This is an app where you can listen to music online without advertise.
- Download Android Studio -> Download Dart -> Download Flutter.
- Get into pubspec.yaml and press "Pub get" on top right corner or open Terminal of Android Studio and type command "flutter pub get".
- Open Device Manager, create Virtual Device with default settings. When you're done, click Start button to start virtual mobile.
- Right click on '/lib/main.dart' and select "Run main.dart" to run the project.
There are 2 ways you can build your project to an .apk app:
- In the head navigation of Android Studio, click Build -> Flutter -> Build APK
- Or just open Terminal and type command "flutter build apk". When the app is built, the path to your .apk is "/build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk"
- Type "open ios/Runner.xcworkspace" to open file.
- In Xcode, select the project in the left sidebar and go to the "Signing & Capabilities" tab.
- Set your Team to an active Apple Developer account.
- Set the Bundle Identifier to a unique identifier.
- Set the Deployment Target to the desired iOS version.
- Type "flutter build ios" to build app.