cd vizmarket
Current setup uses postgres in docker container. Rails server and webpack-dev-server run via overmind.
docker-compose up -d postgres; rm .overmind.sock; overmind s
# for development and test
EDITOR="code --wait" rails credentials:edit
# for production
EDITOR="code --wait" rails credentials:edit --environment production
# generate new secret_key_base string
rails secret
# using example in *.rb files
Rails.application.credentials.dig(Rails.env.to_sym, :omniauth, :facebook, :id)
# using example in *.yml files
url: <%= Rails.application.credentials.dig Rails.env.to_sym, :database, :url %>
cap production deploy
# or with deploy user password
DEPLOY_USER_PASSWORD=password cap production deploy
Error while capistrano deploying: TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined
Solution: find in SCSS files something like: theme('blue-50')
, and add 'colors.' to get that: theme('')
Inside Vue route there is routes for editing a product:
Back-office API for Vue.js: /publisher/api/products
Supports rails controller classic:
flash[:notice] = 'message'
flash[:alert] = 'message'
flash[:warning] = 'message'
flash[:error] = 'message'
And, custom Vue.js or Vanilla JS notification/toast:
It's avaliable everywhere, includes Vue and regular js code. FlashVM — is global Vue.js app.
- 101 — image preview in Image Input
- 102 — image preview in Image Input, .picture-inner
- 103 — image preview in Image Input, .loading-container, .status-container
- 200 — popup toasts/flashes
- 300 — popup main menu
- 1000 — modal window
- 10000 — Dropdown menu ul.vs__dropdown-menu