DISCONTINUATION OF PROJECT. This project will no longer be maintained by Intel. Intel will not provide or guarantee development of or support for this project, including but not limited to, maintenance, bug fixes, new releases or updates. Patches to this project are no longer accepted by Intel. In an effort to support the developer community, Intel has made this project available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2. If you have an ongoing need to use this project, are interested in independently developing it, or would like to maintain patches for the community, please create your own fork of the project.
Configure the device and/or retrieve information pertinent to the device.
The device object provides access to information about the device itself through a series of properties and functions. See the events section of this document below for more information on events thrown by the device object.
- addRemoteScript — This method allows for remote loading of a JavaScript file for Microsoft Windows 8
- addVirtualPage — This function will intercept a single press of the device's hardware "back" button and fire the intel.xdk.device.hardware.back event instead.
- blockRemotePages — Use this method to block remote pages, and also set up a white list of allowable remote pages.
- closeRemoteSite — Call this command to force a remote site opened with showRemoteSite or showRemoteSiteExt to close.
- copyToClipboard — Copies text to the device clipboard for allowing pasting into another application after the Intel app is closed.
- getRemoteData — This function is used for making background POST/GET requests for remote data
- getRemoteDataExt — This function is used for making background POST/GET requests for remote data
- getRemoteDataWithID — This function is used for making background POST/GET requests for remote data
- hideSplashScreen — This method will hide the application splash screen earlier than it automatically does
- hideStatusBar — This method hides the device status bar
- launchExternal — This function will open a url in the device's native browser application.
- managePower — This method controls how the device behaves in certain power states.
- removeVirtualPage — This method will help control a device's hardware "back" button.
- runInstallNativeApp — Run or install a native app on the device
- sendEmail — This method will open an email view to send an email without exiting the application
- sendSMS — This method will send an SMS message
- setAutoRotate — This function will control whether the device should automatically handle rotation or not based on a boolean value.
- setBasicAuthentication — This function will set header data required for basic authentication over the Internet.
- setRotateOrientation — This function will lock the orientation of the device to either "landscape" or "portrait" orientation.
- showRemoteSite — This function is used to show a remote web site in a different web view.
- showRemoteSiteExt — This function is used to show a remote web site in a different web view.
- updateConnection — This function will query the device to determine its current connection to the internet.
- connection — This property senses the best type of internet connection available
- hasCaching — This property says whether caching has been enabled for this application
- hasStreaming — This property indicates whether streaming has been enabled for this application
- initialOrientation — This property returns the initial orientation of the device
- lastStation — This property will hold information about the audio stream currently playing
- model — This property returns the model of the device that the application is running on.
- orientation — This property returns the current orientation of the device
- osversion — This property returns the device’s current operating system version information.
- phonegapversion — This property returns the version of phonegap running below the intel.xdk layer
- platform — The platform property returns a text string identifying the platform that the application is running on.
- queryString — This property returns any query string parameters passed along with a protocol handler call to start an application
- intel.xdk.device.connection.update — This event is fired in response to the intel.xdk.device.updateConnection command to indicate that the device's Internet connection has changed
- intel.xdk.device.continue — This event is fired when the screen is unlocked
- intel.xdk.device.hardware.back — This event is fired when the Android hardware back button is pressed following a call to intel.xdk.device.addVirtualPage
- intel.xdk.device.orientation.change — This event will fire whenever the current orientation of the device changes
- intel.xdk.device.pause — This event is fired when the screen locks
- intel.xdk.device.ready — This event will fire once the Intel XDK JavaScript bridge library is completely loaded
- intel.xdk.device.remote.block — This event is fired once navigation to a web page from the main browser window is blocked by the device.blockRemotePages command
- intel.xdk.device.remote.close — This event will fire once a new webview opened by the intel.xdk.device.showRemoteSite command is closed
- intel.xdk.device.remote.data — This event is fired when a response is received from the remote server in response to the getRemoteDataExt command
- intel.xdk.device.resume — This event indicates that the user has switched back to using the application
- intel.xdk.device.suspend — This event indicates that the user has task-switched away from the application
This method allows for remote loading of a JavaScript file for Microsoft Windows 8
intel.xdk.device.addRemoteScript(url, onLoad, onError);
This method allows for remote loading of a JavaScript file for Microsoft Windows 8 because you can not include script tags loading remote files for this platform. Additional information can be found here.
