformation matrices
a = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi/3)
aa = np.exp(1j * 4 * np.pi/3)

Ap2s = np.array([
[1, 1, 1],
[1, a, aa],
[1, aa, a]
]) / 3.0

As2p = np.array([
[1, 1, 1],
[1, aa, a],
[1, a, aa]

@GenUserModel.register # The class needs to be registered
class PyIndMach012(Base):
A Python User-Model implementation of the IndMach012 Generator model for OpenDSS
def __init__(self, gen, dyn, callbacks):
Initialize the model object instance
Note: OpenDSS calls `Init` from the UserModel DLL later,
which calls our `init_state_vars`

Base.__init__(self, gen, dyn, callbacks)

# You can list the DSS model inputs and default values like this.
# The UserModel wrapper will create attributes in the instance with
# the default values and update them later when the UserModel
# `Edit` function is called.
('H', 0.02),
('D', 0.02),
('puRs', 0.0053),
('puXs', 0.106),
('puRr', 0.007),
('puXr', 0.12),
('puXm', 4.0),
('slip', 0.007),
('MaxSlip', 0.1),
('slipOption', 'variable')

# The outputs can be any variable or Python property, i.e. it can be an
# input, state variable, property, etc., as long as it is available in
# the model class
'Slip', # The current slip (`slip` is the DSS input param)

# There don't need to be in the output (they're constant) but are listed
# in IndMach012.pas -- most likely to debug

# complex variables like these are exported as their absolute values

# Some properties to mimic the Pascal version

# These are the state variables. DSS Python will automatically
# setup auxiliary variables such as dE1_dt, dE1_dtn, E1n used in
# the solution process
'E1', 'E2'

# For some advanced usage, we need some CFFI code.
# We plan to add a simple wrapper to the callback interface.
# While writing this, I noticed that there were some changes in
# OpenDSS version 8 that introduce an extra ActorID parameter in
# many of the callback functions. This means that we cannot write
# a user-model that is compatible with both versions.
# An issue ticket was created to track this at:
# self.char_buffer ='char[1024]')
# self.callbacks.GetActiveElementName(self.char_buffer, 1024)
# self.element_name = self.ffi.string(self.char_buffer)#.decode('ascii')

# This one is used for the Power property, left as an example
# self.double_buffer ='double[2]')

# Update other variables that depend on the input parameters

def init_state_vars(self, Vabc, Iabc):
Initialize state variables (dynamics mode), equivalent to

V012 =, Vabc)
I012 =, Iabc)

# The following is done in TIndMach012Obj.InitModel:
# Compute Voltage behind transient reactance and set derivatives to zero
self.E1 = V012[1] - I012[1] * self.Zsp
self.dE1dt = 0
self.E2 = V012[2] - I012[2] * self.Zsp
self.dE2dt = 0

# Copy the current state to the previous state

# Initial rotor speed
self.gen.Speed = -self.S1 * self.gen.w0
self.gen.dSpeed = 0
self.gen.Theta = np.angle(self.E1) # overwrite Theta
self.gen.dTheta = 0

def integrate(self):
Equivalent to TIndMach012Obj.Integrate
if self.dyn.IterationFlag == 0:
# First iteration of new time step, copy the previous state
# to be used in the integration process

# Some copies to reduce `self.` spam
gen = self.gen
w0 = gen.w0
S1, S2 = self.S1, self.S2
E1, E2 = self.E1, self.E2
Is1, Is2 = self.Is1, self.Is2
T0p = self.T0p
Xopen, Xp = self.Xopen, self.Xp

# Derivative of E
self.dE1_dt = (1j * -w0 * S1 * E1) - ((E1 - 1j * (Xopen - Xp) * Is1) / T0p)
self.dE2_dt = (1j * -w0 * S2 * E2) - ((E2 - 1j * (Xopen - Xp) * Is2) / T0p)

# Trapezoidal Integration

def update(self):
Propagate changes from the input parameters to the model.
Equivalent to part of TIndMach012Obj.RecalcElementData

gen = self.gen


# make generator speed agree
gen.Speed = -self.S1 * self.gen.w0
self.gen.dSpeed = 0.0

self.fixed_slip = (self.slipOption) and (self.slipOption[0].upper() == 'F')
self.first_iteration = True

ZBase = 1000.0 * (gen.kVGeneratorBase**2 / gen.kVArating)

Rs = self.puRs * ZBase
Xs = self.puXs * ZBase
Rr = self.puRr * ZBase
Xr = self.puXr * ZBase
Xm = self.puXm * ZBase

self.Zs = complex(Rs, Xs)
self.Zm = complex(0, Xm)
self.Zr = complex(Rr, Xr)

self.Xopen = Xs + Xm
self.Xp = Xs + (Xr * Xm) / (Xr + Xm)
self.Zsp = complex(Rs, self.Xp)
self.T0p = (Xr + Xm) / (gen.w0 * Rr)
# self.Zrsc = self.Zr + (self.Zs * self.Zm) / (self.Zs + selfg.Zm)

# Init dSdP based on rated slip and rated voltage
self.V1 = complex(gen.kVGeneratorBase * 1000.0/np.sqrt(3))
if self.S1 != 0:
self.Is1, self.Ir1 = self._pfmodel_current(self.V1, self.S1)

self.dSdP = self.S1/(self.V1 * np.conjugate(self.Is1)).real

self.Is1 = complex(0)
self.V1 = complex(0)
self.Is2 = complex(0)
self.V2 = complex(0)

def calc(self, Vabc, Iabc):
Calculate the new model state. Vabc is used as an
input, while Iabc is the ouput used in OpenDSS.

