This is a JDBC proxy driver that provides connections to multiple databases according to reqular expressions without a need of a content switching. This is useful for databases with replicated data when it is needed to validate data among databases according to replication definitions (which are regular expressions). It can be use for switching sql queries to 2 and more databases.
If you want to use a stable version of the driver, please download source code from branch called stable.
- Java 1.7
- Maven - build application
- Apache commons lang3 (v. 3.4) library. This library must be on java classpath when using this driver. It should work for older versions as well, probably, but this is untested.
Use command in your command line "mvn package" in project root directory. To generate apidocs, use command "mvn javadoc:javadoc".
The class of the driver is:
The driver accepts url: jdbc:proxy:path/to/
To see how to configure properties and to see usage examples, visit usage.html
This project was created as a school (FIT ČVUT) work in cooperetion with Profinit s.r.o company. The project is licensed under Apache License 2.0. It is possible to see the whole text of the license in included file - license.txt or you can visit .
Author: Ondřej Marek, 2016