- Microsoft Windows 8 - BETA
- url: The URL of the JavaScript file to load.
- onLoad: A function to handle the successful load of the JavaScript file.
- onError: A function to handle the failed load response.
- data: The data returned to the user for the onLoad and onError parameters will be an xmlHttpResponse object. For more information, click here.
var url= "http://www.somesite.com/script.js";
intel.xdk.device.addRemoteScript(url, onLoad_handler, onError_handler);
//Example Event Handlers
function onLoad_handler(data) { alert("sript file load successful"); }
function onError_handler(data) { alert(data.status + ": " + data.statusText); }
This function will intercept a single press of the device's hardware "back" button and fire the intel.xdk.device.hardware.back event instead.
This function will intercept a single press of the device’s hardware "back" button and fire the intel.xdk.device.hardware.back event instead. Call this function several times to intercept multiple device hardware button presses. This is used in applications that want to simulate flow through their app and have the device’s hardware back button be able to be used to navigate backwards through the flow.
This method is not available on all platforms.
- Google Android
document.addEventListener("intel.xdk.device.ready",function() {
//start grabbing the Android hardware back button
document.addEventListener("intel.xdk.device.hardware.back", function() {
//continue to grab the back button
document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerHTML +=
"Hardware back button pressed";
}, false);
Use this method to block remote pages, and also set up a white list of allowable remote pages.
Use this method to block remote pages from this application, while turning on the ability to intercept a remote page redirect.
This method requires two parameters, a boolean value that indicates whether to block remote pages or not, and a pipe ("|") delimited list of domains or domain:port pairs that are not to be blocked if the boolean value is "true".
Following a call to this method, it will fire the intel.xdk.device.remote.block event which includes a "success" property that is set to true or false and a "blocked" property which contains the URL which was blocked. The application can ignore this URL or use the device.showRemoteSite method to view it instead.
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
- shouldblock: This boolean value controls whether the application should block remote pages or not.
- whitelist: This parameter is a "|" delimited list of of domains and or domain:port combos that are NOT to be blocked if shouldblock=true.
- intel.xdk.device.remote.block: This event will fire once the command has made a round trip to the server. Its event object includes a "success" property that is set to true or false and an "blocked" property which contains the URL which was blocked.
//Set up a list of domains for which you allow remote pages
var whitelist = "www.cnn.com|www.intel.xdk.com:44|www.aol.com";
//Set up a list of domains for which you allow remote pages
var blockRemotePagesEvent=function(event)
alert("error: " + event.message);
alert(event.blocked + "ignored");
Call this command to force a remote site opened with showRemoteSite or showRemoteSiteExt to close.
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
- Microsoft Windows 8 - BETA
- Microsoft Windows Phone 8 - BETA
function onDeviceReady(){
} catch(e) {
console.log("oops "+e);
This function is used for making background POST/GET requests for remote data
intel.xdk.device.getRemoteData(url, requestMethod, requestBody,
successCallback, errorCallback)
This function is used for making background POST/GET requests. It is an alternative to the HTML XMLHttpRequest function.
The url parameter should hold the URL to request the XML data from. The requestMethod must be either "GET" or "POST". The requestBody is unused for a request with the "GET" method (just pass an empty string) and should hold the post data for a "POST" method request in a name=value format separated by ampersands. The successCallback should hold the name of a function with a single parameter holding the data returned from the success. The errorCallback should hold the name of a similar function with a single parameter holding the data returned from the error.
Any line breaks returned from a getRemoteData will be replaced with a string of "\n".
Please note that the callback properties are both strings with the names of the callback functions, not the functions themselves.
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
- Microsoft Windows 8 - BETA
- Microsoft Windows Phone 8 - BETA
- url: The URL of the page to access.
- requestMethod: The method to use for the page access. This parameter should be either "get" or "post".
- requestBody: The requestBody is unused for a request with the "GET" method (just pass an empty string) and should hold the post data for a "POST" method request in a name=value format separated by ampersands.
