schematronReference is a reference for the Schematron ISO standard ISO/IEC 19757 - Document Schema Definition Languages (DSDL) - Part 3: Rule-based validation - Schematron. Its intention is to provide a valuable information resource for those interested in learning Schematron as well as a guide to work with in an everyday development practice.
Please download the latest built in your favorite file format to read the reference, or visit
Please help to translate the schematronReference in other languages:
- Create a copy of the DITA reference file you want to translate (for example "iso-schematron-title-element-en.dita" to translate the description of the <sch:title> element)
- Change the filename to {ORIGINAL FILENAME}-{COUNTY CODE OF YOUR TRANSLATION}.dita (for example to "iso-schematron-title-element-ru.dita", if you want to translate the original document into russian)
- Change the @xml:language attribute value at the reference element to your country code (for example <rence id="iso-schematron-title-element" xml:language="ru">&g; if you want to translate the original document into russian)
- Replace the existing text with your translation of this text
- When your translation is finished, open the type-chapter.ditamap, element-chapter.ditamap or attribute-chapter.ditamap document where the original document you have translated is referenced
- Insert a new <topicref> Element in this ditamap document after the <topicref> element of the original document you have translated
- Add the @href attribute on the new <reference> element and insert your documents name as the attribute value
- Commit your changes
- schematronReference > The repo root directory
- built > The built directory: All version of the schematronReference
- [schematronReference-{VERSION}.zip]+ > A Version of the schematronReference
- src > The source directory: Take a look and contribute to the workingdraft of the next schematronReference version
- dita > The working directory: contribute by helping to translate the reference in other languages
- schematronReferernce.ditamap > DITA Bookmap to reference the DITA map documents
- attribute-chapter.ditamap > DITA map to reference the DITA topic documents for the attribute descriptions
- element-chapter.ditamap > DITA map to reference the DITA topic documents for the element descriptions
- type-chapter.ditamap > DITA map to reference the DITA topic documents for the type descriptions
- [iso-schematron-{NAME}-{(attribute|element|type)}-{COUNTRY CODE}.dita]+
- schema > The schema sources for the reference
- relaxng > The folder of the schema for schematron as a Relax NG document * ISO-IEC-19757-3-schematron.rnc > The original schema for schematron as defined in Annex A of the ISO-IEC 19757-3 standard (WARNING: This document is NOT valid) * ISO-IEC-19757-3-schematron-fixed.rnc > The fixed version of the original schema for schematron.
- xsd > The folder of the schema for schematron as a W3C XML Schema document * schematron-base.xsd > Result of the Trang conversion of "ISO-IEC-19757-3-schematron-fixed.rnc" with resolved <xs:group> and <xs:attributeGroup> elements and with global definitions of all structures for easier annotation and transformation
- oxygen-documentation > The documentation sources for the reference created with the <oXygen/> XML Editor Version 15.0
- img > The image directory * [schematron-base_xsd_{(Simple_Type|Element)}sch{NAME}.jpeg]+ > diagramms of the contentmodels for a schematron structure
- schematron-base.html > The HTML index file of the oXygen documentation
- comp.html > Not very interesting file
- comp.html > Not very interesting file
- docHtml.css > Not very interesting file
- schematronReference-{VERSION}.zip > Download: The latest Version of the schematronReference published on