# The next version of DSS Python should have an option to
# provide the values in 012 space to simplify the model code
V012 =, Vabc)
I012 =, Iabc)

if self.dyn.SolutionMode == SolveModes.Dynamic:
self.calc_dynamic(V012, I012)
self.calc_power_flow(V012, I012)

Iabc[:] = iabc =, I012)

# We can get the current total power here, or we can use
# the power property below
self.Power = sum(np.asarray(Vabc) * iabc.conj())

# @property
# def Power(self):
# '''
# This is an example of callback usage, returning the power of the
# element. Note that we don't really need this here since we can
# calculate the power in the calc function.
# '''
# cmd = b'select %s' % (self.element_name)
# self.callbacks.DoDSSCommand(cmd, len(cmd) + 1)
# self.callbacks.GetActiveElementPower(1, self.double_buffer)
# return complex(self.double_buffer[0], self.double_buffer[1])

def calc_dynamic(self, V012, I012):
'''Equivalent to TIndMach012Obj.CalcDynamic'''

# In dynamics mode, slip is allowed to vary

# Copy some values to local variables
V1, V2 = self.V1, self.V2 = V012[1], V012[2]
E1, E2 = self.E1, self.E2
Zsp, Zm = self.Zsp, self.Zm

# Gets slip from shaft speed
self._set_local_slip(-self.gen.Speed / self.gen.w0)

# The stator and rotor currents from the Pascal code are
# computed in TIndMach012Obj.Get_DynamicModelCurrent

# Stator current
self.Is1 = (V1 - E1) / self.Zsp
self.Is2 = (V2 - E2) / self.Zsp

# Rotor current
self.Ir1 = self.Is1 - (V1 - self.Is1 * Zsp) / Zm
self.Ir2 = self.Is2 - (V2 - self.Is2 * Zsp) / Zm

I012[:] = complex(0.0, 0.0), self.Is1, self.Is2

def calc_power_flow(self, V012, I012):
'''Equivalent to TIndMach012Obj.CalcPFlow'''

self.V1, self.V2 = V012[1], V012[2]

if self.first_iteration:
# Initialize Is1
self.Is1, self.Ir1 = self._pfmodel_current(self.V1, self.S1)

# If fixed slip option set, then use the value set by the user
if not self.fixed_slip:
P_Error = self.gen.PNominalPerPhase - (self.V1 * self.Is1.conjugate()).real

# make new guess at slip
self._set_local_slip(self.S1 + self.dSdP * P_Error)

self.Is1, self.Ir1 = self._pfmodel_current(self.V1, self.S1)
self.Is2, self.Ir2 = self._pfmodel_current(self.V2, self.S2)

I012[:] = complex(0.0, 0.0), self.Is1, self.Is2

def _pfmodel_current(self, V, s, show=False):
'''Equivalent to TIndMach012Obj.Get_PFlowModelCurrent'''

if s != 0.0:
RL = self.Zr.real * (1 - s) / s
RL = self.Zr.real * 1.0e6

Zrotor = RL + self.Zr
Zmotor = self.Zs + (Zrotor * self.Zm) / (Zrotor + self.Zm)
Istator = V / Zmotor
Irotor = Istator - (V - self.Zs * Istator) / self.Zm

return Istator, Irotor

def _set_local_slip(self, value):
'''Equivalent to TIndMach012Obj.set_Localslip'''

self.S1 = value
if self.dyn.SolutionMode != SolveModes.Dynamic:
# Put limits on the slip unless dynamics
if abs(self.S1) > self.MaxSlip:
self.S1 = np.sign(self.S1) * self.MaxSlip

self.S2 = 2 - self.S1

# The following are properties to emulate the model outputs from
# the Pascal version of built-in IndMach012

def E1_pu(self):
return np.sqrt(3) * abs(self.E1) / (1000 * self.gen.kVGeneratorBase)

def Slip(self):
return self.S1

def RotorLosses(self):
Ir1, Ir2, Zr = self.Ir1, self.Ir2, self.Zr
return 3 * (Ir1.real**2 + Ir1.imag**2 + Ir2.real**2 + Ir2.imag**2) * Zr.real

def StatorLosses(self):
Is1, Is2, Zs = self.Is1, self.Is2, self.Zs
return 3 * (Is1.real**2 + Is1.imag**2 + Is2.real**2 + Is2.imag**2) * Zs.real

def PowerFactor(self):
power = self.Power
return np.sign(power.imag) * power.real / abs(power)

def Efficiency_pct(self):
power = self.Power
return np.clip((1 - (self.StatorLosses + self.RotorLosses) / power.real) * 100, 0, 100)

def ShaftPower_hp(self):
Ir1, Ir2, Zr, S1, S2 = self.Ir1, self.Ir2, self.Zr, self.S1, self.S2
return (3.0/746) * (abs(Ir1)**2 * (1 - S1) / S1 + abs(Ir2)**2 * (1 - S2)/S2) * Zr.real


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