- successCallback: The successCallback should hold the name of a function with a single parameter holding the data returned from the success.
- errorCallback: The errorCallback should hold the name of a similar function with a single parameter holding the data returned from the error.
//GET method example
"http://twitter.com/statuses/public_timeline.xml", "GET","","success_handler","error_handler");
//POST method example
"http://twitter.com/statuses/public_timeline.xml", "POST",
"[email protected]&TEST=1&MAX=0",
"success_handler", "error_handler");
//Example Event Handlers
function success_handler (data) { alert("success: " + data); }
function error_handler(data) { alert("error: " + data); }
This function is used for making background POST/GET requests for remote data
This function is used for making background POST/GET requests of XML data. It is an alternative to the HTML XMLHttpRequest function.
The url parameter should hold the URL to request the XML data from. The requestMethod must be either "GET" or "POST". The id parameter should hold a unique ID that may be used to correlate the request to an event. The requestBody is unused for a request with the "GET" method (just pass an empty string) and should hold the post data for a "POST" method request in a name=value format separated by ampersands.
Any line breaks returned from a getRemoteDataExt call will be replaced with a string of "\n".
Following a call to this method, it will fire the intel.xdk.device.remote.data event that includes a a response element which contains the server response, and an extras element which contains the name/value pairs for each item in the headers object.
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
- Microsoft Windows 8 - BETA
- Microsoft Windows Phone 8 - BETA
- paramsObj: A parameters object.
The parameters object is created as
new intel.xdk.Device.RemoteDataParameters();
(Yes, that is "intel.xdk.Device" with an uppercase "D". Really.)
Its contents are:
Item Name | Description | Default |
url | The URL of the page to access | "" |
id | ID that correlates the request to the event | "" |
method | The method to use for the request. This parameter should be either "GET" or "POST" . |
"GET" |
body | post data for a POST method request in a name=value format separated by ampersands | "" |
headers | This parameter is not to be accessed directly, use addHeader | "" |
Be aware that capitilization for this particular object is "intel.xdk.Device".
- intel.xdk.device.remote.data: The event is fired when a response is received. It contains a response element which contains the server response, and an extras element which contains the name/value pairs for each item in the headers object.
//GET method example
var parameters = new intel.xdk.Device.RemoteDataParameters();
parameters.url = "http://twitter.com/statuses/public_timeline.xml";
parameters.id = '12345';
//POST method example
var status = "status=" + "It is good to be alive";
var parameters = new intel.xdk.Device.RemoteDataParameters();
parameters.url = "http://twitter.com/statuses/public_timeline.xml";
parameters.id = '12345';
parameters.method = 'POST';
parameters.body = status;
//To add headers call addHeader
//Example Event Handlers
var getRemoteDataEvent=function(event)
alert("error obtaining remote data");
alert("success: " + event.response);
This function is used for making background POST/GET requests for remote data
intel.xdk.device.getRemoteDataWithID(url, requestMethod, requestBody,
successCallback, errorCallback, uniqueIdentifier)
This function is used for making background POST/GET requests. It is an alternative to the HTML XMLHttpRequest function.
The url parameter should hold the URL to request the XML data from. The requestMethod must be either "GET" or "POST". The requestBody is unused for a request with the "GET" method (just pass an empty string) and should hold the post data for a "POST" method request in a name=value format separated by ampersands. The successCallback should hold the name of a function with a single parameter holding the data returned from the success. The errorCallback should hold the name of a similar function with a single parameter holding the data returned from the error.
Any line breaks returned from a getRemoteData will be replaced with a string of "\n".
Please note that the callback properties are both strings with the names of the callback functions, not the functions themselves.
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
- Microsoft Windows 8 - BETA
- Microsoft Windows Phone 8 - BETA
- url: The URL of the page to access.
- requestMethod: The method to use for the page access. This parameter
should be either
. - requestBody: The requestBody is unused for a request with the GET method (just pass an empty string) and should hold the post data for a POST method request in a name=value format separated by ampersands.
- successCallback: The successCallback should hold the name of a separately created function. That function should include two parameters. The first will hold the unique identifier passed in the original call. The second will hold the data returned from the successful call.
- errorCallback: The errorCallback should hold the name of a separately created function. That function should include two parameters. The first will hold the unique identifier passed in the original call. The second will hold the data returned from the error.
- uniqueIdentifier: A unique identifier that will be returned with the success or error callback function.
//GET method example
var uniqueID=12345;
//POST method example
"POST","[email protected]&TEST=1&MAX=0",
//Example Event Handlers
function success_handler (uniqueID, data) { alert("success: " + data); }
function error_handler(uniqueID, data) { alert("error: " + data); }
This method allows apps to write to the device clipboard
intel.xdk.device.copyToClipboard("code to copy");
Copies text to the device clipboard for allowing pasting into another application after the Intel app is closed.
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
- Microsoft Windows 8
- Microsoft Windows Phone 8
//copy to clipboard
intel.xdk.device.copyToClipboard("this is a test");
This method will hide the application splash screen earlier than it automatically does
This command is intended for use as the last function called in response to the intel.xdk.device.ready event. Typically, intel.xdk applications will display their splash screen until either the index.html document is completely loaded, or a 15-second limit has been reached. Call this method to force the automated application splash screen to disappear early.
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
- Microsoft Windows 8 - BETA
- Microsoft Windows Phone 8 - BETA
This method hides the device status bar
Triggering this method will hide the native device's status bar allowing the app to run in a full-screen window.
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
function onDeviceReadyHideStatus(evt)
This function will open a url in the device's native browser application.
This function will open an url in the device's native browser application. For example, on an iOS device, the URL will open in a Safari window.
It can also be used to launch device services (such as SMS, email, or twitter) using known protocol handlers.
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
- Microsoft Windows 8 - BETA
- Microsoft Windows Phone 8 - BETA
- url: The URL for the browser window to open.
//Open a URL example
// Email example
intel.xdk.device.launchExternal('mailto:[email protected]?subject=email%20Me&body=test%20test%20test');
// Twitter example
// SMS example
Call this command from within a new web view created by the showRemoteSite or showRemoteSiteExt command to execute JavaScript commands within the main web view.
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
- command: Any JavaScript that should be passed to and executed in the main web view of the application.
function onDeviceReady(){
} catch(e) {
console.log("oops "+e);
This method controls how the device behaves in certain power states.
This method controls how the device behaves in certain power states. It is passed two Boolean values. If shouldStayOn is false, normal power management for the device applies. If shouldStayOn is true and onlywhenPluggedIn is true, then the device will not go to sleep if the device is plugged in. If shouldStayOn is true and onlyWhenPluggedIn is false, then the device will never go to sleep.
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
- shouldStayOn: This boolean value sets whether normal power management for the device applies or not.
- onlyWhenPluggedIn: This boolean value is only used if shouldStayOn is set to true. If shouldStayOn is true and onlywhenPluggedIn is true, then the device will not go to sleep if the device is plugged in. If shouldStayOn is true and onlyWhenPluggedIn is false, then the device will never go to sleep.
This method will help control a device's hardware "back" button.
This method will remove the interception of a single press of the device's hardware "back" button. For example, the back button on the Android device platform. This method is not available on all platforms.
- Google Android
function stopCapturingBackButton() {
//stop grabbing the Android hardware back button
document.addEventListener("intel.xdk.device.ready",function() {
//start grabbing the Android hardware back button
document.addEventListener("intel.xdk.device.hardware.back", function() {
//continue to grab the back button
document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerHTML +=
"Hardware back button pressed";
}, false);
Run or install a native app on the device
intel.xdk.device.runInstallNativeApp(appName, protocolHandler, appLocationURL, bundleID);
Call this method to run a previously installed native app, or install and run the app if not already installed on the device.
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
- appName: The name of the application being loaded.
- protocolHandler: The protocol handler required for the application to run/install
- appLocation : The URL specifying the location of the application to run or install. This URL will be specific to the store from where the app is retrieved.
- bundleID : The full Android bundle ID for the desired store (this parameter can be left blank for iOS). Example: "com.companyname.projectname"
// iOS example
if (intel.xdk.device.platform=="iOS")
intel.xdk.device.runInstallNativeApp('Old Lady Puzzle',
// Android example
if (intel.xdk.device.platform=="Android")
intel.xdk.device.runInstallNativeApp('Boom Town', 'applab.boomtown://',
This method will open an email view to send an email without exiting the application
intel.xdk.device.sendEmail(bodyText, toString, subjectText, isHTML,
ccString, bccString);
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
- bodyText: This mandatory parameter includes the body of the email to send
- toString: Comma separated string of email addresses to send email to
- subjectText: Content of the email subject line
- isHTML: A boolean value indicating whether body is to be sent in HTML format or not
- ccString: Comma separated string of email addresses to be CCed
- bccString: Comma separated string of email addresses to be BCCed
var bodyText = 'I am having trouble with building my app';
intel.xdk.device.sendEmail(bodyText, "[email protected]",
"I Need Help", true, "", "" );
This method will send an SMS message
intel.xdk.device.sendSMS(bodyText, toNumber);
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
- bodyText: Content of the message body.
- toNumber: String containing number to send message.
var bodyText = 'I am at XYZ if you want to join me';
intel.xdk.device.sendSMS(bodyText, "7175551234");
This function will control whether the device should automatically handle rotation or not based on a boolean value.
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
- Microsoft Windows 8 - BETA
- Microsoft Windows Phone 8 - BETA
- shouldAutoRotate: This boolean value controls whether the device is allowed to automatically handle rotation or not.
This function will set header data required for basic authentication over the Internet.
This function will set header data required for basic authentication over the Internet. It requires the domain and realm of the server it will make the request to as well as the appropriate username and password credentials. This method is not available on all platforms.
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
- domain: The domain and realm of the server to make the request to.
- username: The appropriate username for the authentication request.
- password: The appropriate password for the authentication request.
intel.xdk.device.setBasicAuthentication('api.twitter.com', username, password);
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); // instantiate XMLHttpRequest
catch (err)
alert("Error initializing XMLHttpRequest.\n"+ err);
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function()
alert(xmlhttp.status + " " + xmlhttp.readyState);
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4)
if(xmlhttp.status == 200)
try { RequestResponse(url,true,xmlhttp.responseText); } catch(e) {}
xmlhttp.open('GET', url);
catch (err)
alert("XMLHttpRequest.open() failed.\n"+err.message + " \n URL : " + url);
This function will lock the orientation of the device to either "landscape" or "portrait" orientation.
This function will lock the orientation of the device to either "landscape" or "portrait" orientation. The orientation will be locked based on which specific string is passed to the function. Passing “portrait” will lock the application into portrait orientation and passing “landscape” will lock the application into landscape orientation. If the current orientation is not the specified orientation, the device will lock in the specified orientation only once the device is oriented in that position.
To unlock the orientation, set the orientation to an empty string.
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
- Microsoft Windows 8 - BETA
- Microsoft Windows Phone 8 - BETA
- orientation: A specific string. Either
to specify which orientation to use. Pass a string of"any"
to allow the application to rotate freely again.
//lock in "portrait" orientation
This function is used to show a remote web site in a different web view.
intel.xdk.device.showRemoteSite(url, closeImageX, closeImageY,
closeImageWidth, closeImageHeight)
This function is used to show a remote web site in a different web view. Touching the close image will shut down the web view and return the user to the normal application view.
The url parameter is for the new view’s target url. The image coordinates define the position, width, and height of the close image that the user may touch to close the web view. By default close image is set to 48x48 pixels and positioned in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
When the close button is touched, it fires an intel.xdk.device.remote.close event.
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
- Microsoft Windows 8 - BETA
- Microsoft Windows Phone 8 - BETA
- url: The URL for the web view to open.
- closeImageX: The position of the button to close the web view from the left edge in pixels.
- closeImageY: The position of the button to close the web view from the top edge in pixels.
- closeImageWidth: The width of the button to close the web view in pixels.
- closeImageHeight: The height of the button to close the web view in pixels.
- intel.xdk.device.remote.close : The event is fired once a user touches the close image and the new web view is closed down.
This method is available in appMobi Version 3.2.0
This function is used to show a remote web site in a different web view.
intel.xdk.device.showRemoteSiteExt(url, closeImagePortraitX,
closeImagePortraitY, closeImageLandscapeX, closeImageLandscapeY,
closeImageWidth, closeImageHeight)
This function is used to show a remote web site in a different web view. Touching the close image will shut down the web view and return the user to the normal application view.
The url parameter is for the new view’s target url. The image coordinates define the position, width, and height of the close image that the user may touch to close the web view. By default close image is set to 48x48 pixels and positioned in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
When the close button is touched, it fires an intel.xdk.device.remote.close event.
This method replaces the intel.xdk.device.showRemoteSite.
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
- Microsoft Windows 8 - BETA
- Microsoft Windows Phone 8 - BETA
- url: The URL for the web view to open.
- closeImagePortraitX: The position of the button to close the web view from the left edge in pixels when the device is in the portrait orientation.
- closeImagePortraitY: The position of the button to close the web view from the top edge in pixels when the device is in the portrait orientation.
- closeImageLandscapeX: The position of the button to close the web view from the left edge in pixels when the device is in the landscape orientation.
- closeImageLandscapeY: The position of the button to close the web view from the top edge in pixels when the device is in the landscape orientation.
- closeImageWidth: The width of the button to close the web view in pixels.
- closeImageHeight: The height of the button to close the web view in pixels.
- intel.xdk.device.remote.close : The event is fired once a user touches the close image and the new web view is closed down.
This function will query the device to determine its current connection to the internet.
This function will query the device to determine its current connection to the internet. When it is done it will fire an event intel.xdk.device.connection.update and the connection property of intel.xdk.device will be updated.
- Apple iOS
- Google Android
- Microsoft Windows 8 - BETA
- Microsoft Windows Phone 8 - BETA
- intel.xdk.device.connection.update: This event will fire after the updateConnection method is called to let the device know that the latest network connection state is up to date.
This property senses the best type of internet connection available
This property senses the best network connection type available and returns the result (either "wifi", "cell", or "none"). If the connection is still being negotiated by the device and the best network connection type is still being determined, this property will return the value "unknown". This property is updated only when the device.updateConnection command is called and the intel.xdk.device.connection.update event is triggered.
This property says whether caching has been enabled for this application
This property says whether caching has been enabled for this application. Functions under AppMobi.cache for mediacache will not be available if this is false.
This property indicates whether streaming has been enabled for this application
This property indicates whether streaming has been enabled for this application. Functions under intel.xdk.player for station and shoutcast will not be available if this is false.
This property returns the initial orientation of the device
This property returns the current orientation of the device. It will return one of the following values:
Orientation | Value |
Portrait | 0 |
Upside Down Portrait | 180 |
Landscape Right | 90 |
Landscape Left | -90 |
//detect the initial orientation of the device
if (intel.xdk.device.initialOrientation == "90" ||
intel.xdk.device.initialOrientation == "-90")
This property will hold information about the audio stream currently playing
This property will hold the NetStationID or ShoutcastURL of the station that is playing. Otherwise, this property only holds a null. This allows the user to know if their station is already playing at startup. This can happened if the UI is destroyed and the audio continues in the background and then the application is later brought back to the foreground.
This property returns the model of the device that the application is running on.
This property is defined by the manufacturer of the device. Consequently, this property varies by maker as well as by model. Some valid values include:
- iPad
- Motorola Droid
- iPhone 3G
- iPhone 4
- HTC Incredible
- Galaxy Tab
- Galaxy S
- Wave
This property returns the current orientation of the device
This property returns the current orientation of the device. It will return one of the following values:
Orientation | Value |
Portrait | 0 |
Upside Down Portrait | 180 |
Landscape Right | 90 |
Landscape Left | -90 |
//detect the current orientation of the device
if (intel.xdk.device.orientation == "90" ||
intel.xdk.device.orientation == "-90")
This property returns the device’s current operating system version information.
This property returns the version of phonegap running below the intel.xdk layer
The platform property returns a text string identifying the platform that the application is running on.
The platform property returns a text string identifying the platform that application is running on. Valid values include "iOS"and "Android".
This property returns any query string parameters passed along with a protocol handler call to start an application
This property returns any query string parameters passed along with a protocol handler call to start an application.
This event is fired in response to the intel.xdk.device.updateConnection command to indicate that the device's Internet connection has changed
This event is fired in response to the intel.xdk.device.updateConnection command. The connection parameter on the event object will contain one of the following values:
Values | Connection |
"wifi" | The device has an active wifi connection |
"cell" | The device has an active cellular data connection |
"none" | The device does not currently have a data connection |
var previousConnectionState = "";
if (previousConnectionState != intel.xdk.device.connection)
previousConnectionState = intel.xdk.device.connection;
setTimeout("intel.xdk.device.updateConnection();",2000); //after we get an update on the connection, check again 2 seconds later
This event is fired when the screen is unlocked
This event is triggered when the device is restarted following the screen being locked. The screen is locked when turns off due to power saving timeout or the user presses the power button.
This event is fired when the Android hardware back button is pressed following a call to intel.xdk.device.addVirtualPage
If the intel.xdk.device.addVirtualPage command has been called, and a virtual page is available to be trapped, pressing the hardware back button will fire this event rather than the default functionality of the back button. The hardware back button refers to the physical button on the device, and so it is obviously not available on all platforms (for example, the iPhone does not have a back button).
document.addEventListener("intel.xdk.device.ready",function() {
//start grabbing the Android hardware back button
document.addEventListener("intel.xdk.device.hardware.back", function() {
//continue to grab the back button
document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerHTML +=
"Hardware back button pressed
}, false);
This event will fire whenever the current orientation of the device changes
This event will fire whenever the current orientation of the device changes. The value is sent with the event and updated in intel.xdk.device.orientation. The orientation parameter on the event object will contain one of the following values:
Orientation | Value |
Portrait | 0 |
Upside Down Portrait | 180 |
Landscape Right | 90 |
Landscape Left | -90 |
This event is fired when the screen locks
This event is triggered when the screen turns off due to power saving timeout or the user presses the power button.
This event will fire once the Intel XDK JavaScript bridge library is completely loaded
This event will fire once the Intel XDK JavaScript bridge library is completey loaded. Be sure to allow this event to fire before attempting any Intel XDK JavaScript Bridge API commands. In order to load the Intel XDK JavaScript library, be sure to include the following JavaScript library in your HTML file.
//lock the application in portrait orientation
//hide splash screen
This event is fired once navigation to a web page from the main browser window is blocked by the blockRemotePages command
This event is fired upon completion of the blockRemotePages method. It includes a boolean success
property that indicates whether the request was blocked or not as well as a blocked
property which will contain the URL in the case that it is blocked. The application can ignore this URL or use the showRemoteSite method to view it instead.
if (evt.success == true)
This event will fire once a new webview opened by the intel.xdk.device.showRemoteSite command is closed
The intel.xdk.device.showRemoteSite command is used to create a brand new web view in an application. This event will fire this event once a user closes the new webview.
document.addEventListener("intel.xdk.device.remote.close", function(){
alert("Twitter Window Closed");
}, false);
This event is fired when a response is received from the remote server in response to the getRemoteDataExt command
This event is fired when a response is received from the remote server in
response to the getRemoteDataExt command. It contains a
element which contains the server response, and an extras
which contains the name/value pairs for each item in the headers object.
//GET method example
var parameters = new intel.xdk.Device.RemoteDataParameters();
parameters.url = "http://twitter.com/statuses/public_timeline.xml";
parameters.id = '12345';
//POST method example
var status = "status=" + "It is good to be alive";
var parameters = new intel.xdk.Device.RemoteDataParameters();
parameters.url = "http://twitter.com/statuses/public_timeline.xml";
parameters.id = '12345';
parameters.method = 'POST';
parameters.body = status;
//To add headers call addHeader
//Example Event Handlers
var getRemoteDataEvent=function(event)
alert("error obtaining remote data");
alert("success: " + event.response);
This event indicates that the user has switched back to using the application
If an application was minimized, but it never left memory, this event will fire in lieu of the intel.xdk.device.ready command.
//restart application sound
This event indicates that the user has task-switched away from the application
When an application is minimized, this event will be fired as soon as possible to alert the application that it is losing the user’s focus. When the application reloads, be aware that you might see an intel.xdk.device.resume rather than the typical intel.xdk.device.ready event.
//pause application sound